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New Insights Into Trump’s State of Mind on Jan. 6 Chip Away at Doubts

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-06 01:46

        WASHINGTON — He was not speaking metaphorically. It was not an offhand comment. President Donald J. Trump had every intention of joining a mob of supporters he knew to be armed and dangerous as it marched to the Capitol. And there had even been talk of marching into the House chamber himself to disrupt Congress from ratifying his election defeat.        华盛顿——他不是在打比方。也不是随口一说。就在一群支持者向国会大厦进发时,特朗普总统确实打算加入他们,尽管他知道他们是一群携带着武器的危险分子。甚至有传言说,他要亲自前往众议院,阻止国会认证他的败选。
        For a year and a half, Mr. Trump has been shielded by obfuscations and mischaracterizations, benefiting from uncertainty about what he was thinking on Jan. 6, 2021. If he truly believed the election had been stolen, if he genuinely expected the gathering at the Capitol would be a peaceful protest, the argument went, then could he be held accountable, much less indicted, for the mayhem that ensued?        在一年半的时间里,特朗普一直受到模糊和错误描述的掩护,同时,围绕他在2021年1月6日当天究竟在想什么有着不确定性,这也帮了他。如果他真的相信那次选举本来是自己赢了,如果他真的认为,国会大厦的集会如他们所宣称是一次和平抗议,那么他需要为随后发生的骚乱负责,甚至遭到起诉吗?
        But for a man who famously avoids leaving emails or other trails of evidence of his unspoken motives, any doubts about what was really going through Mr. Trump’s mind on that day of violence seemed to have been eviscerated by testimony presented in recent weeks by the House committee investigating the Capitol attack — especially the dramatic appearance last week of a 26-year-old former White House aide who offered a chilling portrait of a president willing to do almost anything to hang onto power.        但是,对于一个出了名的不愿意留下电子邮件和其他证据,以此隐藏自己内心动机的人来说,对特朗普在那一天暴力事件中真实想法的任何不确定,看来都已被众议院调查国会大厦袭击事件委员会最近几周得到的证词所粉碎——特别是上周一位26岁的前白宫助理戏剧性亮相,描绘了一个令人不寒而栗的画面:为了保住权力,这个总统几乎什么事情都愿意干。
        More than perhaps any insider account that has emerged, the recollections of the aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, demolished the fiction of a president who had nothing to do with what happened. Each revelation was stunning on its own: Mr. Trump knew that weapons were in the crowd as he exhorted supporters to “fight like hell,” and even tried to stop anyone from disarming them. He was so determined to join the mob at the Capitol that he lashed out at his Secret Service detail for refusing to take him. And he was so nonchalant about the bedlam he had unleashed that he suggested Vice President Mike Pence might deserve to be executed for refusing to overturn the election.        这位名叫卡西迪·哈钦森的助手所做的回忆可能比已经曝光的任何内幕报道都更能粉碎总统与发生的事情无关的不实之辞。每一则爆料都是猛料:特朗普在怂恿支持者“玩命抗争”时知道有人持有武器,他甚至试图阻止别人去解除他们的武装。他铁了心要加入国会大厦的暴徒,以至于在特勤人员拒绝带他去之后大发雷霆。他对自己引发的混乱无动于衷,甚至暗示如果副总统彭斯因拒绝推翻选举结果被处决,那是罪有应得。
        But when added together, the various disclosures have produced the clearest picture yet of an unprecedented attempt to subvert the traditional American democratic process, with a sitting president who had lost at the ballot box planning to march with an armed crowd to the Capitol to block the transfer of power, brushing aside manifold concerns about the potential for violence along the way.        但是,把各种信息加在一起,就得到了迄今为止最清晰的画面,显示出一个史无前例的颠覆美国传统民主进程的企图,一位在投票中落选的在任总统计划与武装人群一起游行到国会大厦,阻止权力移交,完全不顾这个过程中可能发生暴力的担忧。
        “The innocent explanations for Trump’s conduct seem virtually impossible to credit following the testimony we have seen,” said Joshua Matz, who served as a lawyer for House Democrats during both of Mr. Trump’s impeachment trials in the Senate. “At the very least, they powerfully shift the burden to Trump and his defenders to offer evidence that he did not act with a corrupt, criminal state of mind.”        “根据我们看到的证词,很难再去相信特朗普的行为是清白无辜的了,”在参议院的两次特朗普弹劾审判中担任众议院民主党律师的约书亚·马茨说。“至少,它们有力地将举证责任转移到了特朗普和他的辩护者身上,他们需要证明他没有带着腐败和犯罪的心态行事。”
