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Risk of serious blood clot events spike in the months after COVID-19

来源:中国日报    2022-04-14 09:47

        New observational research out of Sweden has tracked more than one million COVID-19 cases for months after their acute illness in order to determine how the disease influences subsequent risk of blood clots. The findings indicate COVID-19 significantly increases a person’s risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in the months after infection.瑞典一项观察研究对100多万新冠病例进行了数月追踪,以确定新冠是如何影响感染者随后出现血栓的风险的。研究结果表明,人们在感染新冠后几个月内深静脉血栓形成和肺栓塞的风险明显增加。
        In the 30 days after an initial COVID-19 diagnosis the researchers found a 33-fold increase in pulmonary embolism risk, a five-fold increase in deep vein thrombosis (DVT) risk and a two-fold increase in general bleeding events. The heightened risk, compared to the uninfected control group, persisted 60 days for bleeding, 90 days for DVT, and 180 days for pulmonary embolism.研究人员发现,感染者在最初确诊新冠30天后,肺栓塞风险增加33倍,深静脉血栓形成风险增加5倍,一般性出血事件风险增加2倍。与未感染新冠的对照组相比,出血风险升高持续60天,深静脉血栓形成风险升高持续90天,肺栓塞风险升高持续180天。
        While this new study is the most robust to investigate the relationship between blood clots and SARS-CoV-2 infection it is not the first to identify this association. A large UK study last year found similar signs when it compared rates of hematological and vascular events after COVID-19 to rates of those same events after COVID vaccination.该项最新研究是探索血栓形成与新冠病毒感染之间相关度的最有力研究,但它并不是第一项发现这种关联的研究。2021年英国的一项大型研究也发现了类似迹象,该研究比较了感染新冠后与接种新冠疫苗后的血液血管疾病的发生率。
        Another UK study published last year found incidences of and deaths from thromboembolism doubled in the first six months of the pandemic compared to rates seen in the years prior.去年发布的另一项英国研究发现,在新冠疫情发生的前六个月,血栓栓塞症的发病率和死亡率比前几年翻了一番。

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