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Covid Outbreak Emerges in China’s Anhui Province

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-06 09:51

        As China gradually emerges from a Covid-19 surge that shut down Shanghai for two months, an outbreak in eastern Anhui Province is posing a new challenge to efforts to balance economic growth with the government’s “zero Covid” policy.        正当中国从一轮新冠病毒疫情中逐渐恢复过来时,安徽省暴发的疫情对于平衡经济增长与政府清零政策的努力带来了新的挑战。上轮疫情曾导致上海停摆两个月。
        There were more than 200 reported cases in Anhui’s Suzhou city on Monday. Since the outbreak was detected on June 26, the province has reported more than 1,000 cases, according to the Suzhou municipal government.        周一,安徽宿州通报了200多例新增感染,自从6月26日发现疫情以来,该省已报告了1000多例感染。
        China had only recently begun to recover from outbreaks in dozens of cities that began in March. In addition to the financial capital of Shanghai, which in June emerged from a two-month citywide lockdown, the tech hub of Shenzhen, and Beijing, China’s capital, were also affected by outbreaks. Shanghai’s Communist Party leader declared last month that the city had defended itself against Covid, and said that this proved that the zero-Covid strategy was correct.        中国的几十座城市今年3月暴发了新冠病毒疫情,这些地方的生活最近才开始恢复正常。除了金融中心上海6月份结束了为期两个月的全市封控之外,科技中心深圳和首都北京也受到了疫情的影响。上海市委书记上个月宣布,上海已遏制住了新冠病毒疫情,并说这证明了清零政策的正确。
        With Covid-control measures taking a toll on the economy, the authorities have recently issued policies aimed at helping business and increasing consumption. The information ministry stopped indicating in travel codes that someone had traveled from a city reporting coronavirus cases, and the National Health Commission cut in half the quarantine period for inbound international travelers to seven days.        中国的防疫举措已对经济造成影响,当局最近出台了旨在帮助企业和增加消费的政策。工信部取消了行程卡上显示曾到过中高风险地区的标记,国家卫健委把入境国际旅客的集中隔离时间从14天缩短到七天。
        But Anhui’s government issued strict orders to stamp out the province’s cases. The Communist Party secretary promised to eliminate transmission outside quarantine centers within a week, and told local government officials that there could be no coronavirus-related deaths or cases among medical workers.        但安徽政府对消灭省内病毒下达了严格命令。省委书记承诺,在一周内实现社会面清零,并告诉地方政府官员,不允许医务人员中出现与新冠病毒有关的死亡或感染。
        Local governments quickly doubled down on restrictions.        地方政府迅速加码。
        Most of Anhui’s cases were identified in Suzhou’s Si County, where on Wednesday the authorities ordered its 760,000 residents to refrain from going out unless it was necessary. The order came three days after the first cases were detected, and nearly everyone in the county has been tested seven times in the past 10 days, according to the authorities. The municipal government of Suzhou said the county had taken 22,000 people who were deemed close contacts of people who have tested positive to government isolation centers, and residents in dozens of neighborhoods where cases were found were barred from leaving their homes.        安徽省的大多数感染者是在宿州市泗县发现的。周三,当地政府下令全县76万居民“非必要、不流动”,这一命令是在发现第一拨病例的三天之后下达的,当局称,全县几乎所有的人已在过去10天里做了七次核酸检测。宿州市政府表示,泗县已将2.2万名密接送进了政府的集中隔离中心,数十个发现感染病例社区的居民被禁止外出。
        Still, cases appear to be spreading beyond Anhui. Suzhou borders Jiangsu, Henan and Shandong Provinces. According to the health authorities in those provinces, more than 300 cases reported in at least a dozen cities in neighboring provinces were linked to the outbreak in Suzhou.        尽管采取了这些做法,新冠病毒似乎正在向安徽以外的地区蔓延。宿州与江苏、河南、山东三省交界。据这些省的卫生部门,交界省份的至少十几个城市报告了300多例宿州关联病例。
        Elsewhere in the country, the government of Xi’an, a city of 13 million people, said Tuesday that it would impose tight restrictions after reporting 18 cases since Saturday. For a week, public facilities, entertainment businesses and schools will be shut down, and dining in restaurants will be banned.        在全国其他地方,比如1300万人口的西安市,自从上周六以来通报了18例感染者后,市政府周二宣布,将采取严格的管控措施。在持续一周的时间里,公共设施和娱乐场所关门,学校停课,餐馆禁止堂食。

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