        And so nearly two and a half centuries after the 13 American colonies declared independence from an unelected king, the nation is left weighing a somber new view of the fragility of its democracy — and the question of what, if anything, could and should be done about it.        因此,在13个美国殖民地宣布从一个非民选国王手中独立将近两个半世纪之后,这个国家不得不重新冷静地审视其民主制度的脆弱性,以及如果能够的话,我们可以和应该为此做些什么。
        To the extent that there may be a turning point in that debate, Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony proved decisive for some who had been willing to give Mr. Trump the benefit of the doubt or had been uncertain that the committee had gathered enough evidence about the former president’s state of mind.        如果这场辩论出现任何转折点的话,那就是对于一些曾经愿意把特朗普往好的方面想的人,或者无法确定委员会是否已经就前总统的心态收集足够证据的人来说,哈钦森的证词发挥了决定性的作用。
        Solomon L. Wisenberg, a former deputy independent counsel under Ken Starr, called her account “the smoking gun” making a case “for his criminal culpability on seditious conspiracy charges.” Mick Mulvaney, who served as Mr. Trump’s third White House chief of staff, said he had been defending him, but learning that Mr. Trump knew some in the crowd were armed and still encouraged it to go to the Capitol “certainly changes my mind,” he told Fox News.        曾在肯·斯塔尔手下任独立律师的所罗门·L·威森伯格称,她的证词是论证“他对煽动阴谋指控负有刑事责任”的“决定性证据”。担任特朗普第三任白宫幕僚长的米克·马尔瓦尼说,他一直在为他辩护,但他告诉福克斯新闻,得知特朗普知道人群中有人携带武器却仍然鼓励他们去国会大厦“无疑让我改变了看法”。
        David French, a conservative critic of Mr. Trump, had been skeptical the committee would produce sufficient evidence. “But Hutchinson’s sworn testimony closes a gap in the criminal case against Trump,” he wrote on The Dispatch, a conservative website. Two law professors, Alan Z. Rozenshtein of the University of Minnesota and Jed Handelsman Shugerman of Fordham University, likewise opposed prosecution until seeing Ms. Hutchinson, writing on the Lawfare blog that she changed their minds because she provided “proof of intent.”        特朗普的保守派批评者戴维·弗伦奇一直怀疑该委员会能否提供足够的证据。“但哈钦森的宣誓证词填补了对特朗普发起刑事指控的一个缺陷,”他在保守派网站The Dispatch上写道。两位法学教授——明尼苏达大学的阿兰·Z·罗岑施泰因和福坦莫大学的杰德·汉德尔斯曼·舒格曼——在看到哈钦森作证前同样反对起诉,他们在Lawfare博客上写道,她改变了他们的想法,因为她提供了“意图证明”。
        The hearings, which will continue after Congress returns on July 11 from its holiday recess, have presented only the prosecution’s side of the story. With Mr. Trump’s acquiescence, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the House Republican leader, opted against appointing anyone to the select committee after Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected a couple of his original selections, leaving the panel composed entirely of Democrats and two Republicans deeply critical of the former president.        听证会只介绍了控方的说法,并将在国会于7月11日假期休会结束后继续举行。在特朗普的默认下,众议院共和党领袖、加利福尼亚州众议员凯文·麦卡锡在议长南希·佩洛西拒绝了他最初的几个人选后,选择不任命任何人进入特别委员会,使得该小组完全由民主党人和两名对前总统持严厉批判态度的共和党人组成。
        Neither Ms. Hutchinson nor any of the other witnesses who have testified have been cross-examined. Their testimony has often been presented in short edited clips rather than in their entirety, and no contrary testimony has been offered publicly. In a courtroom, if it ever came to that, the case against Mr. Trump would be tested as it has not been so far.        哈钦森和任何其他作证的证人都没有接受交叉质证。他们的证词经常以片段而不是完整录像的形式呈现,并且没有公布相反的证词。如果此事最终能对簿公堂,指控特朗普的论证在法庭上将受到检验,但到目前为止还没有。
        “The committee’s presentation has been a purely political exercise, deceptively edited,” said Jason Miller, who served as a political adviser to Mr. Trump during and after the election.        “委员会的陈述纯粹是一场断章取义的政治活动,”在选举期间和之后担任特朗普政治顾问的杰森·米勒说。
        Yet even outside the confines of the hearing room, Mr. Miller and others in Mr. Trump’s camp have mainly attacked the committee or tried to chip away at pieces of the testimony rather than produce much of a defense of the former president’s actions or an alternate explanation for his state of mind.        然而,即使在听证室之外,米勒和特朗普阵营中的其他人也主要攻击委员会或试图削弱证词,而不是为前总统的行为辩护或对他的心态提供另一种解释。
