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Biden’s big-spending policies helped fuel inflation, says Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

来源:中国日报    2022-04-12 17:32

        A report released by the bank said the US inflation rate spiked higher than other countries in March 2021, shortly after Congress passed President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package.该机构发布报告称,2021年3月,美国国会通过拜登总统的1.9万亿美元(约合12.1万亿元人民币)新冠纾困计划不久之后,美国的通货膨胀率飙升,超过其他国家。
        Economists argue that the current round of inflation that is wracking the economy results from the lingering effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the supply-chain crisis it spawned. They say COVID-19 shuttered businesses while driving up overhead costs through public health mandates for those that remained open.经济学家们认为,新冠疫情及其引发的供应链危机产生的持续影响导致了当前一轮正在摧毁美国经济的通货膨胀。疫情致使企业停工,同时强制防疫措施导致仍在经营的企业成本增加。
        Officially, the money was meant to stimulate an economy that was in free fall. Although that worked in theory, when coupled with the supply chain issues, the result was far different than desired.据公布,此举旨在提振不景气的经济。虽然理论上是可行的,但再加上供应链问题,结果与预期相差甚远。
        Democrats disagree that Mr. Biden’s massive coronavirus relief bill is the culprit. They say the supply chain crisis started long before Mr. Biden entered the White House and that other factors like corporate greed are at play.民主党人士并不认同拜登政府的新冠纾困法案是导致高通胀的罪魁祸首的观点。他们称,供应链危机早在拜登入主白宫之前就开始了,企业的贪婪等其他因素也是通胀率上升的原因。
        Although the coronavirus relief bills passed under then-President Trump helped fuel inflation, Mr. Biden’s $1.9 trillion exacerbated the situation by pouring more money into the economy just as it was starting to rebound from the pandemic, according to economists.据经济学家称,特朗普政府时期通过的新冠救助法案加剧了通货膨胀,但拜登政府1.9万亿美元的刺激计划使情况更加恶化,因为经济回暖之际,拜登政府发放了更多刺激金。
        The San Francisco Federal Reserve supports that view. The bank’s report notes that when not accounting for food and energy, inflation rose by 3% throughout 2021 — the highest rate since the 1980s. In comparison, countries like Canada, the United Kingdom and Germany saw a more gradual increase over the same time.旧金山联邦储备银行认同这一观点。该机构报告指出,在不考虑食品和能源的情况下,通货膨胀率在2021年间上升了3%,这是自20世纪80年代以来的最高水平。相比之下,加拿大、英国和德国等在同一时期的通胀率增长较为缓慢。

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