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North Korea Suggests ‘Alien Things’ From the South Brought Covid

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-04 11:58

        SEOUL — North Korea suggested on Friday that the coronavirus had entered the country on foreign objects from South Korea, saying that its first reported outbreak had begun in villages near the countries’ border after people there touched “alien things.”        首尔——朝鲜周五表示,新冠病毒是通过来自韩国的物品进入该国的,并称该国首次报告的疫情始于两国边境附近的村庄,是在有人接触了“异己物品”后开始的。
        North Korea did not directly blame the outbreak on the South. But its State Emergency Epidemic Prevention Headquarters warned its people to “vigilantly deal with alien things” brought across the border by “balloons,” wind or “other climate phenomena.”        朝鲜并没有直接将疫情归咎于韩国。但其国家紧急防疫司令部警告人民在处置“气球”、风或“其他气候现象”带入边境的外来物品时要“提高警惕”。
        For years, activists in South Korea, mostly defectors from the North, have sent balloons across the border loaded with leaflets denouncing the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, as well as dollar bills, miniature Bibles and USB drives containing news from the outside world. North Korea, which tightly controls access to information, has bristled at these campaigns and even tried to shoot balloons down.        多年来,在韩国的活动人士——主要是朝鲜的脱北者——将装满谴责朝鲜领导人金正恩的传单,以及美元钞票、袖珍版圣经和内含外界新闻的USB闪存盘的气球送到边境另一侧。朝鲜严格控制人们的知情权,对这些宣传感到愤怒,甚至试图击落气球。
        South Korea’s previous government outlawed the launches last year, on the grounds that they provoked the North.        韩国上届政府去年宣布,放这种气球是非法行为,理由是这样做激怒了朝鲜。
        On Friday, South Korea said it was impossible for the balloon launches to have brought Covid-19 into the North, saying it had consulted disease-control experts on the question. Activists who have sent balloons across the heavily armed border, known as the Demilitarized Zone, accused the North of shifting the blame for its outbreak to the South, and of trying to frighten its people into avoiding the leaflets.        周五,韩国表示,气球不可能将新冠带入朝鲜,并表示已就此问题咨询了疾控专家。将气球送过“非军事区”(也就是重兵把守的边境地区)的活动人士指责朝鲜将疫情的责任推给韩国,并试图吓唬朝鲜人民不要碰传单。
        “It’s typical North Korean propaganda, attempting to turn its problem over its Covid outbreak into fear and hatred of South Korea,” said one such activist, Lee Min-bok, a North Korean defector. “Its regime fears outside news spreading among its people more than anything else.”        “这是典型的朝鲜宣传,试图将其疫情暴发问题转变为对韩国的恐惧和仇恨,”一名放气球的活动人士、脱北者李敏福(Lee Min-bok,音)说。“朝鲜政权最害怕的就是外部消息在人民中传播。”
        After two years of claiming to have no Covid cases, North Korea declared a “maximum emergency” on May 12, saying that an outbreak had begun in late April and locking down all of its cities and counties. So far, it has reported 4.7 million cases of people developing Covid-like symptoms, such as a high fever. North Korea said on June 15 that 73 people had died of the disease, but it has since provided no update on fatalities.        在声称无新冠病例两年后,朝鲜于5月12日宣布进入“最大紧急体制”,称疫情已于4月下旬开始,并封锁了所有市县。到目前为止,它已经报告了470万例出现类似新冠症状者,例如高烧。朝鲜在6月15日表示,已有73人死于这种疾病,但此后不再提供死亡人数的更新。
        Outside experts consider the North’s data untrustworthy, in part because the country ​does not have enough testing kits and laboratories to accurately track a major outbreak. In recent weeks, ​it has claimed to have the virus under control; it said its daily count of suspected new infections had dropped to 4,570 on Friday, from a high of 390,000 in mid-May.        外部专家认为朝鲜的数据不可信,部分原因是该国没有足够的检测试剂盒和实验室来准确追踪重大疫情。最近几周,朝鲜声称已经控制住了病毒,表示每日疑似病例在周五已下降至4570例,该数字在5月中旬曾高达39万。
        The North said on Friday that it had conducted an investigation to trace the source of the outbreak, concluding that it had started in Ipho-ri, a southeastern district near the border. A soldier and a 5-year-old child there tested positive for Covid-19 after making contact with “alien things” in early April, according to the North’s official Korean Central News Agency.        朝鲜周五表示,已对疫情源头进行了调查,得出的结论是,疫情始于东南部边境的伊布里地区。据朝鲜官方媒体朝中社报道,4月初,一名士兵和一名五岁儿童在与“异己物品”接触后检测出新冠阳性。
        The virus later spread across the country, with several symptomatic people from Ipho-ri arriving in Pyongyang in mid-April, ​the agency said. The government urged North Koreans to “instantly” report objects crossing the border and said pandemic control workers should “strictly remove those things.”        朝中社表示,4月中旬伊布里几名出现了症状的人前往平壤,该病毒后来在全国传播。政府敦促朝鲜人“立即”报告进入边境的物品,并表示防疫工作人员应“严格处理这些物品”。
        When the North first reported its outbreak, South Korean officials speculated that the virus might have come in across the country’s border with China, which is longer and less tightly guarded than the Demilitarized Zone.        当朝鲜首次报告疫情时,韩国官员推测该病毒可能是通过朝中边界进入的,那里的边境更长,防卫也没有非军事区严格。
        But “North Korea’s announcement may be enough to make its people suspect that the Covid-19 virus spread through the leaflets, dollar bills and other goods North Korean defectors in the South sent to the North by balloons,” said Cheong Seong-chang, director of the Center for North Korean Studies at the Sejong Institute in South Korea.        但“朝鲜的声明可能足以让民众相信,新冠病毒是脱北者通过气球运往朝鲜的传单、美元钞票和其他制品传播的”,韩国世宗研究院北韩研究中心主任郑相昌说。
        The announcement could also be a sign that the North will soon crack down on soldiers and residents near the border who collect the leaflets, Mr. Cheong said.        郑相昌说,这一声明也可能是一个迹象,表明朝鲜很快就要开始打击边境附近收集传单的士兵和居民。
        Park Sang-hak, a North Korean defector living in South Korea, claimed to have sent a million leaflets across the border by balloon in April alone. Last month, he said, he sent balloons loaded with medical-style masks, vitamins and fever-reducing pills to help North Koreans fight Covid.        居住在韩国的脱北者朴尚学声称,仅在4月,他就通过气球向边境另一侧发去了100万份传单。他说,上个月,他送出了装有医用口罩、维生素和退烧药的气球,帮助朝鲜人抗击新冠病毒。
        He certainly did not send the coronavirus, Mr. Park said.        朴尚学说,他肯定没有把新冠病毒送过去。
        “I am not crazy enough to think of ​spreading the virus to our fellow Korean people in the North,” ​he ​said. “But I would not mind sending the virus to ​Kim Jong-un, if I can.”        “我还没有疯到想把病毒传播给我们在朝鲜的同胞,”他说。“但如果可以的话,我不介意将病毒送给金正恩。”

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