        In his social media posts, Mr. Trump denied asking that armed supporters be allowed at his rally. “Who would ever want that?” he wrote. “Not me!” He focused more of his energy on castigating Ms. Hutchinson in scathing personal terms (“whacko,” “total phony”) and concentrated on one small aspect of her testimony, namely whether he lunged for the wheel of his presidential vehicle when his Secret Service detail refused to take him to the Capitol on Jan. 6.        特朗普在他的社交媒体帖子中否认曾要求允许武装支持者参加他的集会。“谁会想要那样?”他写道。“我可不想!”他将更多的精力集中在用严厉且针对个人的用语(“疯子”、“彻头彻尾的骗子”)来斥责哈钦森,并专注于她证词的一个很小的细节,即1月6日当特勤局拒绝将他带到国会大厦时,他是否将手伸向了总统专车的方向盘。
        Throughout his time in politics, Mr. Trump has survived one scandal after another in part because people in authority felt unable to read his mind. Investigators were not sure they could definitively prove that he intended to break the law when he authorized hush money to silence a pornographic film actress or when he provided false valuations of his properties to lenders or when he sought to impede the inquiry into Russia’s election interference. Fact checkers similarly documented tens of thousands of false statements he made while in office, but were reluctant to declare that he knowingly lied.        在整个从政生涯中,特朗普在一个接一个的丑闻中幸存下来,部分原因是当局觉得无法明确他的想法。当他授权向一名色情电影女演员支付封口费令其噤声时,或者当他向贷方提供对其财产的虚假估值时,或者当他试图阻止对俄罗斯干预选举的调查时,调查人员不确定他们能否明确证明他有违法意图。事实核查人员同样记录了他在任期间发表的数万条虚假陈述,但不愿宣称他故意撒谎。
        “He learned from Dad, Norman Vincent Peale and especially Roy Cohn that you can get away with almost anything if you never back down and insist long enough and loud enough that you’re right, and he held onto that right up to the final ride” back to the White House, said Gwenda Blair, his biographer, referring in turn to Fred Trump; the author of “The Power of Positive Thinking”; and Senator Joseph McCarthy’s red-baiting chief counsel, who became a mentor to Mr. Trump. For Mr. Trump, “he was being completely consistent with the way he has acted his entire life.”        特朗普的传记作者格温达·布莱尔说:“他从他的爸爸、诺曼·文森特·皮尔、尤其是罗伊·科恩那里学到,如果你绝不让步并坚持足够长的时间并用足够大的声音证明你是对的,那么你几乎可以为所欲为,他一直坚持这一点,”直到最后乘车返回白宫那件事。他依次提到的人分别是弗雷德·特朗普;皮尔是《积极思考的力量》作者;科恩是参议员约瑟夫·麦卡锡的反共运动首席顾问,并成为特朗普的导师。对于特朗普来说,“他一生的行事方式始终如一。”
        Anthony Scaramucci, a longtime associate who served briefly in the White House before breaking with Mr. Trump, has talked in the past about Mr. Trump’s power to interpret reality in whatever way suited him. But Mr. Scaramucci said he had concluded that Mr. Trump understood perfectly well that the election was not stolen and that his actions on Jan. 6 to overturn it were illegitimate.        和特朗普打了多年交道、在与他决裂之前曾在白宫短暂任职的安东尼·斯卡拉穆奇过去曾谈到,特朗普拥有以任何有利于他的方式解释现实的能力。但斯卡拉穆奇表示,他得出结论,特朗普非常清楚选举结果没有被盗取,而且他在1月6日推翻选举的行动是非法的。
        “I do believe that President Trump knows that the whole thing that he is doing is a ruse,” said Mr. Scaramucci. “On more than one occasion throughout the campaign” in 2016, “he would turn to me and others and say funny things like, ‘Why can’t people realize what you guys realize about me, that I am playacting and full of it at least 50 percent of the time?’ That sort of joking. So he knows that this is all a lie.”        “我确实相信特朗普总统知道他所做的整件事都是一个诡计,”斯卡拉穆奇说。在2016年的“整个竞选期间”,他不止一次“转向我和其他人,说一些滑稽的话,比如,‘你们知道50%的时间我都在表演并且满嘴开火车,为什么人们不能像你们那样意识到这一点?’那种玩笑。所以他知道这一切都是谎言,”他说。
        What the hearings have demonstrated with an array of witnesses drawn almost entirely from the president’s own allies and advisers is that if Mr. Trump did not know, he certainly had every reason to. One adviser after another, including two successive attorneys general and multiple campaign officials and lawyers, told him there was “no there there,” as one put it, when it came to widespread election fraud. Yet he persisted in spinning wild tales of conspiracies.        这些几乎完全来自总统自己的盟友和顾问的证词证明,如果说特朗普不知道,他其实有充分的理由知道事实如何。当谈到涉及广泛的选举欺诈时,一位接一位的顾问——包括连续两任司法部长和多名竞选官员和律师——告诉他这并不存在,正如其中一位所言,“没有那回事。”然而,他坚持编造荒诞的阴谋论故事。
