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‘I’m Not Scared of Anything’: Death and Defiance in a Besieged Ukrainian City

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-17 02:35

        MYKOLAIV, Ukraine — Alla Ryabko stood in the courtyard of the city morgue, trembling with grief and rage. Her son, Capt. Roman Ryabko, had been killed in fighting on the first day of the war in Ukraine, but two weeks had passed and his body had not yet been prepared for burial.
        “He’s there lying in a bag,” she said, gesturing to the covered bodies on the ground. “They’re not even giving him to me so that I can wash him. I have to take him away in a bag, a garbage bag.”        “他就躺在一个袋子里,”她指着地上的裹尸袋说道。“他们甚至没把他交给我,好让我把他擦干净。我只好拿个袋子把他装走,一个垃圾袋。”
        The morgue is overflowing. Bodies are being released to families in the state they arrived, half-dressed in shredded military uniforms, spackled with blood and blackened by fire. Bodies are in the corridor, in the administrative offices, in the courtyard, in a storage shed nearby. They are soldiers and civilians, wrapped in sheets or carpets or nothing at all.        太平间已经放不下了。尸体被原样送还给家人,破烂的军装已经衣不蔽体,上面都是鲜血和被火熏黑的痕迹。走廊、行政办公室、院子和附近的仓库里都是尸体。有士兵的,也有平民的,这些尸体有的被裹上床单或地毯,有的什么都没有。
        Even as Ms. Ryabko cried out her anguish, artillery strikes shook the ground beneath her feet. There were already 132 bodies in the morgue that day. More would be on the way.        就在里亚布科呐喊出自己的痛苦之时,炮火撼动了她脚下的大地。那天的太平间已有132具尸体。更多的还在路上。
        There is shelling every day in Mykolaiv. It usually starts before dawn, as a rumble or a thud or a thwack. It electrifies the air and sends a jolt through the gut, and those who choose to stay in bed, rather than flee to a basement, can shut their eyes and let their ears paint a picture of the battle raging in the dark.         尼古拉耶夫每天都有炮击。炮击通常在黎明前开始,传出阵阵沉闷的轰鸣,让空气都变得紧张,五脏六腑都被震动,躺在床上没有逃到地下室的人可以闭上眼睛,听声音想象黑暗中激烈战斗的场面。
        Russian forces want to take Mykolaiv because it stands in their way. The Varvarivsky Bridge in the city is the only passage for miles across the wide mouth of the Southern Buh River. By seizing the bridge, Russian fighters can push along the Black Sea coast west to Odessa, the headquarters of the Ukrainian Navy and the country’s largest civilian port.        俄军要占领尼古拉耶夫,因为这座城市挡住了他们的去路。市里的瓦瓦里夫斯基大桥就是跨越南布格河宽阔河口的唯一通道。夺下这座桥,俄军就可以沿着黑海向西推进到敖德萨,那是乌克兰海军司令部所在地,也是乌克兰最大的民用港口。
        To get to the bridge, they have to go through the Ukrainian fighters who, so far, have not budged. And so the Russian troops bomb, randomly and indiscriminately, striking neighborhoods, hospitals and supermarkets, opting for terror in the absence of military gain. At least a dozen civilians were killed by airstrikes over the weekend, according to the local authorities.        要抵达这座桥,俄军必须跨过到目前为止都没有让步的乌克兰军队。于是,俄军选择了并无军事收益的恐怖主义,无差别地对社区、医院和超市进行随机轰炸。当地政府表示,至少有12名平民在周末的空袭中丧生。
        Yet there is also a refusal to succumb. Trash is still being collected, and city workers have embarked on an aggressive tree-pruning campaign, though the shelling is knocking down some of those trees.        然而这里的人们始终拒绝屈服。垃圾仍然得到清理,城市环卫工开始积极修剪树木,尽管炮击已经将其中一些连根拔起。
