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John Lee led the crackdown on protests. Now Beijing has picked him to lead Hong Kong.

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-01 02:56

        Since Hong Kong returned to Chinese control, Beijing has appointed either businesspeople or members of the bureaucratic elite to lead the city. John Lee, who was sworn in Friday as Hong Kong’s next chief executive, is the first former police officer to take the job since the handover.        自香港回归中国以来,北京一直在任命商界人士或官僚精英担任这座城市的领导人。李家超于周五宣誓就职,这是香港主权移交以来首次由一名前警官担任行政长官。
        His selection in a process tightly controlled by China sends a clear message. After the enactment of a tough security law and a sweeping crackdown on the political opposition, Beijing believes safeguarding China’s interests remains the top priority for Hong Kong’s leadership.        这一人选是通过一个由中国严密掌控的程序得出的,这本身传达了一种明确的讯息。在实施严厉的安全法并对政治反对派进行大规模镇压后,北京相信,香港领导层的首要任务仍然是保障中国的利益。
        Mr. Lee, 64, joined the Hong Kong police after high school, saying a childhood encounter with street thugs taught him to value justice. He climbed the ranks, handling some of the city’s biggest criminal cases before he transferred in 2012 to the security bureau, which oversees the police.        现年64岁的李家超在高中毕业后加入香港警队,他说儿时遭遇地痞流氓的经历让他认识到正义的价值。他步步高升,经手了香港最重大的一些刑事案件,直到2012年转至警察监督部门保安局。
        Five years ago, he was named security secretary. In that role he crafted legislation that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China, a bill that set off massive pro-democracy protests in 2019. After China imposed a national security law on the city in 2020 that effectively prohibited dissent, he oversaw its implementation. Last year, the police arrested dozens of pro-democracy activists and politicians and charged them with subversion under the new law.        五年前,他被任命为保安局长。任职期间,他策划了允许向中国大陆引渡嫌犯的立法,该法案引发2019年的大规模民主抗议。2020年中国颁布针对该市的国家安全法,从而在实质上禁止了异议,李家超是该法实施的负责人。去年,警方逮捕了数十名民主活动人士和政治人物,并依据新法指控他们从事颠覆活动。
        Mr. Lee, who was sanctioned by the United States in 2020 along with several Hong Kong and mainland officials, has remained an outspoken defender of the security law. He told the United Nations Human Rights Council in March that it “restored peace and stability” and stopped the “violence, destruction and chaos” of the protests.        2020年与其他多名香港和大陆官员一同遭到美国制裁的李家超一直毫不掩饰对安全法的支持。他在3月对联合国人权理事会说,该法“恢复了香港的和平与稳定”,制止了抗议的“暴力、破坏和混乱”。
        Mr. Lee rose to the No. 2 job in Hong Kong, chief secretary, just one year ago. While in that role he led a committee that vetted candidates for public office, part of a new system of electoral controls enacted by Beijing. That body, which is tasked with ensuring the loyalty of office holders, also approved members of the committee that picked Mr. Lee to run Hong Kong in May.        李家超在一年前才升任政务司司长,也就是香港政府的第二号人物。任职期间,他领导的一个委员会负责审查公职候选人,这是北京新设的一个选举控制系统的一部分。该委员会的任务是确保任职者的忠诚,在5月推举李家超担任香港特首的委员会的成员也要先得到它的认可。
        During his brief campaign Mr. Lee pledged to emphasize livelihood issues like access to housing and creating job opportunities for young people. But security remains paramount. He has said he intends to win passage of Article 23 of Hong Kong’s Basic Law, a package of legislation against acts of secession, sedition, subversion and treason. A previous effort to enact the legislation was dropped after mass protests in 2003. The government hasn’t tried to pass it again since.        在他短暂的竞选活动中,李家超承诺要以改善生活为重,如改善住房条件和为年轻人创造就业机会。但安全始终是头等大事。他说他有意争取《香港基本法》第23条立法的通过,这其中包括了针对分裂、暴乱、颠覆和叛国的立法。2003年的一次立法在大规模抗议之下取消。此后政府没有再一次尝试。
        While many observers expected him to pick a deputy with experience in business and economics, he instead named Chan Kwok-ki, another law enforcement veteran, to replace him as chief secretary. Mr. Chan spent most of his career with the immigration department, rising to director of immigration before becoming the director of the chief executive’s office in 2017. He has also served as the secretary general of the powerful national security committee that was set up under the security law in 2020.        许多观察人士以为他会选择一名有商业和经济履历的人作为副手,然而他决定,由同样长期服务于执法部门的陈国基接任他的旧职。陈的职业生涯大部分时间在入境事务处工作,在成为处长后,又于2017年升任行政长官办公室主任。此外,他还在2020年依据国安法设立的重权部门维护国家安全委员会担任秘书长。

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