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The 20-Somethings Who Help the 70-Somethings Run Washington

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-04 03:48

        WASHINGTON — When an alarmed Representative Kevin McCarthy, the minority leader, called the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, demanding to know why the president of the United States had suggested he was coming to the Capitol while Congress met to certify his election defeat, the person on the other end of the line had just turned 25 years old.        华盛顿——2021年1月6日,惊慌失措的众议院少数党领袖凯文·麦卡锡致电白宫,要求了解美国总统为何在国会认证其败选时声称要前往国会大厦。电话那头的人刚满25岁。
        “I said, ‘I’ll run the traps on this,’” Cassidy Hutchinson, now 26, testified this week before the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack, recalling what she had told Mr. McCarthy, Republican of California. “I can assure you, we’re not coming to the Capitol.”        “我说,‘我会去确认一下,’”现年26岁的卡西迪·哈钦森本周在调查1月6日袭击事件的众议院特别委员会作证,回忆她当时对这位加州共和党人说的话。“我可以向你保证,我们不会来国会大厦。”
        Ms. Hutchinson’s two hours of testimony provided a riveting account of President Donald J. Trump’s mind-set and actions the day of the mob attack and situated the young aide — an assistant by title, but a gatekeeper in practice — at the very center of some of the most sensitive conversations and events of that day.        哈钦森的这段两小时的作证,为唐纳德·J·特朗普总统在暴徒袭击当天的心态和行动提供了引人入胜的描述,并将这位年轻的助手——她的职位是助理,实际工作是看门人——置于那天最敏感的对话和事件的中心。
        It also pulled back the curtain on a little-acknowledged truth about how Washington works: The capital’s power centers may be helmed largely by the geriatric set, but they are fueled by recent college graduates, often with little to no previous job experience beyond an internship. And while many of those young players rank low on the official food chain, their proximity to the pinnacle of power gives them disproportionate influence, and a front-row seat to critical moments that can define the country.        这些证词还让我们了解到关于华盛顿运作的一个鲜为人知的真相:首都的权力中心也许主要由一群老年人掌舵,但驱动运转的是大学毕业没多久的年轻人,他们过去通常除了实习之外几乎没有工作经验。这些年轻的参与者中有许多处于官员食物链的底层,但他们与权力的顶峰近距离接触,这给了他们不成比例的影响力,可以坐在前排见证可能决定国家命运的关键时刻。
        Sometimes, the interns themselves appear to be running the show.        有时,似乎是实习生在主持大局。
        After the House investigative committee accused Senator Ron Johnson, Republican of Wisconsin, of attempting to hand-deliver to Vice President Mike Pence a slate of false electoral votes for Mr. Trump, Mr. Johnson, 67, blamed the incident on a young underling. He claimed that an unidentified “House intern” had instructed his staff to give the list of fake electors to Mr. Pence.        众议院调查委员会指责威斯康星州共和党参议员罗恩·约翰逊试图亲手向副总统迈克·彭斯递交特朗普的虚假选举人票后,67岁的约翰逊将此事件归咎于一名年轻的下属。他声称,一名身份不明的“众议院实习生”指示他的工作人员将一份假选举人名单提供给彭斯。
        Other former Trump aides who have appeared in video testimony during the Jan. 6 hearings include Nick Luna, now 35, Mr. Trump’s former body man; Sarah Matthews, now 27, a former deputy White House press secretary; and Ben Williamson, now 29, like Ms. Hutchinson a former aide to Mark Meadows, the final Trump White House chief of staff.        在1月6日听证会上出现在视频证词中的其他前特朗普助手包括现年35岁的尼克·卢纳,特朗普的前保镖;27岁的萨拉·马修斯,曾任白宫副新闻秘书;以及29岁的本·威廉姆森,他和哈钦森一样,曾是特朗普最后一位白宫幕僚长马克·梅多斯的助手。
        The committee has also featured some of its own young-looking investigators in videos laying out its work.        在展示委员会工作的视频中还有一些看起来很年轻的调查员。
        The relative youth of critical players wielding sway in the government is not a new phenomenon.        在政府中大展拳脚的关键人物相对年轻,这并不是一个新现象。
        Lawrence Higby, who served as a top aide to H.R. Haldeman, President Richard M. Nixon’s chief of staff, was 25 years old when he testified as a key witness during the Watergate hearings.        劳伦斯·希格比曾担任理查德·M·尼克松总统的幕僚长H·R·霍尔德曼的高级助手,他作为关键证人出席水门事件听证会时只有25岁。
        President Lyndon B. Johnson’s final chief of staff, James R. Jones, was 28 years old when he was appointed to the top job in the White House.        林登·约翰逊总统的最后一位幕僚长詹姆斯·R·琼斯在获得白宫最高职位时只有28岁。
