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With Each New Crisis in Hong Kong, Pressure Built on a Beijing Loyalist

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-06 05:06

        HONG KONG — Under the watch of Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, huge citywide protests deepened political divisions. A national security law silenced a once-vibrant civil society. And restrictive pandemic policies threatened Hong Kong’s status as Asia’s world city.        香港——在香港行政长官林郑月娥任内,大规模全市抗议活动加深了政治分歧。一部国家安全法让曾经充满活力的公民社会变得沉默。限制性的疫情防控政策威胁到了香港作为亚洲国际都会的地位。
        With each crisis, Mrs. Lam tried to serve the will of Beijing, which controls the territory, and navigate competing pressures from residents and an international community leery of China’s growing authoritarian grip over Hong Kong.        在每一次危机中,林郑月娥都试图令控制着香港的北京满意,并且要应付来自香港居民和国际社会的压力,对于中国对香港日益加强的威权控制,国际社会深怀疑虑。
        On Monday, those pressures appeared to boil over as Mrs. Lam announced that she would not seek a second five-year term, marking the end of one of the most tumultuous periods of governance in Hong Kong’s recent history.        周一,当林郑月娥宣布她不会谋求第二个五年任期时,这些压力似乎达到了最高点。这标志着香港近现代历史上最动荡的管治时期之一即将结束。
        Mrs. Lam cited her family as the reason for her plans, saying that they were her priority and that “they think it is time for me to go back home.” But for some of her critics, it was Mrs. Lam’s failure to guide the city through a devastating coronavirus outbreak that was her final undoing.        林郑月娥称家庭是她做出这一决定的理由,表示家人是她要优先考虑的,“家人认为我该回家了。”但在一些批评她的人看来,林郑月娥未能带领香港度过毁灭性的新冠病毒暴发,这是她最后的败笔。
        In recent weeks, Mrs. Lam, 64, has faced rebuke from Hong Kong residents, pro-Beijing lawmakers and the city’s powerful business community for mishandling an Omicron outbreak that has ravaged hospitals, nursing homes and public services. The surge laid bare the city’s lack of preparedness as it struggled to deal with more than a million cases and over 8,000 deaths in just the past couple of months alone.        最近几周,64岁的林郑月娥因对奥密克戎疫情处理不当而遭到香港居民、亲北京议员和香港强大商界人士的指责。奥密克戎疫情摧毁了医院、疗养院和公共服务。仅在过去几个月里,该市就有100多万例病例、8000多人死亡,这一激增暴露出该市准备不足。
        But even before the pandemic, there was mounting criticism of Mrs. Lam.        但即使在大流行之前,对林郑月娥的批评也越来越多。
        Once known in the Hong Kong Civil Service, where she began her career 42 years ago, as a “good fighter” who never backed down, Mrs. Lam has struggled as chief executive to navigate Hong Kong’s unique relationship with Beijing.        42年前,林郑月娥开始了香港公务员生涯,曾被称为从不退缩的“斗士”。作为特首,她一直在努力处理香港与北京的独特关系。
        Hong Kong, a former British colony, was promised partial autonomy when it was returned to China in 1997. But its democratic traditions have often been at odds with Beijing. Mrs. Lam has mostly erred on the side of seeking approval from Chinese officials, who have been accused of redefining the “one country, two systems” framework that was agreed upon as part of the handover.        香港曾是英国殖民地,1997年回归中国时曾被承诺部分自治。但香港的民主传统经常与北京发生冲突。林郑月娥主要是因为寻求中国官员的认可为人所诟病,后者被指责重新定义了作为香港回归的一部分而达成的“一国两制”框架。
        The system was meant to allow Hong Kong to maintain some freedoms distinct from the mainland.        该框架旨在让香港保持一些有别于大陆的自由。
        “She has been one of the key actors who have buried ‘one country, two systems’ as we understood it in the first 25 years of the handover,” said Jean-Pierre Cabestan, a political scientist at Hong Kong Baptist University.        香港浸会大学政治学家高敬文(Jean-Pierre Cabestan)表示:“她是埋葬了我们在香港回归前25年里所理解的‘一国两制’的关键人物之一。”