        While Attorney General Merrick B. Garland must weigh many factors before deciding whether to bring a case, including whether it is in the national interest to charge a former president, Ms. Hutchinson’s account of Mr. Trump’s actions leading up to and on Jan. 6 provided the building blocks for a possible prosecution by demonstrating that he and his advisers understood they were playing with fire.        虽然司法部长梅里克·B·加兰在决定是否提起诉讼之前必须权衡许多因素,包括对前总统进行指控是否符合国家利益,但哈钦森对特朗普在1月6日和之前行为的描述为可能的起诉提供了基础,这些描述表明他和他的顾问明白他们在玩火。
        While Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, claimed in a memoir that Mr. Trump had only been “speaking metaphorically” when he vowed to march to the Capitol, in fact he had discussed it for days. Ms. Hutchinson first learned of the plan on Jan. 2 when Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney, told her Mr. Trump would go to the Capitol and would “look powerful.”        虽然白宫办公厅主任马克·梅多斯在回忆录中声称,特朗普在发誓要前往国会大厦时只是在“打个比方”,但实际上他已经讨论了好几天。哈钦森于1月2日首次得知该计划,当时总统的私人律师鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼告诉她,特朗普将前往国会大厦并会“看起来很强大”。
        Alarmed, she found Mr. Meadows, her boss. “It sounds like we’re going to the Capitol,” she said. Mr. Meadows did not look up from his phone but made clear he understood the peril. “Things might get real, real bad on Jan. 6,” she remembered him telling her.        她感到担忧,找到了她的上司梅多斯。“听起来我们要去国会大厦,”她说。梅多斯看着手机,没有抬头,但明确表示他清楚情况危急。“事情可能会在1月6日变得非常、非常糟糕,”她记得他这样说。
        On the morning of Jan. 6, she listened as Mr. Meadows was warned that some Trump supporters gathering for a rally on the Ellipse had weapons. Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel, warned that Mr. Trump should not go to the Capitol. “We’re going to get charged with every crime imaginable if we make that movement happen,” he said, according to Ms. Hutchinson.        1月6日早上,她听到有人提醒梅多斯,一些参加椭圆形草坪集会的特朗普支持者携带武器。白宫法律顾问帕特·A·希波隆警告说,特朗普不应该去国会大厦。根据哈钦森的说法,他说:“一旦我们做出这样的行动,我们会被指控犯下所有能想到的罪行。”
        Mr. Trump was undaunted. Waiting in a tent to address the crowd, he brushed off worries about violence. He criticized the Secret Service for screening supporters with magnetometers, standard procedure for a presidential event, and demanded that they be removed. “They’re not here to hurt me,” he said. “Take the f-ing mags away. Let my people in.”        特朗普丝毫不以为意。在帐篷里等待向人群发表讲话时,他对暴力的担忧置之不理。他批评特勤局对支持者使用金属探测器——总统活动的标准程序——并要求将其撤走。“他们不是来伤害我的,”他说。“把金属探测器拿走。让我的人进来。”
        Addressing the crowd, he declared that he would go with them to the Capitol. But when he climbed into his armored vehicle, the Secret Service refused to take him, citing his own security. According to what Ms. Hutchinson said she was later told by Anthony M. Ornato, a deputy White House chief of staff, Mr. Trump erupted in rage and demanded to go there.        他向人群发表了讲话,宣布他将和他们一起前往国会大厦。但当他爬上自己的防弹车时,特勤局以他自身的安全为由拒绝带他前往。据哈钦森说,白宫副幕僚长安东尼·奥纳托后来告诉她,特朗普勃然大怒,坚持要求前去。
        They returned to the White House instead, where Mr. Trump stewed about being thwarted. As he watched television images of his supporters rampaging through the Capitol, he agreed with those in the crowd calling for Mr. Pence to be hanged.        他们回到了白宫,特朗普对遭到阻挠耿耿于怀。当他看到支持者在国会大厦横冲乱撞的电视画面时,他对人群中那些呼吁绞死彭斯的人表示赞同。
        Indeed, according to Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony, he was on the side of the mob. As she heard Mr. Meadows put it, “He doesn’t think they’re doing anything wrong.”        的确,根据哈钦森的证词,他是站在暴徒一边的。正如她听到梅多斯说的那样,“他不认为他们做错了什么。”

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