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Up-Close Ukraine Atrocity Photographs Touch a Global Nerve

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-06 01:05

        Perhaps it was the way the lifeless bodies, bloodied by bullets, and some with hands bound, had been left strewn about or shoveled into makeshift mass graves. Or the reality of seeing them up close in widely circulated photographs and videos.        也许是因为那些或散落在各处、或被铲进乱葬岗的尸体,也许是因为通过广泛传播的照片和视频,人们近距离看到了现实。这些尸体因中枪而血淋淋的,其中一些双手被捆绑。
        There have been other atrocities in the weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine, concentrating much of its firepower on the dwellings and gathering spots of ordinary Ukrainians, but the international outrage they provoked has been eclipsed by the reaction to revelations that retreating Russian soldiers left many slain civilians behind near the Ukrainian capital.        俄罗斯入侵乌克兰几周以来已发生了多起暴行,俄军将其大部分火力集中在普通乌克兰人的住所和聚集地,引发了国际社会的愤慨。如今,正在撤退的俄罗斯士兵在乌克兰首都附近对平民大开杀戒,令人们的公愤达到了新的高度。
        Some of the bodies found this past weekend outside Kyiv were face down, and some curled up. Civilians appear to have been killed on their bicycles, while walking down the street, or in the basements of homes. In Bucha, where many of the dead were discovered, three bodies were found in a garden.        上周末在基辅郊外发现的尸体中,一些趴在地上,还有一些蜷缩着。这些平民被杀时似乎在骑自行车、走在街上或在房屋的地下室里。人们在布查发现许多死者,在那里的一处庭院里发现了三具尸体。
        Many of the victims had been shot in the head. A coroner in Bucha said his team had collected dozens. The Russians fired at anyone as their tanks rolled through the town in the war’s early days, some residents said.        许多受害者头部中弹。布查的一名验尸官说,他的团队已经收走了数十具尸体。一些居民说,在战争初期,俄罗斯人开着他们的坦克穿过城镇,见人就开炮。
        Russian officials denied responsibility, dismissing the photographs of bodies as fabricated, but satellite images taken during the Russian occupation of Bucha and other towns belied their claims.        俄罗斯官员否认对此负责,认为尸体照片是伪造的,但在俄罗斯占领布查和其他城镇期间拍摄的卫星图像戳穿了他们的谎言。
        An analysis of the satellite images by The New York Times showed dots in the exact coordinates where the bodies were later found in the newly liberated areas by Ukrainian forces and journalists. That corroborated the accounts of witnesses who said many had lain there for weeks.        《纽约时报》对卫星图像所做的分析,显示了乌克兰军队和记者后来在新解放的地区发现尸体的确切坐标。这证实了目击者的说法,他们说许多尸体已经在那里躺了几个星期。
        The summary killings of civilians add to the growing body of evidence of numerous flagrant violations by Russian forces of the laws of war, as described in the Geneva Conventions and the International Criminal Court’s definitions of what constitutes a war crime.        对平民的草率杀戮进一步证实了俄军公然违反战争法,正如日内瓦公约和国际刑事法院对构成战争罪的定义所描述的那样。
        Prosecutors in war-crime cases have a steep hill to climb. But experts in international law say the distressing images of civilians shot to death in Bucha and other towns vacated by the Russians, along with the accounts of eyewitnesses, could provide a trove of documentation for investigations.        处理战争罪案件的检察官面临巨大挑战。但国际法专家表示,在布查和俄军撤离的其他城镇中,平民遭枪杀的令人痛心的画面,加上目击者的叙述,可以为调查提供大量证明文件。
        Unlike other horrors of the Ukraine war, like the bombing of a maternity hospital, the flattening of a theater where people were sheltering, or the shelling of apartment houses, the killings in Bucha could not be cast as unintentional damage or easily denied by the Russians as propaganda.        与乌克兰战争中的其他恐怖事件——例如轰炸妇产医院、将人们避难的剧院夷为平地或炮击公寓——不同的是,布查的杀戮无法被说成意外破坏,也不能被俄罗斯人轻易否认为宣传。
        “What’s different here is that you have images of civilians with their hands bound and executed — that’s a completely different kind of crime,” said Alex Whiting, a visiting professor at Harvard Law School who has worked on international war crimes prosecutions. “This very much looks like a crime.”        “这里的不同之处在于,你在图像上看到被处决的平民双手遭到捆绑——这是一种完全不同的罪行,”哈佛法学院的客座教授、从事国际战争罪起诉工作的亚历克斯·怀廷说。“这看起来就是犯罪。”
