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Biden’s big-spending policies helped fuel inflation, says Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

来源:中国日报    2022-04-12 17:32

        Washington’s multitrillion-dollar spending habit has driven inflation across the US higher than in most other Western countries, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.据旧金山联邦储备银行称,拜登政府的万亿美元财政刺激政策导致美国的通胀率高于其他西方国家。
        “Fiscal support measures designed to counteract the severity of the pandemic’s economic effect may have contributed to this divergence by raising inflation about 3 percentage points by the end of 2021,” analysts wrote.分析人士称:“这些财政支持政策旨在抵消疫情对经济造成的严重影响,但2021年底美国的通胀率因此提高了约三个百分点。”
        As factories closed and international trade came to a halt, businesses still in operation were forced to hike prices even higher to account for the limited supply of goods and services, according to economists. Congress only boosted the demand for those goods and services by doling out trillions of dollars in coronavirus relief, including three direct payments to families worth upwards of $3,200.经济学家表示,随着工厂关门,国际贸易陷入停滞,仍在运营的企业被迫进一步提高价格,以应对商品和服务供应有限的问题。美国国会只是通过发放数万亿美元的新冠救济金来刺激需求,包括向美国家庭直接发放三笔超过3200美元(约合2万元人民币)的款项。
        “Both Democrats and Republicans have dangerously inflated prices by pumping trillions into the economy since the onset of the pandemic,” said David Ditch, a federal budget analyst at the Heritage Foundation. “They essentially created a situation where too much money was chasing too few goods.”美国传统基金联邦预算分析员大卫·迪奇表示:“疫情发生后,民主党和共和党都通过发放数万亿美元的刺激金,而引发了危险的通货膨胀。他们基本上造成了一种情况,即钱太多商品太少。”
        “There is more to these price spikes — some businesses are simply price gouging consumers,” said House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone of New Jersey. “These outrageous actions have been constant throughout the pandemic, evolving with each phase and disproportionately harming the most vulnerable when they can least afford it.”新泽西州众议院能源和商务委员会主席弗兰克·帕隆说:“商品和服务价格飙升的原因还不止这些——一些企业在哄抬物价,这些令人愤慨的行为在整个疫情期间一直存在,随着每个阶段的发展而变化,并在人们最不堪重负的时候给他们带来巨大的伤害。”
        “Even liberal economists like the Obama White House’s Larry Summers warned that Biden’s big spending spree would set off inflation,” said Sen. Mike Braun, Indiana Republican.印第安纳州共和党参议员迈克·布劳恩称:“就连奥巴马政府的拉里·萨默斯等自由派经济学家也警告称,拜登的大举支出会引发通货膨胀。”

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