        There is the family who closed down a high-end interior design business and now drives around the city all day delivering food to needy residents, pausing only on occasion to dash into a basement for cover. There is the group of local guys who banded together to try to fix a Russian tank damaged in the fighting so that Ukraine’s military might use it.        有户人家将自己的高端室内设计公司关张,现在整天在市里开车打转,给有需要的居民送去食物,只是偶尔停下来冲进地下室寻找掩护。还有群当地人一起尝试修理在战斗中损坏的俄罗斯坦克,兴许能在乌军那里派上用场。
        A few blocks from the morgue, the Coffee Go cafe is doing a brisk business, even as artillery fire rattles the plate-glass windows. When the owners tried to close down, their teenage employees rebelled, said Viktoria Kuplevskaya, an 18-year-old barista with a streak of orange in her hair.        在太平间几个街区开外,尽管厚玻璃窗因炮火而震动,但“Coffee Go”咖啡店仍然生意兴隆。头发挑染成橘色的18岁咖啡师维多利亚·库普列夫斯卡娅说,店老板本来想关门,但几个青少年员工们造反了。
        “We wanted to work,” she said. “I’m not scared of anything.”        “我们想工作,”她说。“我什么都不怕。”
        Once a center of shipbuilding for the Russian Empire, Mykolaiv was among the first places attacked after President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia gave the order to invade on Feb. 24. The Russian troops have pressed deep into the city limits, only to be pushed out, leaving behind the burned-out carcasses of armored vehicles.        作为俄罗斯帝国曾经的造船业中心,尼古拉耶夫是俄罗斯总统普京2月24日下令入侵后最先遭到袭击的地点之一。俄军曾深入其城区,但又被击退,只留下烧毁的装甲车残骸。
        No one knows how long Ukrainian defenders can hold. Russian forces have attacked with tanks, artillery and fighter jets, pummeling the city on three sides. Every day brings more death. But also defiance.        没人知道这些乌克兰保卫者还能坚持多久。俄军的坦克、大炮和战斗机发动了进攻,从三面对这座城市进行打击。每天的死亡人数越来越多。但人们的抗争也愈发坚决。
        The Governor        州长
        “Good morning. We’re from Ukraine.”        “早上好。我们正在乌克兰。”
        So begins the typical morning video message from Vitaliy Kim, the regional governor. The joke among city residents is that nobody will leave their homes unless Mr. Kim says it is safe, and no one can sleep soundly until Mr. Kim wishes them good night. It is only a slight exaggeration. His upbeat videos on Facebook and Telegram, which he invariably opens by flashing a peace sign and toothy smile, typically garner half a million views, roughly equal to the city’s population.        该地区州长维塔利·金的晨间视频讲话总是以此作为开场。市民们都开玩笑称,除非金说情况安全,否则没人会离开家门;除非金道了晚安,否则没人能踏实入睡。这种说法并不算夸大其词。他在Facebook和Telegram发布的鼓舞视频总以一个和平手势和露齿微笑作为开场,通常能获得50万浏览量,大致相当于该市总人口。
        “When he smiles, we can go to bed,” said Natalya Stanislavchuk, who has been volunteering to deliver food to the needy. “If Kim says we can sleep calmly, then we can sleep calmly.”        “他一露出笑容,我们就可以上床睡觉了,”一直自愿为有需要的人运送食物的娜塔莉亚·斯坦尼斯拉夫丘克说。“如果金说我们可以安睡,那么我们就能安睡。”
        Mr. Kim posts videos throughout the day, a mix of reassurance and withering denigration of Russian forces, whom he refers to alternatively as idiots, bastards and orcs, the evil snaggletoothed army of the east in Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings.” The messages are meant to bolster the spirits of city residents, even if the booms they are hearing sound terrifyingly close.        金在全天持续发布视频,安抚人心的同时还对俄军进行尖锐讽刺,将其称为蠢货、混蛋和奥克斯——即托尔金著作《指环王》中牙齿丑陋的邪恶东方军队。这些信息旨在鼓舞市民的精神,即使他们听到的爆炸声近在咫尺。
