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Will Smith hits Chris Rock after joke about his wife, Jada.

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-29 05:30

        In an apparently unscripted moment that stunned viewers and audience members alike, Will Smith strode onstage and hit Chris Rock in the face after the comedian made a joke about the actor’s wife while presenting the best documentary award at the Oscars.        在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,喜剧演员克里斯·洛克在介绍最佳纪录片奖时,拿威尔·史密斯妻子开了一个玩笑,这位演员冲到台上掌掴洛克,这显然并非事先编排的场面震惊了所有观众和在场嘉宾。
        Rock joked that Smith’s wife, the actress Jada Pinkett Smith, was in “G.I. Jane 2,” seemingly a reference to her short-cropped hair. Pinkett Smith has said she has alopecia, a condition that leads to hair loss.        洛克开玩笑说,史密斯的妻子——女演员贾达·平克特·史密斯——出演了“《魔鬼女大兵》(G.I. Jane)续集”,大概是在调侃她的平头造型。平克特·史密斯曾透露自己有脱发问题。
        Smith yelled and cursed at Rock after returning to his seat, demanding that Rock not speak about his wife.        史密斯回到座位后还对着洛克大声咒骂,让洛克不许拿他的妻子开玩笑。
        During the heated exchange, the telecast went silent on many screens, leaving confusion about what had happened and what had been said.        在激烈的打人场面发生后,许多转播信号都做了消音处理,观众不知道究竟发生了什么,两人又说了什么。
        Rock, a presenter at the show, had been firing off jokes during a mini-monologue when he got around to actors and their spouses.        作为颁奖嘉宾,洛克在简短的单口表演中讲了许多关于男演员与配偶的玩笑。
        “Javier Bardem and his wife are both nominated,” Rock said. “Now, if she loses, he can’t win.”        “哈维尔·巴登和他的妻子都得到了提名,”洛克说。“那么,如果她没获奖,他也不能赢。”
        “He is praying that Will Smith wins, like, please, lord,” Rock continued. “Jada, I love you. ‘G.I. Jane 2,’ can’t wait to see it, all right?”        “他在祈祷威尔·史密斯获奖,真的很虔诚了,”洛克继续说。“贾达,我爱你。《魔鬼女大兵》续集,我等不及看你演了,好不好?”
        The camera panned to Smith, who appeared initially to be smiling. But the joke drew a lukewarm reception, prompting Rock to add: “That was a nice one!”        镜头转向史密斯,他一开始似乎还在微笑。但这个笑话引来的反应并不热烈,促使洛克补了一句:“这段子很棒!”
        Jada Pinkett Smith immediately rolled her eyes at the joke, and her husband was soon out of his seat. Smith walked down the runway toward the stage.        贾达·平克特·史密斯听完笑话后就立刻翻了白眼,她的丈夫很快离开了座位。史密斯走下过道,冲向了舞台。
        “Uh-oh,” Rock said. Smith approached, and hit Rock; the impact could be heard through his microphone.        “哎呀,”洛克说。史密斯走近后打了洛克,透过后者的麦克风能听到击打的声音。
        Uncensored broadcasts of the telecast outside the United States showed that after being struck, Rock, trying to keep the mood light, acknowledged that Smith had “smacked” him, using an expletive to describe how hard he had been hit.        美国境外未经消音的直播片段显示,洛克在被打后还努力保持现场氛围的轻松,承认史密斯“扇了”他,并用脏话来形容自己被打得有多重。
        Back in his seat, Smith told Rock: “Keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth!”        史密斯回到座位后对洛克说:“别再用你的臭嘴提我妻子的名字!”
        Rock responded, “Wow dude, it was a ‘G.I. Jane’ joke.”        洛克回应道,“哇哦,伙计,那是关于《魔鬼女大兵》的笑话。”
        Smith then repeated his demand.        史密斯随后重复了他的要求。
        Looking shocked, Rock said, “That was the greatest night in the history of television,” then moved on to awarding the Oscar for documentary feature to “Summer of Soul.”        看上去非常震惊的洛克说,“这可真是电视史上最伟大的夜晚,”之后他转移了话题,将奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖颁给了《灵魂乐之夏》(Summer of Soul)。
        Soon after, when Smith won the Oscar for best actor, he gave an emotional speech in which he said: “I want to apologize to the Academy. I want to apologize to all my fellow nominees.”        不久后,当史密斯获得奥斯卡最佳男主角,他情绪激动地发表了演讲,称:“我要向学院道歉。我要向所有获得提名的同行们道歉。”
        At the end of his speech, Will Smith added: “Thank you. I hope the academy invites me back.”        在演讲最后,史密斯还说:“谢谢大家。希望学院还能邀请我回来。”

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