        Rachel Denber, deputy director of the Europe and Central Asia division of Human Rights Watch, which has been gathering evidence of war crimes in Ukraine, said the killings have generated so much shock in part because many of the other civilian deaths in the war have been caused by indiscriminate shelling and bombing — although that is no less an atrocity.        一直在收集乌克兰战争罪行证据的人权观察欧洲和中亚分部副主任蕾切尔·登伯说,这些杀戮给人们带来巨大的冲击,一定程度上是因为战争中许多平民的死亡是无差别炮击和轰炸造成的——尽管这些也同样是暴行。
        “I think one of the reasons people are having a different reaction to these bodies on the ground is the suspicion that these victims weren’t indiscriminate, they were deliberate,” she said.        她说:“我认为人们对现场的尸体有不同反应的原因之一,是怀疑这些受害者并非遭到无差别滥杀,而是被蓄意杀害的。”
        When Russia began the invasion on Feb. 24, there were widespread expectations that its superior strength would quickly subjugate Ukraine. But when they met fierce Ukrainian resistance, the Russians soon resorted to large-scale bombings and missile barrages, making little or no distinction between civilian and military targets, and leveling all or parts of some cities and towns.        当俄罗斯于2月24日开始入侵时,人们普遍预期其强大的实力将迅速征服乌克兰。但遇到乌克兰的激烈抵抗后,俄罗斯人很快就采取了大规模的轰炸和发射大量导弹,对民用和军事目标几乎或者完全不作区分,并将一些城镇全部或部分夷为平地。
        In some ways, legal experts said, the imagery of civilians shot at close range conveys a more personal malevolence.        法律专家说,在某些方面,近距离拍摄的平民被杀害的影像让恶意彰显无遗。
        “I suppose at one level, one sees a town destroyed, one thinks this sort of thing happens in war,” said Andrew Clapham, a professor of international law at the Geneva Graduate Institute, who is among those advising Ukraine’s government. “People sort of suspend their horror and say it might be explicable in wartime.”        “我想在某个层面上,人们看到一座城镇被摧毁,会认为这种事情会在战争中发生,”日内瓦研究生院国际法教授、乌克兰政府的顾问安德鲁·克拉珀姆说。“人们在某种程度上抑制了他们的恐惧,并说这在战时可能是可以解释的。”
        But the deaths outside Kyiv, he said, showed an intent to kill civilians.        但他说,基辅以外的死亡事件表明他们有杀害平民的意图。
        “It’s much more obvious that there’s no excuse,” Mr. Clapham said.        “更明显的是,没有任何借口,”克拉珀姆说。
        Here is a geographical breakdown of where some of the worst atrocities in the war in Ukraine have been reported:        以下是乌克兰战争中一些报告了最严重暴行的地区:
        Mariupol        马里乌波尔
        The southeast port, one of the first targets of the Russian invasion, has been under siege for weeks, with little food, water or power, and its onetime population of 450,000 has by some estimates shrunk to 100,000 or less. A March 9 missile strike by Russia severely damaged a maternity hospital, leaving an undetermined number of casualties. A March 16 Russian bombing destroyed the Mariupol Drama Theater, where hundreds of civilians had sought shelter and where the word “children” had been written in large letters outside to dissuade aerial attackers. Ukrainian officials said 300 people inside were killed. On March 21, Ukrainian officials said the Russians had moved up to 4,500 Mariupol residents into Russian territory — which, if confirmed as a forced relocation, would be a potential war crime.        这个位于东南部的港口是俄罗斯入侵的首批目标之一,数周来一直被围困,食物、水和电力匮乏,据估计,这里曾经有45万人口,目前已缩减至10万或更少。3月9日,俄罗斯的一次导弹袭击严重毁坏了一家妇产医院,造成的伤亡人数不详。3月16日,俄罗斯的轰炸摧毁了马里乌波尔戏剧剧院,当时有数百名平民在那里避难,剧院外面用大号字母写着“儿童”一词,以阻止空袭。乌克兰官员称有300人在爆炸中丧生。3月21日,乌克兰官员表示,俄罗斯已经将多达4500名马里乌波尔居民转移到俄罗斯境内——如果证实是强迫迁移,这将是一种潜在的战争罪。
        Kharkiv        哈尔科夫
