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Dangerous Heat Wave Strikes China

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-13 10:12

        HONG KONG — As dozens of cities in eastern and southern China issued heat alerts on Tuesday, with some temperature forecasts exceeding 104 degrees over the next 24 hours, health workers conducted outdoor coronavirus tests with packets of frozen snacks strapped to their white hazmat suits. Roofs melted, roads cracked and some residents sought relief in underground air-raid shelters.        香港——周二,中国东部和南部的数十个城市发布高温警报,预测未来24小时一些地区的气温将超过40摄氏度,在户外进行核酸检测的医务工作者在白色防护服上绑雪糕。屋顶融化,道路开裂,一些民众在地下防空洞避暑。
        The heat wave is forecast to persist for at least two weeks.        预计热浪将持续至少两周。
        The scorching heat reflects a global trend of increasingly frequent episodes of extreme weather driven by climate change. In June, weeks of heat waves plagued northern China, at the same time that floods displaced millions of people in the central and southwestern parts of the country.        酷热反映出气候变化导致的极端天气事件日益频繁的全球趋势。6月,持续数周的热浪肆虐中国北方,与此同时,洪水使中国中部和西南部的数百万人流离失所。
        A museum in Chongqing displaying imperial relics from the Palace Museum closed for repairs after sections of its tiled roof melted, according to a notice on Monday. In a town in southern Jiangxi Province, state TV showed a heat-damaged section of a road arched up at least six inches, according to the Reuters news service.        根据一份周一发布的通知,重庆故宫文物南迁纪念馆因瓦顶融化而闭馆维修。据路透社援引国家电视台的报道,在江西南部的一个城镇,有道路因高温受损,路面拱起至少15厘米。
        Residents of the city of Nanjing rested on socially distant chairs in underground shelters that have been open to the public since Sunday. At the Chengdu Zoo and the Shanghai Zoo, animals were given slices of watermelon and bite-size ice treats.        在南京的地下防空洞,民众坐在按社交距离要求摆放的椅子上休息,这些防空洞自周日起对公众开放。在成都动物园和上海动物园,动物们吃起了西瓜和冰块来降温。
        The unrelenting heat also coincides with rounds of mandatory P.C.R. testing across the country, including in Shanghai, as the authorities there seek to curb the rapid spread of the Omicron variant and its subvariants.        严酷高温天气下,全国各地包括上海正在进行数轮强制性的核酸检测,地方当局试图遏制奥密克戎变异株及其子变异体的迅速传播。
        Health workers, stuck in full protective gear for long hours, resorted to creative ways to keep cool.        长时间穿着全套防护装备的卫生工作者采取了各种富有创意的方法来保持凉爽。
        A photograph posted on social media showed health workers from the Suixi County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine tying frozen desserts to the hoods of their hazmat suits as residents lined up for coronavirus tests. A video showed a Shanghai health care worker releasing pools of sweat that had collected in the suit’s foot covering.        社交媒体上发布的一张照片显示,濉溪县中医院的医务工作者在居民排队做核酸时,将冷冻雪糕贴在防护服的兜帽上。一段视频显示,上海的一名医护人员正在倒掉防护服脚套中的汗水。
        Another video showed a health worker in Henan succumbing to heat stroke, panting on the ground as his colleagues fanned him with packaging from test kits.        另一段视频显示,河南的一名医务工作者中暑,躺在地上呼吸困难,他的同事在用核酸检测的包装给他扇风。
        Mortality related to excess heat has risen in China by a factor of four between 1990 and 2019, reaching 26,800 deaths in 2019 according to a study published by The Lancet in 2020. The rising temperatures have also increased the risks of wildfires and encouraged the spread of dengue fever in the country, the study said.        根据《柳叶刀》2020年发表的一项研究,在1990年至2019年间,中国与过热相关的死亡率上升了四倍,2019年死亡人数达到2.68万人。该研究表示,气温上升也增加了山火的风险,助长了登革热在该国的蔓延。

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