        “What can I say, the 17th day of war, all is well, the mood is excellent,” Mr. Kim said in a message over the weekend that began with news of an airstrike on a residential neighborhood. “We have freedom and we’re fighting for it. And all they have is slavery. We want all of our dreams to come true and we’re moving in that direction. Together to victory.”        “我还能说什么呢,战争的第17天,一切都好,心情好极了,”金在周末发布的一条视频中说,视频开头就是居民区遭到空袭的新闻。“我们拥有自由,也正在为自由而战。而他们有的只是奴役。我们希望所有梦想都能成真,也正朝着这个方向努力。一起奔向胜利吧。”
        A month ago, Mr. Kim’s main priorities centered around improving roads and the region’s tourism infrastructure, including big plans to develop a resort on a picturesque piece of the Black Sea coast.        一个月前,金的主要工作还是改善道路条件和当地旅游基础设施,包括在黑海沿岸开发景区的宏大计划。
        “These were costly, large, beautiful projects that were needed, and in one day this was destroyed,” Mr. Kim said.        “这些需求项目都非常昂贵,大型又漂亮,而一切都在一天之内成了泡影,”金说道。
        Now he coordinates with the military for the defense of the city. Meeting for an interview at the regional administration headquarters, Mr. Kim was dressed in green cargo pants with a black pistol holstered to his belt.        现在他要与军方协调,保卫这座城市。在地方行政总部接受采访时,金穿着绿色工装裤,腰间的枪套里别着一把黑色手枪。
        He predicted that any Russian effort to take Mykolaiv would lead to a bloody and destructive street-by-street firefight. Every street corner has a pile of tires and a ready incendiary bomb sitting next to it. Should Russian forces enter the city, residents are prepared to quickly plunge them into a smoky blackness, giving cover as the Ukrainian defenders attempt to pick off the Russian tanks one by one.        他预测,俄军夺取尼古拉耶夫的任何行动都将导致一场毁灭性的血腥巷战。每个街角都放有一堆轮胎,旁边备好了燃烧弹。如果俄军进入这座城市,居民们会让他们一头扎进烟雾缭绕的黑暗,掩护乌克兰守军把俄罗斯坦克逐一干掉。
        It would be apocalyptic, Mr. Kim said.        金说,那将是末日般的场面。
        “My strategy is to be much more joyous than is appropriate for this kind of situation,” he said. “This doesn’t mean that I don’t understand how serious things are.”        “我的策略是,在这种情况下表现出更多欢乐,”他说。“这并不意味着我不理解事态的严重性。”
        The Targets        目标
        The fireball lit up the night sky like an early sunrise. Another day of Russian shelling had begun.        火球像清晨的日出一样照亮了夜空。又一天的俄军炮击开始了。
        It was Monday, March 7, and Russian forces had launched an early-morning attack that jolted residents from their beds. They fled into makeshift bomb shelters, basements that many residents have outfitted with mattresses and shipping pallets for sleeping because they now spend so much time there.        那是3月7日星期一,俄罗斯军队在凌晨发动了一次袭击,把居民从床上惊醒。他们逃进临时的防空洞,许多居民在这些地下室配备了床垫和货物托盘,因为他们现在需要留在那里的时间太长了。
        “They attacked our city dishonorably, cynically, while people were sleeping,” Mr. Kim said in one of his messages.        “他们在人们熟睡的时候,无耻地、肆无忌惮地袭击了我们的城市,”金在他的一条信息中说。
        A cruise missile had hit a barracks filled with sleeping soldiers from the 79th Ukrainian Air Assault Brigade. Eight were killed and another eight were missing, their bodies buried in the pile of rubble. The strike opened the barracks like a dollhouse, revealing an eerie glimpse into a soldier’s daily life: gray steel bunk beds, regulations posted on the wall.        一枚巡航导弹击中了乌克兰第79空中突击旅的一处营房,里面挤满了正在睡觉的士兵。八人死亡,八人失踪,他们的尸体埋在瓦砾堆中。这次打击使兵营像玩偶屋一样敞开,让人们以怪异恐怖的方式看到士兵们的日常生活:灰色的钢制双层床,墙上贴着规章制度。
