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The U.S. accused Chinese companies of supporting Russia’s military.

来源:纽约时报    2022-06-30 11:21

        The United States has accused five Chinese companies of violating sanctions against Russia by continuing to support Russia’s military, and took action this week to block them from buying American technology, the Commerce Department said.        美国指责五家中国公司违反对俄罗斯的制裁,继续支持俄军方,商务部表示于本周开始采取行动,阻止这些公司购买美国技术。
        In response to the invasion of Ukraine in February, U.S. authorities enacted sweeping sanctions and export controls that prohibit the sale of certain high-tech products, including advanced semiconductors, to Russia and Belarus. The addition of the Chinese companies to the export ban list shows the lengths that the Biden administration is willing to go to enforce its sanctions and could heighten tension with China over its ties to Moscow.        作为对俄罗斯2月份入侵乌克兰的回应,美国当局实施了全面制裁和出口管制,禁止向俄罗斯和白俄罗斯出售包括先进半导体在内的某些高科技产品。将中国公司加入出口禁令名单表明,拜登政府愿意不遗余力地实施制裁,而且可能因中国与莫斯科的联系而加剧与前者的紧张关系。
        The companies that were added to the list on Tuesday are Connec Electronic, King Pai Technology, Sinno Electronics, Winninc Electronic and World Jetta Logistics. The Commerce Department said that these firms had continued to provide support to Russia’s military and defense industrial base and that their activities were “contrary to U.S. national security and foreign policy interests.”        周二被列入制裁名单的公司是柯奈柯特电子、金派科技、信诺电子、维科电子和世捷达物流。美国商务部表示,这些公司继续为俄罗斯的军事和国防工业基地提供支持,它们的活动“违背了美国的国家安全和外交政策利益”。
        “The United States and our allies and partners will continue to demonstrate our shared resolve on behalf of Ukraine by continuing to deny Russia’s military the technologies and items it needs to perpetrate its atrocities — from whatever source attempts to supply them, wherever they are located,” Matthew S. Axelrod, assistant secretary of commerce for export enforcement, said in a statement.        “美国以及我们的盟国和合作伙伴将继续代表乌克兰展示我们共同的决心,继续阻止俄罗斯军方获得实施暴行所需的技术和物品——无论来源如何,无论它们位于何处,”负责出口执法的商务部助理部长马修·阿克塞尔罗德在一份声明中表示。
        The Commerce Department did not lay out the specific nature of the violations, and it has not accused the Chinese government of violating U.S. sanctions. China has been buying Russian oil as the United States and Europe have scaled back purchases, but American officials have said that so far it has been complying with the sanctions that have been imposed since February.        商务部没有说明违规行为的具体性质,也没有指责中国政府违反了美国制裁。中国一直在购买俄罗斯石油,而美国和欧洲已减少了购买量,但美国官员表示,到目前为止,中国一直在遵守自2月以来实施的制裁措施。
        The addition of the Chinese companies to the export ban list followed a warning from Gina Raimondo, the secretary of commerce, who said in March that Chinese companies that defied U.S. restrictions against exporting to Russia could essentially be shut down. Companies that produce technology such as microchips that are made with American equipment and software can be crippled if they are added to the U.S. “entity list.”        将中国公司加入出口禁令名单之前,商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多曾在3月警告,违反美国对俄罗斯出口限制的中国公司基本上可以关门了。如果被添加到美国“实体名单”中,使用美国设备和软件来制造微芯片等技术的公司可能会陷入困境。
        The Chinese Embassy in Washington said on Wednesday that China and Russia were maintaining normal energy and trade cooperation and that China would take necessary measures to safeguard the rights of its companies.        中国驻华盛顿大使馆周三表示,中俄两国保持着正常的能源和贸易合作,中方将采取必要措施维护本国企业的权益。
        “The unilateral sanctions and so-called ‘long-arm jurisdiction’ imposed by the U.S. on other countries in accordance with its domestic laws are against international law and basic norms governing international relations,” said Shao Hesong, a representative of the embassy.        “美方依据国内法对其他国家实施单边制裁和所谓‘长臂管辖’,违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,”使馆代表邵鹤松表示。

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