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Surge of Omicron Infections Prompts Lockdowns in China

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-15 11:03

        BEIJING — Several of China’s largest factory cities have ordered a lockdown, halting production of Toyota cars and Apple iPhones. Theaters, cinemas and many restaurants have closed in Shanghai. The northeastern province of Jilin on Monday banned its 24 million residents from leaving the province or traveling between cities.        北京——中国几个最大的工厂城市已下令封锁,停止了丰田汽车和苹果手机的生产。上海的剧院、电影院和许多餐厅已关门。周一,东北省份吉林禁止2400万居民离省或跨城出行。
        China is grappling with its largest surge of Covid-19 infections since the coronavirus first emerged more than two years ago in central China. Sustained outbreaks in two-thirds of the country’s provinces are proving the toughest test yet of China’s zero-tolerance coronavirus policy.        自两年多前新冠病毒在中国中部首次出现以来,中国正在努力应对最严重的一次新冠感染激增。中国三分之二的省份持续暴发疫情是对中国新冠病毒清零政策的最严峻考验。
        Even as countries in the West are now loosening or abandoning mask mandates and other measures, Chinese officials are implementing some of their most stringent methods. That is in large part because China can’t afford to lift restrictions.        即使西方国家现在正在放松或取消戴口罩的规定及其他措施,中国官员还在实施一些最严格的做法。这在很大程度上是因为中国承受不起取消限制的风险。
        The government has been concerned about comparatively lower rates of vaccination among China’s older adults. The country also has far fewer intensive care hospital beds compared to its population than most industrialized countries. In China’s vast rural areas, hospitals and medical facilities are often basic, and a major outbreak could quickly overwhelm hospitals.        政府一直担心中国老年人的疫苗接种率相对较低。与大多数工业化国家相比,该国的重症监护病床数量占人口比例要小得多。在广大的农村地区,医院和医疗设施往往很简陋,一旦发生重大疫情,医院可能会很快不堪重负。
        The United States and other Western countries have suffered far higher rates of infection and deaths over the past two years than China, and still have higher rates now. But the seven-day average rate of new cases in mainland China, now at 1,584, has more than quintupled in recent days.        美国和其他西方国家感染率和死亡率在过去两年中远高于中国,现在仍然更高。但中国大陆的七天平均新增病例数最近几天增加了五倍多,达到1584例。
        For many residents in China, the rapid spread of the virus has been unsettling.        对于中国的许多民众来说,病毒的迅速传播令人不安。
        “Because of the large number of cases in a short period of time, it is inevitable that there will be some panic all over the country, and Shanghai is no exception,” said Dr. Zhang Wenhong, a prominent infectious disease expert in Shanghai, in a post on his social media account on Monday.        上海著名传染病专家张文宏医生周一在他的社交媒体账户上发帖说:“由于短期内出现了大量的病例,全国各地难免显得有些慌乱,上海也不例外。”
        China has responded to the current surge in cases by mobilizing its vast Communist Party apparatus to deploy workers and resources. In Jilin Province, where many cases have been recorded, workers are building temporary facilities to house thousands of people who test positive. Across the country, workers are corralling and testing millions of citizens every day. But that testing program is starting to be overwhelmed.        中国通过动员庞大的共产党机关部署人员和资源,来应对当前病例激增的情况。在出现大量新增病例的吉林省,为了安置数千名新冠检测呈阳性者,工人们正在建造方舱医院。在全国各地,工作人员每天都要集合数百万民众进行检测。但是检测程序开始不堪重负。
        “We have noticed that there have been problems such as long lines and slow test results at many testing sites in the past two days,” said Lu Taohong, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, at a news conference on Sunday night.        上海市卫健委副主任陆韬宏在周日晚间的新闻发布会上说:“我们已经关注到这两天很多检测点都出现了排队时间长、检测结果报告出来速度慢等问题。”
        China’s virus containment strategy is focused on moving quickly to lock down buildings or neighborhoods. In response to even a single case, officials may seal all the entrances to a store, office building or even convention center. Everyone inside must then stay there for up to several days as they are tested for the coronavirus and sent into isolation if their results are positive.        中国的防疫策略主要是迅速采取行动,封锁建筑物或社区。即使只有一个病例,官员也可能封锁商店、办公楼甚至会议中心的所有入口。然后,里面的每个人都必须在原地呆几天,接受新冠病毒检测,结果呈阳性者会被隔离。
        In Shanghai, many foreign-owned businesses stockpiled mattresses last week in case their employees were trapped in their factories or their offices this week. Multinationals there then told their employees to work from home this week.        在上海,许多外资企业上周储备了床垫,以防员工这周被困在工厂或办公室。那里的一些跨国公司后来通知员工,本周居家办公。
        In Guangzhou, the municipal government on Friday sealed off the world’s largest convention center, which was holding a beauty products exhibition. Videos circulating on Chinese social media platforms showed crowds of stranded convention goers milling around and looking for exits in attempts to evade the lockdown.        在广州,市政府周五封锁了世界上最大的会展中心,那里正在举办美容产品展览。在中国社交媒体平台上流传的视频显示,成群结队的与会者四处跑动,寻找出口,试图逃离封锁。
        The outbreak’s rapid spread and the government’s tough response have left some residents worried about the effect of lockdowns on their livelihoods.        疫情的迅速蔓延和政府的强硬应对使一些居民担心,封锁会对他们的生计产生影响。
