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China and Solomon Islands Draft Secret Security Pact, Raising Alarm in the Pacific

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-25 05:13

        SYDNEY, Australia — A leaked document has revealed that China and the Solomon Islands are close to signing a security agreement that could open the door to Chinese troops and naval warships flowing into a Pacific Island nation that played a pivotal role in World War II.        澳大利亚悉尼——一份泄露的文件显示,中国和所罗门群岛即将签署一项安全协议,该协议可能为中国军人和军舰进入这个在“二战”中发挥关键作用的太平洋岛国打开大门。
        The agreement, kept secret until now, was shared online Thursday night by opponents of the deal and verified as legitimate by the Australian government. Though it is marked as a draft and cites a need for “social order” as a justification for sending Chinese forces, it has set off alarms throughout the Pacific, where concerns about China’s intentions have been growing for years.        该协议此前一直保密,直到周四晚上,该协议的反对者将其发布在网络,并且澳大利亚政府认证了其真实性。尽管它被标记为草案,并以维护“社会秩序”的需要作为派遣中国军队的理由,但它已经在整个太平洋地区引发了警报。多年来,该地区越来越担忧中国的意图。
        “This is deeply problematic for the United States and a real cause of concern for our allies and partners,” Charles Edel, the inaugural Australia chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said on Friday.        战略与国际研究中心澳大利亚首任主席查尔斯·埃德尔周五表示:“这对美国来说是个严重问题,也是我们的盟友和伙伴担心的重要原因。”
        “The establishment of a base in the Solomon Islands by a strategic adversary would significantly degrade Australia and New Zealand’s security, increase the chances of local corruption and heighten the chances of resource exploitation.”        “一个战略对手在所罗门群岛建立基地,将大大削弱澳大利亚和新西兰的安全,增加当地腐败的机会,并增加资源剥削的可能。”
        It is not clear which side initiated the agreement, but if signed, the deal would give Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare of the Solomon Islands the ability to call on China for protection of his own government while granting China a base of operations between the United States and Australia that could be used to block shipping traffic across the South Pacific.        目前尚不清楚该协议由哪一方发起,但如果已经签署,该协议将使所罗门群岛总理马纳西·索加瓦雷拥有吁请中国保护他的政府的能力,同时为中国提供一个位于美国和澳大利亚之间的行动基地,可以用来阻断南太平洋的航运。
        Five months ago, protesters unhappy with Beijing’s secretive influence attacked the prime minister’s residence, burned businesses in the capital’s Chinatown and left three people dead. Now the worst-case scenario some Solomon Islanders envision would be a breakdown of democracy before or during next year’s election, with more unrest and the threat of China moving in to maintain the current status quo.        五个月前,对北京的隐秘影响感到不满的抗议者袭击了总理官邸,烧毁了首都唐人街的店铺,造成三人死亡。现在,一些所罗门群岛人设想的最坏情况是,民主将在明年大选之前或期间崩溃,出现更多动荡,面临中国为维持现状而采取行动的威胁。
        The leaked document states that “Solomon Islands may, according to its own needs, request China to send police, armed police, military personnel and other law enforcement and armed forces to Solomon Islands to assist in maintaining social order, protecting people’s lives and property.”        该泄密文件称,“所罗门群岛可根据自身需要,要求中国派遣警察、武警、军事人员等执法和武装力量赴所罗门群岛协助维护社会秩序,保护人民生命财产安全。”
        It allows China to provide “assistance on other tasks” and requires secrecy, noting, “Neither party shall disclose the cooperation information to a third party.”        该文件允许中国提供“其他任务方面的协助”,并要求保密,指出“任何一方不得向第三方透露合作信息”。
        Matthew Wale, the leader of the opposition party in the Solomon Islands’ Parliament, said he feared that the “very general, overarching, vague” agreement could be used for anything.        所罗门群岛议会反对党领袖马修·威尔表示,他担心这份“非常笼统、包罗一切、含糊不清”的协议可能被用于任意目的。
