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In an industrial Chinese province, some workers say they’ve been quarantined in the hospitals they were building.

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-31 01:17

        Jilin, an industrial province in northeastern China, is at the front line of the country’s latest coronavirus outbreak, leaving medical workers and migrant laborers there struggling to cope with restrictions.        中国东北的工业大省吉林目前处于该国最新一轮新冠病毒暴发的第一线,面对种种限制措施,那里的医务人员和农民工困难重重。
        Shanghai, which imposed a lockdown to stanch a coronavirus surge, has won more attention in China and abroad in part because it had appeared to be a well-run bastion against infections, and it has a large and vocal-middle class. But statistics of illness and resident accounts suggest that Jilin has been hit harder.        为遏制确诊病例激增已进行分区封控的上海受到国内外更多关注,部分原因是它似乎曾是在抵御感染方面运行良好的堡垒,而且有一个庞大且敢于发声的中产阶级。但疾病统计和居民描述显示,吉林遭受的打击更大。
        China is trying to follow a restrictive policy, but is now reporting nearly 9,000 cases a day, most of them in people showing no symptoms. More than 2,000 new cases were detected in Jilin on Tuesday, most of them light or asymptomatic, according to China’s National Health Commission.        中国仍在试图执行限制性政策,但现在每天通报的新冠确诊病例已近9000例,其中大多数是无症状感染者。据中国国家卫生健康委员会发布的信息,吉林省本周二新增确诊病例2000余例,多为轻症或无症状感染者。
        While the numbers are relatively few compared with those in many countries, especially when it comes to serious illness and death, China’s stringent lockdown and quarantine policies have put a strain on local governments as cases rise and residents require hospital beds, medicine and food deliveries. All 1,150 symptomatic cases in Jilin recorded on Tuesday have been put into medical isolation, according to local health officials.        虽然与许多国家相比,中国的确诊病例数量仍相对较少,尤其是重症和死亡病例,但随着确诊病例增长,民众需要医院床位、药品和食品递送,而中国严格的封控和隔离政策已给地方政府造成压力。据当地卫生官员,吉林省周二确诊的所有1150例有症状感染者都已被送进医院隔离。
        In recent days, messages have spread on China’s internet describing rural migrant workers in Jilin who have tested positive for the coronavirus and then come under quarantine. Some have complained of lack of medical treatment and economic support. They included laborers who, in a twist of irony, said they had helped build the makeshift hospitals to treat Covid patients there.        最近几天,中国互联网上流传着一些新冠病毒检测呈阳性后遭隔离的吉林农民工的故事。有些人抱怨得不到医疗护理和经济支持。具有讽刺意味的是,这些农民工中包括曾帮助建造方舱医院的人。
        “Everyone’s panicking and they don’t know where to go,” said one of the calls for help. “Over 40 have tested positive. Where do we get treatment? Afterward who’s going to set things right with us?”        “人心惶惶,不知去哪里,”其中一个呼救者说。“被传染的阳性的已经达到40多人,去哪里治疗呢?之后我们要找谁来给我们个说法呢?”
        One infected worker who posted the plea online said in a telephone interview that he had been locked up in the same hospital he had just built as a day laborer, along with dozens of other infected workers. He said he had a fever and sometimes could not get medicine while medical staff members struggled to tend to 300 patients. He said that he was not being paid for his time in quarantine and would miss the spring planting season on his farm.        一名在网上求助的农民工感染者在接受电话采访时说,他和其他几十名感染了新冠病毒的临时工已被关进他们刚刚建好的方舱医院。他说,自己发烧了,有时得不到药物,医务人员为照顾300名患者忙得不可开交。他还说,在隔离期间没有报酬,隔离将让他错过老家的春季种植季节。
        On Monday, officials in Hebei Province, near Beijing, confirmed that two workers who had traveled to Jilin to help build the Covid hospitals had returned home infected with the coronavirus.        周一,紧邻北京的河北省官员证实,当地两名曾前往吉林省帮助建设方舱医院的农民工回来后确诊。
        At a news conference on Monday, an official from the Jilin city government — the city is a namesake of the province — acknowledged that workers on a building site for a Covid hospital there had been infected. The official said that the spread had been stopped and “the workers’ rights have been effectively protected and assured.”        吉林省吉林市的一名政府官员在周一的新闻发布会上承认,该市一家方舱医院的建筑工地已有工人确诊。该官员说,聚集性疫情的蔓延得以避免,“工人权益得到了有效的维护和保障。”
        Calls to Jilin province government’s press office went unanswered, and an official at the province’s health department said he did not know about the workers’ complaints.        记者打给吉林省政府新闻办公室的电话无人接听,该省卫生部门的一名官员说,他不知道有工人投诉的问题。
        This week, Sun Chunlan, the Chinese vice premier in charge of pandemic measures, visited Jilin. She told officials to stick to the government’s “dynamic zero” goal of minimizing infections.        本周,中国负责疫情防控的副总理孙春兰前往吉林调研。孙春兰要求官员们贯彻政府“动态清零”总方针,尽量减少感染。
        “Apply rigorous measures to continue getting to grips with every task in pandemic prevention and control,” she said, according to the Jilin government website.        “以过硬手段继续抓实抓好疫情防控各项工作,”吉林省政府网站的报道引用她的话说。

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