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Beijing Introduces a Local Vaccine Pass and Urges Older People to Get Shots

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-08 10:27

        Beijing is introducing vaccine requirements to enter libraries, museums and other public gathering places on Monday, the city government said, as it encouraged older people to get vaccinated.        北京市政府表示,从下周一开始,民众必须接种疫苗才能进入图书馆、博物馆和其他公共聚集场所。与此同时,政府正在鼓励老年人接种新冠疫苗。
        The city government announced the change on Wednesday, months after many other countries had introduced so-called vaccine passports, possibly signaling a pivot to a more forceful approach to inoculation. Chinese public health experts have said that the country, which remains almost entirely sealed off from the rest of the world, could reopen when vaccination rates increase. Top officials have worried publicly about a slowing economy.        北京市政府周三宣布了这一新措施,数月以来,许多国家已经推出所谓的疫苗护照,此举可能标志着中国的疫苗接种态度转向强制。中国与世界其他地区目前处于几乎完全隔绝的状态,但中国的公共卫生专家表示,随着疫苗接种率的提高,可能会重新开放。高级官员已经公开表示担忧经济放缓。
        But the Chinese government has not introduced any nationwide mandates and has sent mixed messages to the local officials it has charged with increasing uptake. When some local governments blocked the unvaccinated from entering supermarkets and other public spaces last year, an official with the National Health Commission criticized them.        但中国政府并没有在全国范围内推行任何强制措施,而是向负责提高接种率的地方官员发出了矛盾的信息。去年,一些地方政府禁止未接种疫苗的人进入超市和其他公共场所后,遭到了国家卫健委一名官员的批评。
        Vaccination of older Chinese people has lagged behind that of other age groups in part because of skepticism toward the safety of China’s domestically developed vaccines. The country has not approved any foreign-made shots. Strict lockdown measures also kept the virus at bay, leading some to feel little urgency to get vaccinated.        中国老年人的疫苗接种率之所以落后于其他年龄组,一定程度上是因为人们对国产疫苗的安全性持怀疑态度。该国尚未批准任何外国制造的疫苗。严格的封锁措施也阻止了病毒的传播,导致一些人并不急于接种疫苗。
        Even as officials began offering a mix of carrot-and-stick incentives, older people held out. As of early May, 82 percent of those over age 60 had received two shots, compared with 89 percent in the general population. Among the oldest Chinese, rates were far lower: 51 percent of those over 80 had received two shots in March, the last time the central government released those numbers.        即使官员们开始提供各种胡萝卜加大棒的激励措施,老年人仍然持观望态度。截至5月初,60岁以上的人中有82%接受了两剂注射,而在普通人群中,这一比例为89%。在中国最年长的人群中,这一比例要低得多:80岁以上的人中有51%在3月份接受了两剂注射,这是中央政府最后一次公布这些数字。
        Recent outbreaks have shown how dangerous low vaccination rates can be. In Hong Kong, the semiautonomous city, an outbreak earlier this year made the city’s coronavirus death rate the world’s highest for a time because of the large number of unvaccinated older people. Deaths in Shanghai, which endured mainland China’s worst outbreak since early 2020, were also concentrated in older residents. In late April, 62 percent of Shanghai residents over 60 had received two shots and 38 percent had received a booster.        最近的疫情表明,低疫苗接种率非常危险。在半自治城市香港,由于大量老年人未接种疫苗,今年早些时候暴发的疫情使该市新冠病毒死亡率一度成为全球最高。上海经历了自2020年初以来中国大陆最严重的疫情,死亡病例也集中在老年居民中。4月下旬,62%的60岁以上上海居民接种了两剂疫苗,38%的人接种了加强针。
        Meanwhile, the highly transmissible Omicron variant has continued to evade China’s goal of elimination.        同时,高传播性的奥密克戎变种继续躲开了中国消灭病毒的目标。
        Cases have begun rising in Shanghai again, a month after its two-month lockdown ended, with dozens of new cases reported on Wednesday. Officials launched new rounds of mass testing in most of the city’s districts, leading some residents to fear a fresh lockdown. In the western city of Xi’an, schools and many businesses have been closed after a flare-up. And the semiautonomous city of Macau, the casino hub in the south, locked down a hotel and closed a large shopping mall to contain an outbreak there.        一个月前,上海结束了两个月的封锁,现在病例再次开始上升,周三报告了数十起新增病例。官员们在该市大部分地区启动了新一轮的大规模检测,导致一些居民担心会再次封锁。西部城市西安暴发疫情后,学校和许多企业已经关闭。南部的赌城、半自治城市澳门封锁了一家酒店,并关闭了一家大型购物中心以遏制那里的疫情。
        In Hong Kong, where cases have also risen in recent weeks, officials seem to be exploring ways to reopen the financial hub. The government there said Thursday that it had suspended a rule temporarily banning airlines from flying into the city if they carried a certain number of passengers who tested positive. But city officials have also said they remain committed to reopening the border with the mainland, which is unlikely to occur unless infections can be controlled.        最近几周,香港的病例也有所增加,官员们似乎正在探索重新开放这个金融中心的方法。香港政府周四表示暂缓个别航线的熔断机制。但香港官员也表示,他们仍致力于重新开放与内地的边境,除非感染得到控制,否则重新开放不太可能发生。

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