        “The crux of it is that this is all about political survival for the prime minister,” he said. “It has nothing to do with the national security of Solomon Islands.”        “问题的关键在于,这一切都是为了总理的政治生存,”他说。“这与所罗门群岛的国家安全毫无关系。”
        For Beijing, the deal could offer its own potential reward. “China may, according to its own needs and with the consent of Solomon Islands, make ship visits to, carry out logistical replenishment in and have stopover and transition in the Solomon Islands,” the draft states.        对中国政府而言,这笔交易可能会带来潜在的回报。草案指出:“中方可根据自身需要,在所罗门群岛同意的情况下,安排舰船赴所罗门群岛访问、在所罗门群岛进行后勤补给、在所罗门群岛进行中途停留和过渡。”
        It also says the Solomons will provide “all necessary facilities.”        声明还说,所罗门群岛将提供“一切必要设施”。
        The Chinese Embassy in the Solomon Islands did not immediately reply to an email seeking comment.        中国驻所罗门群岛大使馆没有立即回复寻求置评的电子邮件。
        Australia, which has traditionally been the island’s main security partner — also sending police officers to quell the unrest in November at the government’s request — responded swiftly to the leaked document.        澳大利亚历来是该岛国的主要安全伙伴,11月还应所罗门政府要求派出警察平息动乱。澳大利亚对泄露的文件迅速做出反应。
        “We would be concerned by any actions that destabilize the security of our region,” Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. “Members of the Pacific family are best placed to respond to situations affecting Pacific regional security.”        “我们会对任何破坏我们地区安全的行为感到担忧,”澳大利亚外交部在声明中说。“面对影响太平洋地区安全的局势,最适合做出反应的应该是太平洋大家庭的成员。”
        Despite such affirmations, Australia has been losing influence in the Solomons for years. The larger country has a history of condescending to the region, downplaying its concerns about climate change and often describing it as its own “backyard.”        尽管有这样的申明,澳大利亚在所罗门群岛的影响力多年来一直在下降。作为大国,澳大利亚历来对所罗门群岛颐指气使,轻视该国对气候变化的担忧,并经常将其描述为自己的“后院”。
        Mr. Sogavare has made no secret of his desire to draw China closer. In 2019, soon after he was elected, he announced that the island would end its 36-year diplomatic relationship with Taiwan, the self-governing island that China claims as its own, in order to establish official ties with Beijing. He argued that Beijing would deliver the infrastructure and support that the country needed.        索加瓦雷毫不掩饰与中国拉近距离的愿望。2019年当选后不久,他就宣布,为了与北京建立官方关系,该岛将结束与台湾长达36年的外交关系——台湾是一个自治的岛屿,中国声称它是自己的领土。他认为,北京能提供所罗门群岛所需的基础设施和支持。
        The Sogavare government quickly signed agreements giving Chinese companies the right to build roads and bridges, and to reopen one of the country’s gold mines. A Chinese company even tried to lease the entire island of Tulagi.        索加瓦雷政府很快签署了协议,给予中国公司修建道路和桥梁的权利,并重新向中国开放该国的一个金矿。一家中国公司甚至试图租下整个图拉吉岛。
        That deal was eventually deemed illegal, after critics rose up in anger. Residents of Tulagi and Malaita, an island province where local leaders expressed strong opposition to China, have said that bribes are constantly being paid by proxies of Beijing with bags of cash and promises of kickbacks for senior leaders often made during all-expenses-paid trips to China.        在批评人士对此表示愤怒之后,该协议最终被裁定为非法。图拉吉和马莱塔(该岛屿省份的领导人表达了对中国的强烈反对)的居民表示,北京的代理人经常用大袋现金贿赂高层领导人,还在他们免费访华期间经常向他们承诺回扣。
        The violent protests in November in the Solomon Islands reflected those frustrations. They erupted on the island of Guadalcanal, in the capital, Honiara, where American troops fought a brutal battle against the Japanese starting in 1942. And the clashes were sparked by anger over allegations of China-fueled corruption and a perceived unequal distribution of resources, which has left Malaita less developed despite having the country’s largest population.        11月在所罗门群岛发生的暴力抗议活动反映了这些不满情绪。出事地点是首都霍尼亚拉所在的瓜达尔卡纳尔岛,1942年美军曾在那里同日军展开一场残酷的战斗。这次冲突的导火索是对中国助长腐败指控的愤怒,以及人们认为的资源分配不平等,这样的不平等使得马莱塔尽管拥有该国最多的人口,却不太发达。