        It could have been worse had the missile not first slammed into a line of poplar trees, sending it slightly off target.        导弹先是撞上一排白杨树,因此稍稍偏离了目标,否则情况可能会更糟。
        “We were very lucky that these poplar trees were here because if it were a direct strike we would have all been screwed,” said a soldier named Vova, who was helping to search for bodies. “The poplars bent the rocket’s trajectory.”        “我们很幸运,这里有些白杨树,如果是直接被打中,我们就完蛋了,”一名叫沃瓦的士兵说,他正在帮助寻找尸体。“这些白杨树让火箭的弹道偏离了。”
        It was the same across Mykolaiv that day. In one neighborhood of densely packed apartment blocks, residents alternated between clearing out their shattered homes and dashing to basement bomb shelters amid continuing strikes. One woman, when approached by a reporter, unleashed such a torrent of profanity directed at Mr. Putin that she felt the need to apologize, and then burst into tears.        那天,整个尼古拉耶夫的情况也是如此。在一个有很多公寓楼的街区,居民们在持续的空袭间隙清理被摧毁的房屋,空袭来临就冲向地下室防空洞。一名女子被记者问及时大骂普京,然后她觉得要为说脏话道歉,然后哭了起来。
        The missile strikes had blown out windows and sprayed shrapnel through furniture, walls and appliances.        导弹袭击震碎了窗户,弹片打穿了家具、墙壁和电器。
        “Look at how the Russian world is saving us,” Marina Babenko, a mother of two, said, referring sarcastically to Mr. Putin’s claim that Russia was waging a war of liberation. “We were living fine and had everything we needed. Now they’re bombing residential neighborhoods, women and children. We have no weapons. All we can do is hide in the basement. We have no strength for anything else.”        “看看俄罗斯世界是如何拯救我们的,”两个孩子的母亲玛丽娜·巴边科讽刺普京声称俄罗斯正在发动一场解放战争的说法。“我们以前生活得很好,需要的东西都有。现在他们轰炸居民区,轰炸女人和孩子。我们没有武器。我们能做的就是躲在地下室里。我们无力做别的事情。”
        In the tidy neighborhood of Balabanivka, residents were cleaning up after Russian jets dropped a payload of bombs early in the morning that leveled homes and killed several residents.        在比较大的巴拉巴尼夫卡社区,民众正在清理轰炸现场,俄罗斯战机在清晨投下许多炸弹,将房屋夷为平地,造成数人死亡。
        A bomb had carved a large crater out of what used to be Roman Nikora’s backyard, and three chickens sat beside the mangled remains of their hut. An acrid smell hung in the air.        一枚炸弹在罗曼·尼古拉的后院炸出了一个大坑,三只鸡趴在损毁的鸡舍旁。空气中弥漫着一股刺鼻的气味。
        “Come, let me show you how we survived,” Mr. Nikora said, leading a visitor into the shallow basement where he had hidden during the bombing with his wife, their child and his parents.        “来吧,给你看看我们是怎么活下来的,”尼古拉领着一名访客走进浅浅的地下室,俄军轰炸的时候,他和妻子、孩子以及父母就藏在那里。
        The basement looked like it had been turned upside down and shaken. Cabinets had been ripped off the wall; part of the backyard was pushed through the windows.        地下室看上去已经乱得无以名状。橱柜从墙上扯下来;后院的一部分从窗户里挤进来。
        “They’re worse than the fascists,” Mr. Nikora, 32, a businessman, said of the Russian forces. “They’re saying they only target military objects, military structures. Well, there’s nothing like that here.”        “他们比法西斯还坏,”32岁的商人尼古拉在谈到俄罗斯军队时说。“他们说只针对军事目标、军事建筑。嗯,这里可没有那样的东西。”
        Despite his fear of more bombing, Mr. Nikora said that he and his family had no plans to go anywhere.        尽管担心还会有轰炸,但他说,他和家人不打算去别的地方。
        “We’ll rebuild,” he said. “I still have hands.”        “我们会重建家园,”他说。“我还有双手。”
        The Defiant        无畏者
