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Two U.K. Judges Quit Hong Kong Court, Citing Lost Freedoms

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-31 10:03

        The president of Britain’s Supreme Court said Wednesday that he and a colleague were stepping down from their roles on Hong Kong’s highest court because the administration of the Chinese territory had “departed from values of political freedom and freedom of expression.”        英国最高法院院长周三表示,他和一名同事将辞去在香港终审法院的职务,因为这片中国领土的政府已“背离了政治自由和言论自由的价值观”。
        Their resignations will heighten scrutiny of Hong Kong’s British-style legal system, which the former British colony kept even after it returned to Chinese control in 1997. While the system has long had a reputation of independence, Beijing’s imposition of a strict national security law on Hong Kong in 2020 has put it under increasing pressure to uphold the government’s crackdown on dissent.        他们的辞职引起人们对香港英式法律体系的进一步审视,1997年回归中国后,这个英国前殖民地仍保留着这一法律体系。尽管香港法院长期以来以独立著称,但中央政府在2020年对香港实施严格的《国家安全法》后,它受到越来越大的压力,被要求作出支持政府镇压异见人士的判决。
        Judges from countries including Britain, Australia and New Zealand have served as nonpermanent judges on Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal alongside the city’s chief justice and other local judges. The arrangement was devised to maintain the legal system’s contact with the greater common law world even after control of the territory returned to Beijing.        香港终审法院由首席大法官和其他本地法官组成,并有来自英国、澳大利亚和新西兰等国的法官担任非常任法官的职务。这种安排的目的是,即使在香港的主权回归中国之后,香港的法律体系仍与更广大的普通法世界保持着联系。
        The resignations of the president of Britain’s Supreme Court, of Robert Reed, and Patrick Hodge, the deputy president, will add to questions about the autonomy of Hong Kong’s judiciary.        英国最高法院院长韦彦德(Robert Reed)和副院长贺知义(Patrick Hodge)的辞职将加剧人们对香港司法自治的怀疑。
        Lord Reed said in a written statement that judges of Britain’s Supreme Court could not continue sitting in Hong Kong “without appearing to endorse an administration which has departed from values of political freedom, and freedom of expression, to which the Justices of the Supreme Court are deeply committed.”        韦彦德勋爵在一份书面声明中写道,英国最高法院的法官不能在香港继续担任法官,否则会让人认为他们“支持一个背离政治自由和言论自由价值观的政府,而最高法院的法官们深深致力于这些价值观”。
        The national security law had made the question of whether such participation was in Britain’s national interest “increasingly finely balanced,” he said, adding that Hong Kong’s courts “continue to be internationally respected for their commitment to the rule of law.”        韦彦德写道,由于港区国安法,英国法官在香港任职是否符合英国国家利益的问题变得需要“日益微妙的平衡”,并补充道,香港法院“继续因其致力于法治而受到国际上的尊重”。
        The resignations were backed by the British government, with Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, and Dominic Raab, the deputy prime minister, saying they endorsed the move.        他们的辞职得到了英国政府的支持,外交大臣利兹·特拉斯和副首相多米尼克·拉布表示支持他们的做法。
        “The situation has reached a tipping point where it is no longer tenable for British judges to sit on Hong Kong’s leading court, and would risk legitimizing oppression,” Ms. Truss said in a statement.        “情况已经到了一个转折点,英国法官在香港终审法院任职已不再说得过去,那会有让镇压合法化的风险,”特拉斯在一份声明中写道。
        Hong Kong officials have staunchly defended the local legal system. Andrew Cheung, the Hong Kong chief justice, dismissed criticism of the courts in a speech in January and denied that the security law had affected the impartiality of judges.        香港官员一直坚定捍卫当地的法律体系。香港终审法院首席大法官张举能在今年1月的一次讲话中驳斥了外界对法院的批评,否认了国安法让法官的公正性受到影响。
        “Judicial independence in Hong Kong exists as a fact,” he said.        “香港的司法独立是事实存在,”他说。
        The role of the British Supreme Court judges on Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal is unique because they are acting judges at home. Other foreign judges on the Hong Kong court, including current members from Britain, Australia and Canada, are retired.        在香港终审法院任职的英国最高法院法官的角色很特别,因为他们也是英国的在任法官。香港法院的其他现任外籍法官,包括来自英国、澳大利亚和加拿大的法官,都已在本国退休。
        But the resignation of the high-profile British judges could pressure others to follow, legal experts said.        但法律专家说,这两名广受关注的英国法官的辞职可能会给其他外籍法官带来跟随的压力。
        “This will influence a lot of public opinion, even though it may not actually be true in terms of the state of justice in Hong Kong,” said Simon Young, a law professor at the University of Hong Kong.        “这将对公众舆论产生很大影响,尽管就香港的司法状况而言,事实可能并非如此,”香港大学法学教授杨艾文说。
        “This ongoing perception and reality — you see this great divide,” he added. “And then, of course, it puts the other foreign judges in a difficult position because they will be asked, ‘If this is true, why are you staying?’”        “在这种持续的感觉和现实之间,人们看到一个巨大的鸿沟,”他补充道。“然后,这当然会让其他外籍法官陷入困境,因为人们会问他们,‘如果这是真的,你为什么还留在任上?’”
        James Spigelman, a judge from Australia, stepped down from Hong Kong’s top court in 2020, citing the security law.        2020年,澳大利亚法官施觉民(James Spigelman)以国安法为由,辞去了他在香港终审法院的职位。
        More than 150 people have been arrested under the national security law since it was imposed in 2020. They include Jimmy Lai, the founder of a now-shuttered pro-democracy newspaper, and 47 of the city’s most prominent opposition politicians and activists, who were accused of trying to subvert the government by vowing to block its agenda in the legislature.        自2020年实施国安法以来,已有逾150人根据该法被捕。其中包括一家现已停刊的民主派报纸创始人黎智英,以及47名香港最知名的反对派政界人士和活动人士,他们被指控颠覆政府,因为他们曾发誓要试图在立法会阻止政府议程。
        The law introduced some significant changes to Hong Kong’s system, including allowing the government to designate which judges would hear cases under the law, and strictly limiting bail. Most of the politicians and activists charged under the law remain in jail awaiting trial more than a year later.        国安法给香港的司法制度带来了一些重大变化,包括允许政府指定按照该法审理案件的法官,并对保释有严格限制。在被捕一年多后,根据国安法被起诉的大多数政治人士和活动人士仍在监狱里等待法庭审理。

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