        In an interview, Mr. Jones said he was able to rise so high so quickly by following the advice he had received from his boss, W. Marvin Watson, when he joined the White House staff at the ripe old age of 25.        琼斯在接受采访时说,他在25岁时成为白宫工作人员,能够如此迅速地晋升高位是因为听从了他的上级W·马文·沃森的建议。
        “What I was doing was passing his notes to the president, and he said, ‘You’ll be noticed at the right time. Just do your work now and stay out of the president’s view.’”        “我当时的工作是将他的话传给总统,他说,‘你会在适当的时候被注意到。现在你只需要做你的工作,远离总统的视线。’”
        Mr. Jones added, “You just had to be at the right place at the right time. I played very low key, I tried to give the credit of successes to others, I didn’t talk to reporters — that’s how I think I made it. I probably would have made a number of key decisions differently with more years on me.”        琼斯还说:“你只需要在正确的时间出现在正确的地点。我很低调,我试图把功劳归于别人,我没有和记者交谈——我认为这就是我成功的方式。如果有更多的经历,在一些关键决策上我可能会有不同的选择。”
        For the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 assault, relying on junior aides like Ms. Hutchinson — who held internships with Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana and then at the White House before joining Mr. Trump’s staff — has been a crucial part of its strategy. With many of Mr. Trump’s senior advisers refusing to cooperate, investigators moved down the organizational chart and quietly turned to at least half a dozen lower-level former staff members who provided critical information about their bosses’ activities.        哈钦森曾是德克萨斯州参议员特德·克鲁兹和路易斯安那州众议员史蒂夫·斯卡利斯的实习生,然后进入白宫,进而成为特朗普的幕僚。对于调查1月6日袭击事件的众议院特别委员会来说,依靠哈钦森这样的初级助手已经成为其策略的重要组成部分。由于特朗普的许多高级顾问拒绝合作,调查人员将目光移到组织机构图底部,悄悄转向至少六名低级别前幕僚,他们提供了有关其上级活动的关键信息。
        “We are definitely taking advantage of the fact that most senior-level people in Washington depend on a lot of young associates and subordinates to get anything done,” Representative Jamie Raskin, Democrat of Maryland, told Politico last month, claiming that the young people “still have their ethics intact.”        “华盛顿的大多数高层要完成任何工作都要依赖许多年轻的同事和下属,我们当然在是利用这一事实,”马里兰州民主党众议员杰米·拉斯金上个月对《政治人》(Politico)说,他说这些年轻人“还有道德准则可言”。
        Representative Liz Cheney, Republican of Wyoming and the vice chairwoman of the committee, compared Ms. Hutchinson favorably to the more seasoned officials who have stonewalled the panel.        怀俄明州共和党众议员、委员会副主席利兹·切尼认为,和那些阻碍调查的老练官员比起来,哈钦森为人更好一些。
        “Her superiors — men many years older — a number of them are hiding behind executive privilege, anonymity and intimidation,” Ms. Cheney said in a speech this week. (Her father, the former vice president Dick Cheney, became deputy chief of staff in President Gerald R. Ford’s White House at the age of 33.)        “她的那些上司——比她大很多岁的男性——许多都躲在行政特权、匿名和恐吓背后,”切尼本周在一次演讲中说。(她的父亲、前副总统迪克·切尼在33岁时成为杰拉尔德·R·福特总统的白宫副幕僚长。)
        John Podesta, a former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and a former senior adviser to President Barack Obama, said it has always been the case that in the White House, “there are a lot of people in their late 20s and early 30s” coming from campaigns or from Capitol Hill for jobs with considerable responsibilities.        曾任克林顿总统的幕僚长和奥巴马总统的高级顾问的约翰·波德斯塔说,在白宫,“一直有很多二十八九岁或三十出头的人,”来自竞选团队或国会山,从事责任重大的工作。
        “They’re expected to perform with fealty to the institution and the Constitution,” Mr. Podesta said. “In this case, it seems like the younger people did a better job than the older people on that front.”        “人们希望他们在履行职责时忠于体制和宪法,”波德斯塔说。“在眼下这件事上,似乎年轻人这方面比年长的做得更好。”
        They also have longer careers ahead of them, perhaps making them less willing to tie themselves forever to Mr. Trump’s efforts to overturn the election.        而他们的职业生涯还有更长的路要走,这或许会让他们不太愿意永远与特朗普颠覆选举的努力联系在一起。
        For ambitious young people, government jobs in Washington have long offered a jet-fueled rise to power that the private sector, however lucrative, can’t compete with.        对于有野心的年轻人来说,长期以来,华盛顿的政府工作提供了一种加速的的权力上升通道,私营部门无论多么有利可图,都无法与之竞争。