        Two older women were sitting on a bench in a city park, watching three young children play, when their conversation was interrupted by an ominous droning sound. An air raid siren. The women kept talking. After a few minutes, they slowly rose, bundled the youngest child into a stroller, and walked away in no great hurry.        两名年长的女子坐在城市公园的长椅上,看着三个小孩玩耍,她们的谈话被一种不祥的嗡嗡声打断了。空袭警报。女人们继续交谈。几分钟后,她们慢慢站起来,把最小的孩子放进婴儿车,不慌不忙地走开了。
        Russian rocket attacks may now set the rhythm of life in Mykolaiv, but many residents are determined to play the song in a key of their own choosing.        现在,俄罗斯的火箭弹袭击可能为尼古拉耶夫的生活定下了节奏,但许多居民决定用他们自己选的调子来唱这首歌。
        “There is no panic,” said Ms. Stanislavchuk, who spoke so admiringly of Mr. Kim, the governor. “Our people coolly evaluate the situation and help one another.”        “没有恐慌,”斯坦尼拉夫丘克说,她对金州长赞不绝口。“我们的人民冷静地评估形势,互相帮助。”
        Before the war, Ms. Stanislavchuk and her husband, Aleksandr, had planned to open a second branch of their interior design business in Bucha, an up-and-coming suburb of Kyiv where their son, Yegor, had moved into a sleek, newly built development.        战前,斯坦尼斯拉夫丘克和丈夫亚历山大曾计划在基辅郊区的新兴郊区布查开设他们室内设计公司的第二家分公司。他们的儿子叶戈尔已经搬进了那里一个时尚的新楼盘。
        Last week, they were instead driving around Mykolaiv, their hometown, passing out food and nervously awaiting news from Yegor. He was attempting to escape Bucha with his pet rabbit, Diva, after hiding in a basement for several days from the Russian troops who had occupied the suburb.        上周,他们开车在家乡尼古拉耶夫附近分发食物,紧张地等待叶戈尔的消息。后者试图带着他的宠物兔子迪瓦逃离布查,之前他在一个地下室里躲了好几天,躲避已经占领当地的俄罗斯军队。
        “There are those moments when morale falters and when your mood sours,” said Ms. Stanislavchuk, who was carrying an Orthodox icon of the Virgin Mary. “But when you see that someone needs your help and support, you have to get up and move. Then you realize that it will come to an end because the truth is on our side.”        “总有士气不振、情绪低落的时候,”手持东正教圣母玛利亚圣像的斯坦尼斯拉夫丘克说。“但当你看到有人需要你的帮助和支持时,你就得站起来行动。”然后你会意识到一切都会结束,因为真理在我们这一边。”
        There has been an exodus from Mykolaiv during the past two weeks. On some mornings, large convoys of cars and buses, some with homemade cardboard signs saying, “Children,” have snarled traffic at the Varvarivsky Bridge.        在过去两周里,大批人离开了尼古拉耶夫。有些早晨,汽车和公共汽车组成的大型车队在瓦瓦里夫斯基大桥上堵塞了交通,有些车上挂着自制的纸板牌子,上面写着“车内有孩子”。
        The bridge is the escape route. It is also a prize that Russian forces covet.        这座桥位于逃生路线上。它也是俄罗斯军队觊觎的目标。
        But should they enter the city, in addition to Ukrainian military forces, the Russian troops will have to face people like Dmitry Dmitriev, a local journalist who has put down his pen in favor of a submachine gun. On a recent visit to the offices of his online news outlet, there were more guns than journalists, and boxes of ammunition littered the floor.        但是,如果俄罗斯军队进入这座城市,除了乌克兰军队之外,他们还将面对德米特里·德米特里耶夫这样的人。德米特里耶夫是一名当地记者,他已经放下笔,拿起了冲锋枪。在最近一次访问他的网络新闻机构所在的办公室时,可以看到那里的枪支比记者还多,地上放着一盒盒弹药。
        “All of us are participating in the resistance,” Mr. Dmitriev said.        “我们所有人都参与了抵抗,”德米特里耶夫说。
        The Russian forces will also have to contend with Nikolai Bilyashchat, a 54-year-old bus driver. Last week, Mr. Bilyashchat was with neighbors, cigarettes dangling from their lips, peering into the open engine bay of a Russian T-90 tank.        俄罗斯军队还将与54岁的公交车司机尼古拉·比利亚什查特较量。上周,他和邻居们一道,嘴里叼着香烟,打量着一辆俄罗斯T-90坦克的开放式引擎舱。
