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Shanghai introduces a staggered lockdown by district in an effort to test the entire city.

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-28 03:19

        As coronavirus outbreaks spread across China, Shanghai is introducing new rounds of lockdowns to be rolled out sequentially across the city’s neighborhoods, the city government announced on Sunday night, as part of an effort to test its entire population of 26 million.        随着新冠病毒疫情在中国各地蔓延,上海市政府周日晚间宣布,为了对2600万人口展开核酸检测,将在全市范围内轮流采取新一轮封锁措施。
        The restrictions and mass testing will start Monday morning in areas east of the Huangpu River, with those lasting until April 1. Restrictions and testing in districts west of the river will begin on April 1 and continue until April 5.        限制措施和大规模检测将于周一上午在浦东地区展开,持续到4月1日。浦西地区的限制措施和检测将从4月1日开始,持续到4月5日。
        According to the announcement, all citizens, except for those providing essential and public services, will not be allowed to leave their neighborhoods. Nonessential businesses and transportation will also cease operations.        根据公告,除提供基础和公共服务的人员外,所有市民均不得离开社区。非必要的企业和交通也将停止运营。
        Shanghai, China’s largest city and a global financial center, saw daily new cases spike to over 2,600 on Sunday, from just a handful in early March. Hospitals and medical staff are stretched thin. Some neighborhoods in other districts with a concentration of cases have already been under lockdown for over a week, with an increasing number of people reporting problems securing daily necessities, including medical supplies.        上海是中国最大的城市和全球金融中心,日新增病例数从3月初的区区几例激增至周日的2600多例。医院和医务资源处于紧张状态。其他区域一些病例集中的社区已经封锁了一个多礼拜,越来越多的人报告说,在包括医疗用品在内的日常生活必须品保障方面存在问题。
        Unlike other Chinese cities, Shanghai had never before imposed a full-scale citywide lockdown, but the current measure comes close. Since China’s first coronavirus outbreak emerged in Wuhan in late 2019, the government has sealed off major cities like Xi’an and Shenzhen as part of its stringent “zero Covid” approach. Shanghai, by contrast, has resorted to “grid screening.” The method has been hailed by the city’s health officials as a more accurate and efficient way to carry out testing in individual neighborhoods, and is in line with Beijing’s new approach to keeping the virus in check while minimizing financial pain.        与中国其他城市不同,上海以前从未在全市范围内实施过全面封锁,但目前的措施已经接近这一程度。自2019年底新冠疫情在武汉暴发以来,政府曾对西安和深圳等主要城市实施过封锁,作为其严格清零措施的一部分。相比之下,上海则采用了“网格化筛查”。该市卫生官员将其誉为精准防疫,并且符合北京新的防疫方针,即在控制病毒的同时最大限度减少经济代价。
        Wu Fan, an official of Shanghai’s Health Commission, stressed in a news conference on Saturday that the city cannot enter a full-scale lockdown. “Because Shanghai is not only Shanghai for the people of Shanghai, but it also plays an important role in the national economic and social development, and even has an impact on the global economy,” she said. Ms. Wu implored the citizens to treat the current screening process seriously, so that the city could resume normal life efficiently and at minimal cost.        上海市卫健委官员吴凡周六在新闻发布会上强调,上海不能全面封城。“因为上海不仅仅是上海人民自己的上海,上海这个城市还在全国经济社会发展当中承载发挥了重要的功能,甚至于对全球经济都有影响,”她说。吴凡恳请市民能够认真、仔细地进行这次核酸筛查,让城市用最小的成本、最快的速度恢复日常生活。
        Over the last five days, Shanghai has already conducted over 30 million P.C.R. tests in key areas of the city that were identified as higher risk for infection, as well as in low-risk places. Health officials in Shanghai previously said that the city had the capacity to perform more than 1.9 million tests daily.        在过去的五天里,上海在认定为较高风险的地区和低风险地区已经进行了超过3000万人次的核酸检测。此前,上海卫生官员曾表示该市每日最大核酸检测能力达到单人单管190万份以上。

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