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In 2019, protesters stormed Hong Kong’s legislature in bold defiance of Beijing.

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-01 01:20

        The July 1 protests in Hong Kong began in 2019 like any other year, with hundreds of thousands of people marching on the streets demanding democracy. But hours later, protesters stormed the city’s legislature, a dramatic escalation in the city’s challenge to Beijing that set a more confrontational tone for the months of protests that followed.        2019年,香港的七一大游行在开始的时候与往年一样,数十万民众走上街头要求民主。但数小时后,抗议者冲进了香港立法会,对北京的挑战急剧升级,这为随后持续数月的抗议活动定下了更具对抗性的基调。
        Ignoring calls for restraint, dozens of protesters who had gathered outside the city’s legislature began ramming its entrance with metal bars and a utility cart. They later peeled away sheets of shattered glass and charged inside, damaging symbols of China’s central government and spray-painting the walls with protest messages and profanities.        数十名抗议者无视要求克制的呼声,聚集在香港立法会的外面,开始用金属棒和一辆铁笼车撞击大门。后来,他们清除玻璃碎片冲进立法会,损毁国徽,并在墙上用喷漆写下抗议字句和脏话。
        The weeks of protests had at first centered around public opposition to an extradition bill that would have allowed Hong Kong residents to be tried in courts in mainland China. The protesters’ demands expanded to include calls for democracy and greater freedom, amid widespread concern that China was chipping away at the civil liberties Hong Kong enjoyed since China reclaimed the territory from Britain.        抗议持续了数周,起初集中在公众对一项引渡条例的反对方面,该条例将允许交出香港居民到中国大陆的法院受审。抗议者的要求后来扩大到包括呼吁民主和更大的自由,因为人们普遍担心中国正在削弱香港自回归以来享有的公民自由。
        In the legislature, protesters left angry anti-police and anti-government slogans.        在立法会,抗议者留下了愤怒的反警察和反政府口号。
        “It was you who taught us that peaceful marches are useless,” read a message, sprawled around a pillar.        有人在一个柱子上用大字写道:“是你教我和平游行是没用。”
        The slogan “abolish functional constituencies” was also scrawled on the tables in the legislative chamber, referring to the 30 seats, out of 70 total, that had been reserved for the representatives of select industry groups and pro-Beijing interest groups. Hong Kong’s pro-democracy figures had long enjoyed a greater share of the vote in the city’s limited direct elections, but the system was stacked against them, ensuring the pro-Beijing camp controlled the legislature.        立法会会议厅的桌子上涂写着“取消功能组别”的口号,指的是在总共70个席位中,有30个席位是为特定行业团体和亲北京利益集团的代表保留的。长期以来,香港的民主派人士一直在该市有限的直选中获得高票,但制度于他们不利,他们要确保立法会由亲北京的阵营控制。
        In the years since, Beijing has moved to wipe out what little opposition was left in the legislature.        从那以后的几年里,北京开始采取行动,清除立法会里所剩无几的反对派。
        In 2020, Beijing forced the ouster of four pro-democracy lawmakers from their elected offices that then prompted the rest of the opposition to resign en masse. Months later, many of the former lawmakers were arrested, and they remain in custody awaiting trial on national security charges.        2020年,北京取消了四名泛民派议员资格,促使其他反对派集体辞职。几个月后,多名前议员被捕,他们目前仍被拘留,等待违反国家安全罪名指控的审判。
        Last year, Beijing imposed a drastic overhaul of the political system to allow only “patriots” to run as candidates. The city held an election in December under the new rules, drawing a record low number of voters. Most of the city’s popular pro-democracy candidates were either in police custody or in exile.        去年,北京对香港政治制度进行了大刀阔斧的改革,只允许“爱国者”作为候选人参选。香港在12月根据新规则举行了选举,选民人数创历史新低。该市大多数受欢迎的民主派候选人要么被警察拘留,要么流亡海外。
        Pro-establishment candidates won all but one seat.        除一个席位外,建制派候选人赢得了其他所有席位。

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