        Malaita’s premier, Daniel Suidani — who has banned Chinese companies from Malaita while accepting American aid — said that the anger stemmed from “the national government’s leadership.”        马莱塔省省长丹尼尔·苏达尼在接受美国援助的同时禁止中国公司进入该省,他说愤怒源于“国家政府的领导”。
        “They are provoking the people to do something that is not good,” he said in November.        “他们在煽动人民做一些不好的事情,”他在11月说。
        Mr. Wale, the opposition leader, said he has encouraged the prime minister to negotiate with Malaita, with little success.        反对党领袖威尔说,他曾鼓励总理与马莱塔谈判,但收效甚微。
        “The political discourse over these things is nonexistent,” he said, adding that the proposed agreement with China would make the relationship more volatile.        “对这些事情的政治讨论是不存在的,”他说,他还说,拟议中的同中国的协议将使关系更加不稳定。
        Anna Powles, a senior lecturer at the Center for Defense and Security Studies at Massey University in New Zealand, said the recent upheaval and continued insecurity pointed to high levels of stress on the government over the pandemic, the economy and “longstanding concerns about the capturing of the state and political elites by foreign interests.”        新西兰梅西大学国防和安全研究中心的高级讲师安娜·鲍尔斯说,最近的动荡和持续的不安全感表明,政府在大流行、经济和“对外国利益集团掌控国家和政治精英的长期担忧”这些方面承受着高度压力。
        “Some of the biggest implications here are about how strategic competition is disrupting local government,” Dr. Powles said.        “战略竞争对地方政府构成的冲击是主要的后果之一,”鲍尔斯说。
        American officials have also become increasingly concerned. In interviews over the past few years, they have often cited the Solomons as a grave example of China’s approach throughout the Pacific, which involves cultivating decision makers to open the door for Chinese businesses, migration and access to strategic resources and locations — most likely, the Americans believe, for civilian and military uses, at sea, and for satellite communications.        美国官员也越来越担心。在过去几年的采访中,他们经常把所罗门群岛作为一个严峻的例子,以说明中国在太平洋地区的行事方式,包括培养决策者为中国企业、移民和获取战略资源及战略地点打开大门,美国人认为,这些地点有可能用作海上民事和军事用途,以及用于卫星通信。
        Many Pacific islands, including Kiribati and Fiji, have seen a sharp increase in Chinese diplomats, construction deals and Chinese migration over the past five years. Disputes and tensions have been growing over Beijing’s role in a region that has often either been ignored or been seen as little more than dots on the map for great powers to toy with.        过去五年里,基里巴斯和斐济等许多太平洋岛屿上的中国外交官、建筑交易和中国移民的数量都在急剧增加。这个地区要么经常遭到忽视,要么被视为地图上的几个小点,大国可以随意操弄。如今,围绕北京在该地区扮演的角色,争议和紧张局势不断升级。
        Last month, during a visit to Fiji that focused heavily on competition with China, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced that the United States would soon open an embassy in the Solomon Islands after closing one in the 1990s. It is still many months from being operational and on Friday, American officials did not initially respond to requests for comment.        美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯上月对斐济的访问格外关注与中国的竞争,他在访问中宣布,美国将很快开放驻所罗门群岛的大使馆,美国此前在1990年代关闭了驻该国使馆。目前,新使馆距离投入使用还有好几个月,美国官员上周五最初没有回应置评请求。
        “They certainly can do more and faster,” Mr. Wale, the Solomons opposition leader, said. “They just seem to be dragging their feet.”        “他们当然可以做得更多更快,”所罗门的反对派领袖威尔说。“他们似乎很拖拉。”

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