        “You can get a better job as a 24-year-old in Washington in government than you can in a big company,” said Steve Elmendorf, a well-connected Washington lobbyist who early in his career worked as a senior adviser to Representative Richard Gephardt, the Democratic leader. “The West Wing is physically so small, the person who is the 24-year-old is sitting right on top of the principals. Young people end up getting a lot of responsibility, because the principals are so busy and so hard to get to.”        “一个24岁的年轻人可以在华盛顿的政府中找到一份比在大公司更好的工作,”人脉广泛的华盛顿说客史蒂夫·埃尔门多夫说,他在职业生涯早期曾担任众议院民主党领袖理查德·格普哈特的高级顾问。“白宫西翼地方非常小,一个24岁的人坐的位置直接就在大人物的上面。最终是年轻人承担了很多责任,因为大人物们太忙了,很难接触到他们。”
        That makes the assistants into gatekeepers who become players in their own right.        就这样,这些助理们变成了看门人,最终又凭借自己的能力成了操盘者。
        “If you can’t figure out how to get Ron Klain on the phone,” he said, referring to President Biden’s chief of staff, “figure out the three people who sit outside his office.”        “如果你打电话找不到罗恩·克莱恩,”埃尔门多夫说,他是指拜登总统的幕僚长,“那就去找坐在他办公室外面的三个人。”
        Adding to the post-collegiate feel of Capitol Hill and the West Wing is the issue of who can afford to work in government, and for how long.        谁能负担得起在政府部门工作,这份工作能做多久?这个问题令国会大厦和白宫西翼那种大学毕业后的感觉更加强烈了。
        The average age of a House staffer is 31, according to the Sunlight Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to transparency in government, which noted in a report that the wage gap between the private and public sector “may encourage staff to seek greener pastures while depriving Congress of experience and expertise.”        致力于政府透明度的非营利组织阳光基金会的数据显示,众议院工作人员的平均年龄为31岁,该基金会在一份报告中指出,私营部门和公共部门之间的工资差距“可能会鼓励工作人员寻求报酬更丰厚的地方,同时令国会失去经验和专业知识”。
        A chief of staff on average would earn 40 percent more in the private sector than on Capitol Hill, according to the report, and “ex-staffers who become lobbyists can increase their earnings by many multiples.”        根据该报告,一个幕僚长如果进入私营部门工作,其平均收入要比在国会多40%,而“前幕僚转行作说客,收入可以增加很多倍”。
        During her time in the Trump administration, Ms. Hutchinson, whose title was special assistant to the president for legislative affairs, earned $72,700, according to White House records. The most senior officials earned up to $180,000.        根据白宫记录,在特朗普政府任职期间,哈钦森的头衔是总统立法事务特别助理,她的收入为7.27万美元。最高级别官员的收入可达18万美元。
        Still, she was there in the West Wing to witness the ketchup-dripping aftermath when Mr. Trump is said to have thrown his lunch against the wall in a rage that William P. Barr, the attorney general, had said publicly that there had been no widespread fraud in the 2020 election.        不过,她还是在白宫西翼见证了番茄酱滴落的后果——当时,时任司法部长威廉·巴尔公开表示2020年的选举中没有出现大范围欺诈行为,据说特朗普对此非常愤怒,把午餐扔到了墙上。
        It was Ms. Hutchinson to whom the White House counsel, Pat A. Cipollone, turned with a dire warning about what would happen if Mr. Trump followed through with his plan to follow his supporters to the Capitol on Jan. 6. “We’re going to get charged with every crime imaginable,” Ms. Hutchinson said Mr. Cipollone told her.        白宫法律顾问帕特·希波隆向哈钦森发出了一个可怕的警告——如果特朗普按照他的计划行事,在1月6日随支持者一同前往国会,会发生什么样的事情。哈钦森说,希波隆告诉她,“我们会被指控犯下所有能想到的罪行。”
        And Mr. Meadows, who was said to have brought Ms. Hutchinson to virtually every meeting he attended, and Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, addressed her familiarly as “Cass” as they spoke freely to her about what they were anticipating on Jan. 6.        而且,据说梅多斯在几乎所有会议都会带着哈钦森,特朗普的私人律师鲁道夫·朱利安尼和她畅谈对1月6日的预期时,总是亲切地称她为“卡斯”。
        As she leaned against the doorway to his office a few days before, she testified, Mr. Meadows confided to Ms. Hutchinson, “Things might get real, real bad on Jan. 6.”        哈钦森作证说,1月6日的几天前,她靠在梅多斯的办公室门口,后者向她透露,“到1月6日,事情可能会变得非常、非常糟糕。”

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