        A day earlier, Ukrainian forces had blown up a bridge as the tank was crossing over. It was still functional but could only drive in circles. A white Z, which has been used by the Russian forces to identify their vehicles, had been painted over in green, and the tank’s antenna mast sported a Ukrainian flag.        一天前,乌克兰军队在这辆坦克通过时炸毁了一座桥。现在它还能运转,但只能绕圈行驶。坦克的舱体上俄罗斯军队用来识别其车辆的白色Z字被涂成了绿色,天线桅杆上挂着乌克兰国旗。
        Mr. Bilyashchat wanted to get it running and turn it against the Russian troops.        比利亚什查特想让它动起来,并拿它对付俄罗斯军队。
        “We’re just locals. I’m not a mechanic. I’m just helping,” he said. “What else are we supposed to do? We need to help somehow. I’m not going to sit at home and hide.”        “我们只是本地人。我不是机械师。我就是来帮忙的,”他说。“我们还能做什么?我们得出力。我不想躲在家里。”
        The Wounded        伤者
        At City Hospital No. 3, Anna Smetana sat up in a cot, sobbing. A 40-year-old mother, she was wearing a peach dress with black polka dots, her shoulder and leg covered by large bandages soaked through with blood.        在市第三医院,安娜·斯美塔娜从一张小床上坐起来,抽泣着。她是一个40岁的母亲,穿着带黑色波点的粉色连衣裙,肩膀和腿上缠的大绷带被鲜血浸透。
        Two days earlier, Ms. Smetana and six of her colleagues from a local orphanage were driving to a small village where the children had been evacuated at the start of the war. About 15 miles outside of the city, she said, an armored Russian fighting vehicle, emblazoned with a white Z, opened fire on the van.        两天前,斯美塔娜和当地孤儿院的六名同事开车前往一个小村庄,在战争开始时,孩子们就疏散到了那里。她说,在城外约24公里处,一辆印有白色Z字样的俄罗斯装甲战车向面包车开火。
        “First they shot at us with automatic weapons,” Ms. Smetana said. “Then the car caught on fire and filled with smoke.”        “他们先是用自动武器向我们开枪,”斯美塔娜说。“汽车着火了,车里全是烟雾。”
        “Get out, get out,” she said the soldiers had told her. “They put us on our knees, pointed their weapons at us and took our telephones.”        士兵告诉她“出来,出来”,她说。“他们让我们跪下,用武器指着我们,还拿走了我们的电话。”
        “We asked them to give them back,” she said. Their reply: “No, not possible. We have orders.”        “我们要求他们还给我们,”她说。他们的回答是:“不,不可能。我们有命令。”
        Three of Ms. Smetana’s colleagues were incinerated by the fire that engulfed the van, she said. Ms. Smetana was shot twice in the shoulder and once in the leg.        她说,斯美塔纳的三名同事被吞没面包车的大火烧死。斯美塔纳的肩部中了两枪,腿部中了一枪。
        “There were rockets everywhere, bombs,” she added. “All we heard were the sounds of explosions.”        “到处都是火箭炮,炸弹,”她还说。“我们听到的只有爆炸声。”
        On just one day, Ms. Smetana was one of 25 patients being treated for wounds from shelling and gunfire, according to the hospital’s medical director, Dmitri Kolosov. Earlier in the week, shells had landed in the hospital courtyard, spraying shrapnel in all directions, he added.        据该医院的医务主任德米特里·科洛索夫称,仅仅一天,就有25名因炮击和枪击而接受治疗的患者,斯美塔娜是其中之一。他还说,本周早些时候,炮弹落在医院院子里,弹片四处飞落。
        “We thought coronavirus was a nightmare,” Mr. Kolosov said. “But this is hell.”        “我们本来以为新冠病毒是一场噩梦,”科洛索夫说。“但这就是地狱。”
        The Defenders        捍卫者
        Black strafe marks pock a prop plane that sits on the runway of Mykolaiv’s small international airport. Inside, the security screening area has been gutted, and in a second-floor lounge are the remains of a soldier’s dinner of canned sardines in tomato sauce.        尼古拉耶夫小国际机场的跑道上有一架螺旋桨飞机,机身满是被扫射过的黑色点痕。机场里,安检区已经被毁坏,二楼的休息室里有士兵吃剩下的晚餐——番茄酱沙丁鱼罐头。
