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After a Boycott, Chinese Television Is Again Airing N.B.A. Games

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-01 01:57

        China Central Television, China’s state-run TV network, has begun to broadcast N.B.A. games again, signaling that the rift between the league and the authoritarian government that has persisted since 2019 appears to be coming to an end.        中国官方电视台中央电视台再次开始转播NBA比赛,这表明NBA与这个威权政府之间自2019年以来一直存在的裂痕似乎即将解决。
        The news was first reported by Global Times, a state-run Chinese media outlet, and confirmed by a spokesman for the N.B.A.        这一消息首先由中国官方媒体《环球时报》报道,并得到NBA发言人的证实。
        The first game this year on state TV, according to Global Times, was Tuesday night’s matchup between the Los Angeles Clippers and the Utah Jazz. According to Global Times, the broadcast was the start of a full return of the N.B.A. to China’s airwaves. The league has been almost entirely off the air on Chinese state television since 2019, except for a lone finals game in 2020. Games have been broadcasting on Tencent, a digital streaming platform based in China.        据《环球时报》报道,国家电视台今年转播的第一场比赛是周二晚间洛杉矶快船队和犹他爵士队的比赛。据《环球时报》报道,这次转播是NBA全面回归中国电视台的开始。自2019年以来,除了2020年的总决赛,中国国家电视台几乎完全停止了对该联赛的转播。赛事一直在中国的数字流媒体平台腾讯上播放。
        “N.B.A. games have aired in China continuously for nearly 35 years, including this season on a number of other services,” Mike Bass, an N.B.A. spokesman, said in a statement on Thursday. “We believe broadcasting games to our fans in China and more than 200 other countries and territories is consistent with our mission to inspire and connect people everywhere through the game of basketball.”        “NBA的比赛已经在中国连续播出了近35年,包括本赛季在其他一些服务上的转播,”NBA发言人迈克·巴斯在周四的声明中说,“我们相信,向中国和其他200多个国家和地区的球迷转播比赛,符合我们通过篮球运动激励和联系世界各地人们的使命。”
        The league said it was informed on the day the game was played that it would be broadcast.        联盟表示,他们在比赛当天被告知将进行转播。
        The dispute between China and the N.B.A. began in the fall of 2019, when Daryl Morey, then an executive with the Houston Rockets, shared an image supportive of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. He posted it just as the Los Angeles Lakers and the Nets were getting set to play a preseason game in China. The social media post angered the Chinese government, causing games to be pulled off the air and Chinese companies to pull sponsorships from the league.        中国和NBA之间的争端始于2019年秋,当时休斯顿火箭队的高管达里尔·莫雷分享了一张支持香港民主抗议者的照片。他发布这条消息时,洛杉矶湖人队和布鲁克林篮网队正准备在中国打一场季前赛。社交媒体上的这篇帖子激怒了中国政府,导致比赛被迫停播,中国公司也取消了对该联盟的赞助。
        The league came under withering criticism at home from politicians all across the ideological spectrum because of what some saw as its deference to China. Morey apologized for the post and was rebuked by the owner of the Rockets, Tilman Fertitta. The league issued a statement that said it was “regrettable” that Morey’s post had offended many of the N.B.A.’s “friends and fans” in China. A Chinese translation of the N.B.A.’s statement suggested that the league was apologizing to the Chinese government, further feeding domestic criticism that the N.B.A.’s response was not forceful enough in standing behind Morey.        NBA在国内遭到了来自各意识形态派别的政界人士猛烈批评,因为有些人认为它向中国屈服。莫雷为帖子道歉,并遭到了火箭老板蒂尔曼·费尔蒂塔的指责。联盟发表了一份声明,表示莫雷的帖子冒犯了许多NBA在中国的“朋友和球迷”,是“令人遗憾的”。然而NBA声明的中文翻译显示联盟是在向中国政府道歉,这进一步加剧了国内的批评,认为NBA应该给莫雷更坚决的支持。
        “We have always supported and will continue to support members of the N.B.A. family expressing their views on social and political issues,” Bass said in his statement on Thursday.        “我们一直支持,并将继续支持NBA大家庭成员在社会和政治问题上表达自己的观点,”巴斯在周四的声明中说。
