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Govt pledges measures to boost growth

来源:中国日报    2022-03-17 15:45

        China pledged a host of measures to boost the economy and stabilize the capital market on Wednesday, restoring market confidence as the economy faces fresh headwinds.
        The nation will step up efforts to "keep the economy within an appropriate range and maintain the stable performance of the capital market" while upholding market-oriented principles and deepening reform and opening-up, said a key meeting chaired by Vice-Premier Liu He on Wednesday.国务院副总理刘鹤在当日主持的重要会议上表示,中国将在坚持市场化、深化改革开放的同时,加大力度“保持经济运行在合理区间、保持资本市场平稳运行”。
        Related authorities should "actively roll out policies conducive to the market and remain cautious when introducing any measures that have contractionary effects," said a statement released after a meeting of the State Council's financial stability and development committee on Wednesday.国务院金融稳定发展委员会会后发布的一份声明称,有关部门应“积极出台对市场有利的政策,慎重出台收缩性政策。”
        The meeting also said that Chinese and US regulators have made positive progress on issues related to Chinese firms listed in the United States and are working on specific cooperation plans.会议还表示,中美双方监管机构就在美上市的中国企业有关问题保持了良好沟通,已取得积极进展,正在致力于形成具体合作方案。
        Iris Pang, chief China economist at Dutch bank ING, said she expects the People's Bank of China, the nation's central bank, to front-load interest rate cuts in the first half of the year despite its US counterpart's tightening to bolster consumption.
        In line with the meeting's requirements, China's central bank said in a statement on Wednesday that it will proactively maintain proper growth in new loans and beef up support for smaller businesses.根据会议要求,3月16日央行在一份声明中表示,新增贷款要保持适度增长,大力支持中小微企业。
        Regarding property sector regulations, the Ministry of Finance said on Wednesday there are no conditions this year for expanding the trials of property tax reforms. The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission said that it will encourage loans to support mergers and acquisitions of real estate enterprises.关于房地产行业监管,财政部3月16日表示,今年内不具备扩大房地产税改革试点城市的条件。银保监会表示,将鼓励房地产企业开展并购贷款。

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