        Early in the war, Russian troops held the airport briefly, only to be quickly expelled by Ukrainian fighters. Since then, the Russian forces have kept trying to gain control so that their transport planes can bring in troops and equipment to feed their fight and continue their push west.        战争初期,俄罗斯军队短暂占领了机场,但很快被乌克兰军队赶跑。从那时起,俄罗斯军队一直试图获得控制权,以便他们的运输机能够运送部队和装备前来支援,并继续向西推进。
        But, for now, the Ukrainians keep stopping them. Video taken by Ukrainian troops show them firing shoulder-mounted rockets from the roof of the airport at Russian fighters below.        但是到目前为止,乌克兰人一直在阻止他们。乌克兰军队拍摄的视频显示,他们从机场屋顶向下方的俄罗斯军队发射肩扛式火箭弹。
        On a recent visit, the Ukrainian flag was flying.        在最近的一次到访中,机场飘扬着乌克兰国旗。
        “We have a very strong position and we’re waiting for them,” said Sgt. Ruslan Khoda, who insisted on practicing his English with a reporter. “There is nothing unexpected. We know they are arriving and from where they’re arriving. And we’re ready to say, ‘Hello, Russian stupid boys.’”        “我们占据一个非常有利的地位,我们正等着他们,”鲁斯兰·科达中士说,他坚持要和记者练习英语。“没有什么是意料之外的。我们知道他们正在过来,而且知道从哪里过来。我们已经准备好说,‘你好,愚蠢的俄罗斯大兵。’”
        Sergeant Khoda said that Russian forces appeared to be probing for weakness. They launch attacks from the north and northeast, then switch directions and come from the south. Often, he said, attacks are preceded by overflights of Russian surveillance drones.        科达中士说,俄罗斯军队似乎在打探他们的弱点。他们从北方和东北方向发动攻击,然后转向从南方攻击。他说,袭击之前通常会有俄罗斯监视无人机在空中巡视。
        “They are trying to attack us from different sides to taste our protection, to taste our power,” he said. “Russian troops did not expect such a strong army.”        “他们试图从不同方面攻击我们,以测试我们的防御,测试我们的战斗力,”他说。“俄罗斯军队没想到对手是这么强大的军队。”
        Maj. Gen. Dmitry Marchenko, commander of Ukraine’s military forces in Mykolaiv, said that the Ukrainian strategy was to break morale through an unrelenting pounding of Russian positions. But there is another critical factor.        乌克兰驻尼古拉耶夫军队指挥官德米特里·马尔琴科少将表示,乌克兰的战略是通过对俄罗斯阵地持续的严厉打击来削弱士气。但还有另一个关键因素。
        “We are defending our homes, our women, our families,” he said. “We don’t need their world. We don’t need their language. Let them build their own country and die in it and create whatever dictatorship they want there. We’re going to live like free people.”        “我们正在保卫我们的家园、我们的女性、我们的家庭,”他说。“我们不需要他们的世界。我们不需要他们的语言。让他们建设他们自己的国家,并死在那个国家,在那里建立他们想要的任何独裁政权。而我们要像自由的人一样生活。”
        A Boring Night        一个平淡的夜晚
        On Monday, Mr. Kim was somber in his evening video message. He acknowledged that the situation had grown more serious, while denigrating the Russian troops as “idiots” for attacking civilian areas with rockets.        周一,金在他的晚间视频信息中情绪低落。他承认情况变得更加严重,同时谴责俄罗斯军队是用火箭炮袭击平民区的“白痴”。
        “There’s no logical sense to it,” he said. “But the initiative is on our side, and we’re moving.”        “这根本不合逻辑,”他说。“但主动权在我们这边,我们正在行动。”
        With that, on the 18th day of the war, he sent the people of Mykolaiv to bed.        就这样,在战争的第18天,他对尼古拉耶夫的人民道晚安。
        “I wish everyone a boring night.”        “祝大家度过一个平淡的夜晚。”

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