        The city of 1.5 million in eastern Ukraine, the country’s second largest, has been subjected to Russian aerial attacks from missiles, artillery and cluster munitions, widely banned weapons that spread bomblets over a wide area. According to residents and videos verified by The New York Times, the Kharkiv destruction has included elementary schools and residences. Ukrainian officials recently estimated that at least 500 people had been killed. And Human Rights Watch, in a report Sunday on potential war crimes in Ukraine, said it had documented at least one instance of rape by Russian soldiers in the Kharkiv region on March 13.        这座位于乌克兰东部、拥有150万人口的城市是乌克兰第二大城市,一直受到俄罗斯的导弹、大炮和集束弹的袭击。集束弹是被广泛禁止的武器,可在大面积范围散布小炸弹。根据当地民众的说法和经《纽约时报》核实的视频,哈尔科夫受到破坏的地点包括小学和住宅。乌克兰官员最近估计,至少有500人遇难。人权观察周日在一份有关乌克兰潜在战争罪行的报告中说,它记录了3月13日俄罗斯士兵在哈尔科夫地区犯下的至少一宗强奸案件。
        Chernihiv        切尔尼戈夫
        The northern city near the border with Belarus was a temporary haven for many civilians who sought to escape Russia’s early drive to encircle Kyiv. But Russian forces subjected Chernihiv to relentless aerial assaults as well, after Ukrainian defenders prevented the invaders from taking that city. Witnesses in Chernihiv said the Russian attacks destroyed schools, damaged hospitals and hit civilians waiting in bread lines.        这个靠近白俄罗斯边境的北部城市是许多平民的临时避难所,他们试图逃离俄罗斯早期对基辅的包围。但是,在乌克兰守军阻止入侵者占领该市后,俄罗斯军队也对该市进行了无情的空中攻击。切尔尼戈夫的目击者说,俄罗斯的袭击摧毁了学校,破坏了医院,击中了排队领取面包的平民。
        Mykolaiv        尼古拉耶夫
        The southern industrial city of 500,000, which blocks the Russian military’s pathway to the Black Sea port of Odesa, has withstood several Russian advances and aerial attacks. One destroyed a marine military barracks that killed dozens, others were more indiscriminate. Missile assaults have slammed into residential apartment buildings. And last week, a missile strike hit a government building, killing at least 36 people. Over the weekend and on Monday, other deadly attacks were reported on vehicles and homes in and around the city.        这个拥有50万人口的南部工业城市阻挡了俄罗斯军队通往黑海港口敖德萨的道路,它经受了俄罗斯的数次进攻和空袭。其中一次进攻摧毁了一处海军陆战队的军营,造成数十人死亡,其他攻击则更是不分青红皂白。导弹击中住宅楼。上周,一枚导弹袭击了一座政府大楼,造成至少36人死亡。周末和周一,有报告称该市及周边地区的车辆和房屋遭遇了其他致命袭击。
        Kyiv Suburbs        基辅郊区
        Many bodies of civilians have been found in suburbs north of Kyiv. President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine said on Monday in his nightly address that more than 300 had been tortured and killed in Bucha alone, and that the list was likely to grow. In its report on Sunday, Human Rights Watch chronicled the summary execution of one Bucha man on March 4 by Russian soldiers and the killing of a mother and her 14-year-old daughter in another northern town, Vorzel, a few days later.        在基辅北部郊区发现了许多平民的尸体。乌克兰总统泽连斯基周一在晚间讲话中表示,仅在布查就有300多人遭到折磨和杀害,而且这个名单很可能还会增加。人权观察周日的报告中记录了3月4日一名布查人被俄罗斯士兵草率处决,以及几天后在北部城镇沃尔泽利一名母亲和她14岁的女儿被杀害的事件。
        Sexual violence by the Russian occupiers has also been reported. Last month, Ukraine’s prosecutor-general, Iryna Venediktova, said in a Facebook post that a Russian soldier had killed an unarmed civilian and then repeatedly raped his wife in a Kyiv suburb.        也有关于俄罗斯占领者的性暴力行为的报告。上个月,乌克兰总检察长伊琳娜·韦涅季克托娃在Facebook上发帖称,一名俄罗斯士兵在基辅郊区杀害了一名手无寸铁的平民,然后多次强奸了他的妻子。
        Laura A. Dickinson, a professor at George Washington University Law School who specializes in international law, said the photographs of bodies in the Kyiv suburbs offered some of the most compelling signs that atrocities have been committed by the Russian side, regardless of the Kremlin’s denials.        乔治·华盛顿大学法学院专门研究国际法的教授劳拉·迪金森说,基辅郊区的尸体图像提供了一些最令人信服的迹象,表明尽管克里姆林宫予以否认,但俄罗斯方面确实犯下了暴行。
        “The evidence is quite damning, I would say,” she said. “It’s hard to dismiss as fake.”        “我想说,这些证据相当有力,”她说。“很难被认为这是假的。”

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