美国贫富差距扩大 去年1%美国人拥有32%财富_OK阅读网
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美国贫富差距扩大 去年1%美国人拥有32%财富
A million new millionaires were created in US last year, and the richest got richer, report says

来源:中国日报    2022-03-22 15:13

        The roaring stock market and crypto gains created more than a million new millionaires in the US last year, according to a new report.        新报告称,去年的股市繁荣和加密货币升值在美国新创造出100多万个百万富翁。
        The number of Americans with $1 million or more in investible assets surged to a record 14.6 million in 2021, up from 13.3 million in 2020, according to a report from wealth research firm the Spectrem Group.        财富调研公司斯佩特兰集团的报告指出,2021年,可投资资产超百万美元的美国人数量从2020年的1330万人飙升至创纪录的1460万人。
        The growth rate of over 10% was the strongest in years, boosted by trillions of dollars in wealth created by the stock market, crypto and other assets.        超10%的百万富翁增长率是近年来最高的,这得益于股市、加密货币和其他资产创造的数万亿美元财富。
        "It was the strongest year ever for millionaire creation in all segments,” said George Walper, president of Spectrem Group.        斯佩特兰集团的主席乔治·瓦尔波说:“这是各领域百万富翁最高产的一年。”
        The wealth surge was strongest at the top. The number of Americans worth $25 million or more surged by 18%. There are now a record 252,000 Americans worth $25 million or more, up from 214,000 in 2020. By contrast, the number of so-called “mass affluent” investors — or those with between $100,000 and $1 million — grew by about 2%.        顶级富豪的增长是最迅猛的。身家超2500万美元的美国人数量暴增了18%。身家超2500万美元的美国人数量从2020年的21.4万人达到了现在破纪录的25.2万人。相比之下,财富在10万美元到100万美元之间的所谓的“大众富豪”投资者数量只增长了约2%。
        The stock market was by far the largest engine of wealth creation for millionaires and the wealthy in 2021. The S&P 500 gained 27% last year, while the Nasdaq was up 21%. The wealthiest 1% of Americans gained over $3 trillion in stock-market wealth in 2021, according to Federal Reserve data.        美联储的数据显示,迄今为止股市是2021年百万富翁和其他富豪财富增长的最大驱动力。标准普尔500指数去年增长了27%,而纳斯达克指数增长了21%。2021年最富有的1%美国人的股市财富增长了超3万亿美元。
        Crypto and other assets — such as NFTs, collectibles and real estate — also gained in value, adding to the wealth of the wealthy. The total market cap of crypto assets, despite wild swings in prices, gained $1.5 trillion last year to over $2.3 trillion, according to CoinGecko.        加密货币和其他资产也增值了,包括非同质化代币、收藏品和房地产,这让富人的财富进一步增加。CoinGecko的数据显示,尽管价格波动很大,但去年加密资产的总市值增加了1.5万亿美元,达到了逾2.3万亿美元。
        Values of private-equity and venture-capital investments also surged. Since the wealthy can afford to put more of their money in investments, especially those with the highest risks and rewards, ultra-millionaires benefitted more than the mass affluent in 2021.        私募股权和风险资本的投资也大幅升值。因为富人有更多钱可用于投资,尤其是那些高风险高回报的投资,所以2021年超级富豪的投资收益也比大众富豪更多。
        "The wealthy have the greatest exposure to the broadest investments,” Walper said. “It wasn’t just traditional liquid markets that did well last year. It was also alternative investments, real-estate investments and crypto.”        瓦尔波说:“富人可以广泛涉猎各种投资。去年不只是传统的流动性市场表现出色,另类投资、房地产投资和加密货币的收益也不错。”
        The wealth gains at the top also widened the wealth gap in the US. The share of wealth held by the top 1% grew to a record 32% last year, according to the Fed.        顶级富豪财富的增长也扩大了美国的贫富差距。美联储的数据显示,最富有的1%美国人拥有的财富在去年增长至创纪录的32%。
        Wealth experts say it’s unlikely that last year’s gains will be sustained in 2022, given soaring inflation, rising interest rates and a potential economic slowdown. Stock market declines have already started trimming the paper fortunes of investors. The Nasdaq is down 14.5% for the year, while the S&P is down 8.4%.        财富专家指出,考虑到通胀率暴涨、利率上升和可能发生的经济衰退,2022年或将无法保持去年的财富涨幅。今年以来股市下跌已经开始令投资者的利益受损。迄今为止纳斯达克指数已下跌了14.5%,标准普尔指数下跌了8.4%。
        "Every day changes, so it’s hard to predict where the year will wind up,” Walper said. “But the first few months of 2022 have already painted a different picture than 2021.”        瓦尔波说:“每一天都在变化,所以难以预测今年的财富走向如何。但是2022年开局的前几个月已经描绘出与2021年不同的图景。”

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