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Second Flight Recorder From China Crash Is Found, Officials Say

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-28 11:39

        Search crews have found the second of two flight recorders from a passenger plane that abruptly plunged to earth in southern China, killing 132 people, officials said on Sunday, nearly a week after the disaster.        周日,一架客机在中国广西省坠毁造成132人死亡一周后,有关官员表示,搜救人员已经寻获第二部黑匣子。
        Flight recorders, which collect crucial information, including the pilots’ communications and data on the plane’s engines and performance, could help explain why China Eastern Airlines Flight 5735 lost more than 20,000 feet in altitude in just over a minute before crashing into a hillside in the region of Guangxi. Chinese authorities confirmed on Saturday what had been all but certain: that none of the people aboard the Boeing 737 had survived.        黑匣子收集关键信息,包括飞行员的通信,以及飞机引擎和性能数据。它可以帮助解释为什么中国东方航空公司的5735航班在短短一分钟的时间里下降了6000多米,然后坠落到广西的一处山坡。中国有关部门周六证实了一件几乎可以肯定的事情:这架波音737飞机上无人生还。
        Searchers have been digging into the muddy earth to look for evidence, and a team dug the second recorder from the hillside, after spotting a telltale flash of orange from its case, Zheng Xi, a firefighting official helping to oversee the search, told a news conference.        参与指挥搜救工作的消防官员郑西在新闻发布会上表示,搜救人员一直在泥泞中寻找,一个团队发现了只露出一点橙色的物体后,从山坡上挖出了第二部记录器。
        “The other parts of the recorder have been badly damaged, but the exterior of the data storage unit appears quite OK,” Zhu Tao, an aviation safety official from the Civil Aviation Administration of China, told the news conference.        中国民用航空局航空安全官员朱涛在新闻发布会上表示:“记录器其他部分损毁严重,但数据存储单元外观较为完好。”
        Aviation officials and experts have warned that both recorders could be badly damaged from the crash, which would make it more difficult to retrieve their data. Search crews are also trying to recover debris from the plane, which could take weeks, if not longer.        航空官员和专家警告,两部黑匣子都可能因坠机而严重受损,这将使数据的读取更加困难。搜救人员还在努力寻找飞机残骸,这可能需要数周甚至更长时间。
        In recent days, workers have recovered parts of the plane’s engines, wings and main landing gear, along with other pieces of wreckage. Officials said they had determined the plane’s main impact point and that most of the debris was concentrated within a radius of 30 yards and a depth of about 20 yards under the ground. But search teams also found a four-foot-long piece of debris, likely from the plane, more than six miles from the main crash site.        最近几天,工作人员已经找到了飞机引擎、机翼和主起落架的部分部件,以及其他一些残骸。官员们表示,他们已经确定了飞机的主要撞击点,大部分残骸集中在半径30米左右的范围内,向下延伸约20米的深度。搜救队还在距离主要坠机地点约10公里的地方发现了一块1.3米长的碎片,很可能来自飞机。
        The recovery of structural parts could help investigators determine how the plane broke apart by using metallurgical analysis, Mike Daniel, an industry consultant and former accident investigator for the Federal Aviation Administration, said in an interview. “They should piece as many parts as possible to try to reconstruct the aircraft,” he said, though he acknowledged that a full reconstruction would be “nearly impossible” given the impact with which the plane hit the ground.        行业顾问、美国联邦航空管理局前事故调查员迈克·丹尼尔在接受采访时说,找到结构部件可以帮助调查人员通过冶金分析确定飞机如何解体。“他们应该把尽可能多地拼装部件,试图重建飞机,”他说。不过他承认,考虑到飞机撞击地面时的冲击力,完全重建飞机“几乎是不可能的”。
        Search teams on Wednesday found what officials said was probably the plane’s cockpit voice recorder and sent it to Beijing for analysis. The other flight recorder, presumably the one whose recovery was announced on Sunday, is used to store information about the plane’s motion, speed, altitude and mechanical performance.        官员们表示,搜救队在周三发现了飞机驾驶舱语音记录器,并将其送往北京进行分析。另一部飞行记录仪应该就是周日宣布找到的那个,它用来存储有关飞机的运动、速度、高度和机械性能方面的信息。
        For days, hundreds of searchers in the isolated hills of Teng County in Guangxi appeared not to have given up on finding survivors, though the chances of finding anyone alive seemed minute. Heavy rains have inundated the area, raising the risk of mudslides. Workers have used pumps to drain the sodden earth.        几天来,在广西藤县偏远山区的数百名搜救人员似乎没有放弃寻找幸存者,尽管找到生还者的可能性微乎其微。暴雨淹没了该地区,增加了泥石流的风险。工人们用水泵将泥浆抽干。
        Live television footage from the area on Friday showed workers wearing medical masks and white personal protective suits as they scoured the steep, muddy terrain.        周五来自该地区的电视直播画面显示,工人们戴着医用口罩,穿着白色的防护服,在陡峭泥泞的地形上搜索。
        On Friday, several Chinese media outlets mistakenly reported that searchers had found the second flight recorder. Xinhua, the official news agency, later said that was untrue.        上周五,几家中国媒体误报搜寻人员已经找到了第二部飞行记录仪。官方新闻机构新华社后来否认了这个说法。
        The Chinese government regards disasters like the Flight 5735 crash as potential sources of public anger at officials, and it has moved quickly to control the messaging around the crash. State media reports have emphasized statements of concern from China’s top leaders and the quick mobilization of hundreds of firefighters, paramilitary troops and other workers in the search.        中国政府认为,5735航班坠毁这样的灾难可能会引发公众对官员的愤怒,它已迅速采取行动,控制有关坠机事件的信息。官方媒体的报道强调了中国高层领导人的关切指示,以及对数百名消防员、准军事部队和其他搜救人员的迅速动员。
        In past disasters, such as a high-speed rail accident in 2011, survivors and family members of victims galvanized to protest the government and demand information and redress. This time, though, relatives of the people who were on the flight have been swaddled in official security and oversight and largely kept away from reporters.        在过去的灾难中,幸存者和受害者家属会纷纷抗议政府,要求获得信息和赔偿,比如2011年的动车事故。不过这一次机上人员的亲属受到了官方的安全保护和监督,基本上不让记者接触到他们。
        Hundreds of searchers at the crash site stood in silence while horns blared for three minutes on Sunday afternoon as part of a traditional Chinese ceremony for mourning six days after someone has died.        周日下午,飞机失事地点的数百名搜救人员肃立默哀,鸣笛三分钟。这是中国传统殡葬习俗的“头七”之日。

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