        To many in Hong Kong, it appears that Mrs. Lam has done little to respond to the growing frustrations among residents during the pandemic, failing to change rigid coronavirus policies after a fast-moving outbreak tore through the city’s world-class hospital system and further isolated Hong Kong from other countries.        在许多香港人看来,在快速发展的疫情摧毁了香港世界级的医院系统,并进一步将香港与其他国家隔离之后,林郑月娥似乎没有对疫情期间居民日益增长的挫败感做出什么反应,未能改变僵化的新冠病毒应对政策。
        Two years into the pandemic, many of those policies have contributed to widespread unemployment and the shuttering of thousands of small businesses.        疫情暴发两年来,其中许多政策导致了大规模失业和数以千计的小企业倒闭。
        “It seems that the government is very removed from the lives of everyday people, and can’t seem to gauge how the policies they introduce would make our lives difficult,” Carmen Chan, a 45-year-old office worker in the Wan Chai commercial district, said Monday.        “政府似乎与人们的日常生活非常脱节,似乎无法衡量他们推出的政策会给我们的生活带来怎样的困难,”湾仔商业区45岁的办公室职员卡门·陈周一说。
        Ms. Chan said she had been disappointed by Mrs. Lam’s administration and was somewhat relieved to hear that she would not seek another term.        卡门·陈说,她对林郑月娥的政府感到失望,听到她不会寻求连任,多少感觉松了一口气。
        Mrs. Lam became chief executive in July 2017 after pledging her loyalty to Beijing and promising to foster a stronger sense of Chinese identity among young Hong Kong residents. But deepening polarization of Hong Kong society two years later left her the target of huge street protests in 2019. Demonstrators demanded her resignation over an extradition bill that would allow the city to detain and transfer people to mainland China.        林郑月娥于2017年7月成为行政长官,此前她承诺忠于北京,并承诺在年轻的香港居民中培养对中国更强的认同感。但两年后,香港社会两极分化加剧,她成为2019年大规模街头抗议的目标。围绕一项将允许香港拘留并将嫌疑人转到中国大陆的引渡法案,示威者要求她辞职。
        The bill was met with strong opposition and demonstrations that lasted months.        该法案遭到了持续数月的强烈反对和示威游行。
        In the wake of the protests, Beijing imposed a sweeping new national security law over Hong Kong. It also drastically revamped election rules, giving pro-Beijing lawmakers even greater power to choose the city’s top leader and members of its legislature.        抗议活动发生后,北京对香港实施了全面的新《国家安全法》。它还大幅修改了选举规则,给予亲北京的立法者更大的权力来选择香港的最高领导人和立法机构成员。
        Foreign politicians were openly critical of the new law. The United States imposed sanctions on Mrs. Lam and other senior officials, and Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state at the time, pledged that the United States would “treat Hong Kong as ‘one country, one system.’”        外国政界人士公开批评这项新法律。美国对林郑月娥和其他高级官员实施了制裁,时任国务卿迈克·庞皮欧承诺,美国将“把香港作为‘一国一制’对待”。
        Mrs. Lam referred to the protests, as well as the coronavirus and “nonstop interference of foreign forces,” as contributing to her decision to step down on Monday.        林郑月娥称,抗议活动、冠状病毒和“外部势力的不断干预”是她周一决定辞职的原因。
        “I have faced unprecedented and enormous pressure,” she said.        “我面临着前所未有的巨大压力,”她说。
        As Mrs. Lam rose through the Hong Kong Civil Service, first under British rule and later under Beijing, she became known for defending policy stances and refusing to back down from arguments. But over the past few months, as Hong Kong tried to hew to China’s “zero Covid” policy, she was criticized as sending mixed signals regarding how the city would manage the outbreak.        林郑月娥的职业生涯先是在英国统治下,后在北京治下,随着她在香港公务员队伍中步步高升,她以捍卫政策立场和拒绝在争论中让步而闻名。但在过去几个月里,当香港试图遵守中国的“清零”政策时,她被批评为就香港如何应对疫情发出了不明确的信号。
        Hong Kong has some of the strictest travel restrictions in the world. Uncertainty over when those restrictions would end led to the largest exodus of residents since the beginning of the pandemic. While facing increased criticism from the city’s business sector and expatriate community, Mrs. Lam doubled down on social distancing measures and an effort to make the city’s 7.4 million people test for the virus, something that mainland epidemiologists had advised the city’s government to do.        香港拥有世界上最严格的旅行限制之一。对这些限制何时结束的不确定性导致了自大流行开始以来最大规模的居民外流。面临来自香港商界和外籍人士社区越来越多的批评之际,林郑月娥加大了社交距离措施的力度,并努力让香港740万人接受病毒检测,这是大陆流行病学家建议香港政府进行的措施。
