油价不断上涨重创美国经济 或引发经济衰退_OK阅读网
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油价不断上涨重创美国经济 或引发经济衰退
Rising gasoline prices hit the US hard

来源:中国日报    2022-03-24 16:02

        At the Costco gasoline station in Sunnyvale, California, on Saturday, a driver who asked to be identified only as Francisco paid more than $106 for 20 gallons (nearly 76 liters) of fuel, the cheapest price he could find that morning.        上周六(3月19日)在加利福尼亚州森尼韦尔的好市多加油站,一位自称弗朗西斯科的司机花了不止106美元(约合人民币676元)买了20加仑(近76升)汽油,这是他那天早上能找到的最便宜的汽油。
        Francisco, who owns a landscaping business in the San Francisco Bay Area, recently started to use the Gas-Buddy app to save money on fuel. The app traces real-time prices at gasoline stations in the United States, Canada and Australia.        弗朗西斯科在旧金山湾区经营一家园艺公司,最近他开始使用Gas-Buddy应用来省油钱。这款应用可以追踪美国、加拿大和澳大利亚各个加油站的实时油价。
        According to Francisco, the price of gasoline in his area has risen by at least 30 percent since last month.        据弗朗西斯科称,他所在地区的油价自上个月以来至少涨了30%。
        His two trucks and other equipment, such as lawn mowers and leaf blowers, all use gas. If prices continue to rise, Francisco said, he would have to pass on the extra cost to clients, which will be "really bad" for his business.        弗朗西斯科说,他的两辆卡车和包括割草机和落叶清扫机在内的其他设备都要用汽油。如果油价继续上涨,他只能把额外的花费转嫁到顾客身上,而这对于他的生意“真的很不利”。
        Gasoline prices moved closer to $6 per gallon on Saturday at stations across the Bay Area, with the highest prices reported in Marin County, Napa and San Francisco, where they went beyond $5.90 per gallon.        上周六旧金山湾区各地加油站的油价都接近每加仑6美元,据报告油价最高的地方在马林县、纳帕市和旧金山,每加仑价格都超过了5.9美元。
        The average price for gasoline in the US surged to a record high last week as the Russia-Ukraine conflict heightened concerns that it might disrupt supplies of oil from Russia. However, the average nationwide price on Saturday fell to $4.26 from a peak of $4.33 on March 11, which surpassed the previous high of $4.10 in 2008.        上周,随着俄罗斯和乌克兰的冲突升级引发美国国内对于俄罗斯石油进口中断的恐慌,美国汽油均价飙升至历史新高。然而,上周六美国汽油均价从3月11日的高峰值4.33美元回落至4.26美元,不过仍高于2008年的历史高峰值4.10美元。
        In California, gasoline prices have risen steadily. The statewide average price climbed from $5.44 per gallon early this month to $5.69 a week ago and then to $5.83 per gallon on Saturday, according to the American Automobile Association.        在加州,汽油价格稳定上涨。美国汽车协会数据显示,加州汽油均价从本月初的每加仑5.44美元涨到了一周前的5.69美元,接着又在上周六涨到了5.83美元。
        The state has the most expensive gasoline in the US. Experts said this is partly due to its higher gas tax and tougher environmental and emissions laws.        加州的油价是美国最贵的。专家称,一部分原因是加州的油税更高,环境和排放法规也更严格。
        The surge in energy prices and record-high inflation have pushed up charges for food, rent, clothes and many other goods.        能源价格的上涨和创纪录的通货膨胀抬高了食品、房租、服装和许多其他商品的价格。
        Soaring gasoline prices, in particular, are having a significant impact on household budgets.        飙升的汽油价格对美国家庭预算的影响尤其大。
        According to an estimate by the Yardeni Research consultancy, a typical US family could incur additional costs of $2,000 a year due to higher gasoline prices. In addition to about $1,000 in extra costs at grocery stores due to inflation, a typical household will have $3,000 less this year to spend on other items.        根据亚德尼研究公司的估算,汽油涨价每年会给一个普通美国家庭带来2000美元的额外开支。加上通货膨胀导致食品杂货多支出的约1000美元,一个普通美国家庭今年可用于其他商品消费的金额将减少3000美元。
        As gasoline prices rise, consumer spending tends to fall. According to analysts at JPMorgan Chase, each 10 percent rise in gasoline and oil prices will require consumers to fork out an additional $23 billion a year to maintain their spending patterns.        随着汽油价格上涨,消费者的购买力则会下降。据摩根大通的分析师估算,油价每升高10%,消费者们保持现有消费模式每年额外支出的总费用将达到230亿美元。
        Families budgeting for higher gasoline charges are reducing their spending in other areas. Some people are already driving less due to the higher prices. One in three adults said they cut their use of cars last month, with most blaming rising gasoline prices, according to global data intelligence company Morning Consult.        因为油价上涨而节约用钱的家庭将会减少其他方面的开支。一些人已经开始为此减少开车出行。全球数据情报公司晨间咨询的数据显示,三分之一美国成年人表示自己上个月减少了汽车使用,多数人将其归咎于汽油价格上涨。
        Economists are concerned that rising energy prices may worsen overall inflation. Coupled with the intensifying geopolitical crisis, this could slow the economic rebound in the US.        经济学家担心能源价格上涨可能会加剧全面通胀。在地缘政治危机愈演愈烈的情况下,这可能会减缓美国经济复苏的进度。
        Goldman Sachs has lowered its forecast for annual US economic growth, citing higher oil prices. It said that there is a risk the US will enter a recession in the next 12 months.        高盛集团已经放低了对美国年度经济增长的预期,理由就是油价上涨。高盛称,美国可能会在未来12个月陷入经济衰退。

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