        Since Morey’s post, the N.B.A. has often become a target for criticism, particularly from elected Republicans who have assailed the league’s willingness to make money off a repressive government accused of a litany of human rights violations.        自从莫雷的帖子发布以来,NBA经常成为批评的对象,尤其是来自共和党的民选政治人物,他们抨击联盟愿意从一个被指存在一连串侵犯人权行为的专制政府那里赚钱。
        It wasn’t just the response to Morey that invited detractors. In 2020, ESPN reported that there was rampant abuse of children at basketball academies in Chinese-government-run facilities co-sponsored by the N.B.A. A league spokesman recently said that the league was no longer affiliated with those academies.        招致斥责的不仅仅是对莫雷事件的回应。2020年,ESPN报道称,在由NBA联合赞助、中国政府运营的篮球学校里,存在大量虐待儿童的行为。联盟的一名发言人最近表示,联盟与这些学校已经没有关联。
        The broadcasting of N.B.A. games on Chinese television opens up a revenue stream of hundreds of millions of dollars a year for the league. The league’s relationship with China came under more scrutiny in recent months as Enes Kanter Freedom, an N.B.A. center most recently with the Boston Celtics, criticized the Chinese government and the league for its business interests in the country. Freedom was traded by the Celtics to the Rockets, who cut him in February.        中国电视转播NBA比赛每年为联盟带来数亿美元的收入。最近几个月,随着最近效力于波士顿凯尔特人队的NBA中锋埃内斯·坎特·自由批评中国政府和NBA在中国的商业利益,令NBA与中国的关系受到了更多的审视。自由被凯尔特人交易到火箭队,后者在二月裁掉了他。
        Kristen Looney, an assistant professor of Chinese politics at Georgetown, said in an interview that the Chinese government’s decision may be a result of enough time passing or a larger geopolitical calculation.        乔治敦大学中国政治学助理教授卢可欣(Kristen Looney)在接受采访时说,中国政府的决定可能是因为时间已经足够长,或者是有更大的地缘政治考量。
        “It could mean that enough time has passed that things have kind of blown over,” Looney said. “From a macro perspective, it could mean that China is trying to signal that it still wants to maintain good economic relations with the United States despite differences in opinion on the Russia-Ukraine crisis. It’s possible that China is fearful that its close relationship with Russia would have ripple effects on its economic relations with the United States and the rest of the Western world that is on the side of Ukraine.”        “这可能意味着已经时过境迁了,”卢可欣说。“从宏观角度来看,这可能意味着中国试图发出信号,表明尽管在俄乌危机上存在分歧,它仍希望与美国保持良好的经济关系。中国可能担心,它与俄罗斯的密切关系会产生连锁反应,影响它与站在乌克兰一边的美国乃至整个西方世界的经济关系。”
        The N.B.A. has targeted China — and its population of 1.4 billion — for roughly a half-century. China now has more fans of the league than there are in the United States, a country of 330 million. Before the pandemic, the N.B.A.’s top stars routinely traveled to the country between seasons to promote sneakers. Since 2004, the N.B.A. has played dozens of games there.        大约半个世纪以来,NBA一直以有14亿人口的中国为目标。如今中国的NBA球迷数量已经超过美国,后者有3.3亿人口。在大流行之前,NBA的顶级明星经常在赛季之间前往中国宣传运动鞋。自2004年以来,NBA已经在中国举行了几十场比赛。
        Adam Silver, the N.B.A.’s commissioner, has steadfastly maintained the N.B.A.’s position on China, despite the critics. In a recent interview with The New York Times, Silver said he believed the league was being unfairly singled out for criticism given how many companies in the United States do business with China.        尽管有批评的声音,但NBA总裁萧华坚定地维持了NBA在中国问题上的立场。在最近接受《纽约时报》采访时,萧华说,他认为,鉴于有那么多美国公司与中国做生意,NBA被单独挑出来批评是不公平的。
        “Virtually every American uses products manufactured in China,” Silver said. “And in many cases, they are the products that we are most reliant on. Our computers, our phones, our clothes. Our shoes, our kids’ toys. So then the question becomes why is the N.B.A. being singled out as the one company that should now boycott China?”        “几乎每个美国人都使用中国制造的产品,”萧华说。“在很多情况下,它们是我们最依赖的产品。我们的电脑,我们的手机,我们的衣服。我们的鞋子,我们孩子的玩具。那么问题来了,为什么NBA被挑出来,成为唯一一个应该抵制中国的公司?”

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