        Mrs. Lam later backed away from mass testing. In late March, she said the city would lift a flight ban on nine countries and begin to relax restrictions, citing concerns that the financial sector was “losing patience” after officials indicated that the worst of the latest outbreak was most likely over.        林郑月娥后来放弃了大规模检测。3月下旬,她表示,该市将解除对9个国家的航班禁令,并开始放宽限制。她的理由是,官员表示近期疫情最严重的时期很可能已经过去后,金融行业正在“失去耐心”。
        “The problem with the chief executive in Hong Kong is that you’ve got the left hand and the right hand,” said Allan Zeman, an adviser to Mrs. Lam and a member of the election committee that will decide the city’s next chief executive. “You’ve got the international community on the one side, and China on the other hand, and you’re in the middle. Both have different aspirations.”        “香港特首的问题在于,你左右为难,”林郑月娥的顾问、将决定香港下一任特首的选举委员会成员盛智文(Allan Zeman)说。“国际社会在一边,中国在另一边,你站在中间。两边都有不同的愿望。”
        Hong Kong has reported nearly 1.2 million Covid-19 cases and 8,262 deaths, most of them tied to the recent outbreak, and many of them among Hong Kong’s older and unvaccinated population. The city’s fatality rate from the virus was at one point among the highest in the world, at three per 100,000 residents, in large part because so many older people were not vaccinated, seen as an example of Mrs. Lam’s failure to prepare for the outbreak.        香港报告了近120万例新冠病例和8262例死亡,大多与最近的疫情有关,其中许多人是香港的老年人和未接种疫苗的人群。香港的病毒致死率一度成为世界之最,每10万居民中就有3人死亡,这在很大程度上是因为很多老年人没有接种疫苗,这被视为林郑月娥未能为疫情做好准备的一个例子。
        “Her authority and ability to govern have been severely eroded,” said Lau Siu-kai, a Hong Kong scholar who advises Beijing on policy, referring to her handling of the protests and pandemic. “Her departure will allow Beijing to form a new and more powerful team to attain a stronger and more effective government.”        “她的权威和执政能力已受到严重侵蚀,”为北京提供政策建议的香港学者刘兆佳在谈到她对抗议和疫情的处理时说。“她的离开将使北京能够组建一个更强大的新团队,实现一个更强大、更有效的政府。”
        Addressing speculation on Monday that Hong Kong’s No. 2 official, John Lee, would be a favorite to replace her, Mrs. Lam said that she had yet to receive a resignation from any government officials, a precursor to making a bid for the job.        周一,有人猜测香港政府二号人物李家超可能是接替她的热门人选,对此林郑月娥回应称,她尚未收到任何政府官员的辞职申请——这是竞选特首职位的先兆。
        She also said that she would focus on pandemic-related work until the end of her term on June 30. On Saturday, government officials issued a statement exempting candidates for chief executive from some social distancing rules while campaigning.        她还表示,到她6月30日任期结束为止,她将集中精力开展疫情相关工作。上周六,政府官员发表了一份声明,免除了行政长官候选人在竞选期间必须遵守的一些社交距离规则。
        Hong Kong’s chief executive is determined every five years in a vote closely managed by Beijing and determined by an election committee made up of nearly 1,500 officials who back the Communist Party. The election was to take place on March 27, but was postponed until May 8 amid Hong Kong’s Omicron surge.        香港行政长官在中央政府的密切操控下每五年选举产生,由支持共产党的近1500名官员组成的选举委员会决定。选举原本定于3月27日举行,但由于香港的奥密克戎疫情猖獗,选举被推迟到5月8日。
        With Mrs. Lam’s announcement on Monday, questions about her desire for a second term were put to rest. But little else was certain beyond that. “Plans keep changing. Everything is unstable. I don’t know who will be next. I hope it will get better,” said Ms. Chan. “But I don’t really expect it to.”        林郑月娥周一宣布决定后,有关她是否愿意连任的问题就此平息。但除此之外,没有什么是肯定的。“计划不断改变。一切都是不稳定的。我不知道下一个会是谁。我希望情况会变得更好,”卡门·陈说。“但我其实并不指望会这样。”

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