        Li Yanhua, a grocery store manager in Shanghai, was notified on Saturday night that his neighborhood was locked down and residents would have to be tested for Covid.        周六晚上,上海一家超市的经理李彦华(音)接到通知,他所在的街区已被封锁,居民必须做核酸检测。
        “It was all of a sudden, we are not even prepared — my family has not enough vegetables and daily necessities,” Mr. Li said. “My store is closed, but we still need to pay rent.”        “很突然的,我们都没准备——我们家菜不够,生活用品也不够,”李先生说。“店关了,但是我们还要付租金。”
        Still, such measures have also been widely accepted as necessary for the good of public health.        尽管如此,人们还是普遍认为,为了公众健康,这些措施是必需的。
        Li Junyan, a 33-year-old businessman in the locked down city of Changchun in northeastern China, has had to stop shipping fruit and health products to online customers because of travel restrictions but he is philosophical about it. “There must be losses to my business, but there is nothing much I can do,” he said.        33岁的中国东北长春的商人李俊言(音)因为出行限制不得不停止向网上客户配送水果和保健品,但他的态度很豁达。“我的生意肯定有损失,但我也做不了什么,”他说。
        He and the other three other members of his family have been confined at their apartment since Saturday. “In order not to cause chaos to the society, I’ll stay at home for the public’s sake.”        自周六以来,他和三名家庭成员一直被限制在他们的公寓里。“为了不给社会添乱,我为了公众的利益会待在家里。”
        Faye Li, 27, a brand management specialist at a food company in Shenzhen, said she wanted to spend time downtown over the weekend with two friends but canceled the plan because the government banned indoor dining. But she accepted this.        27岁的李菲(音)是深圳一家食品公司的品牌管理专员,她说她原本想在周末和两个朋友一起去市中心玩,但因为政府禁止堂食而取消了计划。但她对此表示接受。
        “The effect of the outbreak is small, and I’m actually not very worried, ” Ms. Li said. “I’ve been used to this.”        “这次疫情影响不大,其实我也不是很担心,”李女士说。“我已经习惯了。”
        Chinese doctors and health officials insist that continued mass testing, quarantines and lockdowns are necessary. Opening up too soon could be disastrous, they warn.        中国医生和卫生官员坚持认为,继续进行大规模检测、隔离和封锁是必要的。他们警告,过早开放可能会带来灾难性的后果。
        Many of the cases in recent days have been the Omicron variant, which while highly transmissible, has also tended to make people less sick than earlier variants of the coronavirus. A little more than half of those infected with the coronavirus in recent days in China do not show symptoms, according to data released by the government.        最近几天的许多病例感染的都是奥密克戎变异株,虽然它具有高度传播性,但症状通常比之前的变异株更轻。根据政府公布的数据,中国最近几天的感染者中,无症状占一半多一点。
        But they are still infectious.        但它们仍然具有传染性。
        “The proportion of asymptomatic infections is high, the spread is hidden, and early detection is difficult,” said Wu Fan, vice dean of Shanghai Medical College at Fudan University, at a government news conference on Sunday. “It is not enough to simply screen in key areas or populations — it is necessary to reduce or slow down the mobility of people.”        “无症状感染者比例高,传播隐匿,早发现难度大,”复旦大学上海医学院副院长吴凡周日在政府新闻发布会上说。“单纯在重点区域或人群中筛查还不够,必须要通过减少人员流动。”
        After scandals involving citywide lockdowns in which people went hungry in their homes or even died for lack of medical care, notably in Xi’an, central government leaders have ordered local officials to use greater caution when imposing such restrictions.        由于全城封锁曾经导致人们在家里挨饿,甚至有人因无法就医而死亡的丑闻——尤其是在西安,中央领导已下令地方官员在实施此类限制时要更加谨慎。
        Premier Li Keqiang said in an annual policy speech last week that the goal of China’s pandemic policies was “to protect people’s life and health, keep up the normal running of work and life, and ensure the security of industrial and supply chains.”        李克强总理上周在记者会上表示,中国的疫情防控政策目标是“保障人民生命健康,保障正常生产生活秩序,保障产业链供应链的安全”。
        But the rapid increase in infections threatens to undo that progress. Dr. Zhang, the Shanghai expert, has been one of the few prominent advocates of easing “Covid zero” precautions, but even he said in an online posting on Monday that now is not the time for that.        但感染的迅速增加有可能使这一进展付诸东流。上海专家张文宏医生是为数不多的倡导放松“清零”政策的著名人士之一,但他也在周一的帖子中表示,现在不是这样做的时候。
        “It is very important for our country to continue to adopt the strategy of covid-zero in the society in the near future to suppress the fifth wave of the extremely fast-spreading Omicron epidemic to a completely controllable level,” he wrote. “But this does not mean that we will permanently adopt the strategy of citywide lockdown and full testing.”        他写道:“近期我国继续采取社会面清零策略,将传播极快的奥密克戎第五波疫情压制在完全可控的水平是非常重要的。但这并不意味着我们会持久性地采取封城和全检测的策略。”
        Shenzhen, a vast metropolis of nearly 20 million people that is China’s tech center and adjacent to Hong Kong, locked down residents on Sunday night. It stopped buses and subways and ordered businesses to close except for supermarkets, farmers’ markets, pharmacies, medical institutions and the port, which is one of the world’s largest.        深圳是一个有近2000万人口的大都市,是中国的科技中心,毗邻香港。该市于周日晚上实施了封锁。它暂停了公共汽车和地铁的营运,并命令除了超市、农贸市场、药店、医疗机构和港口外,其他营业场所一律停业。该港口是世界上最大的港口之一。
        Dongguan, another huge factory city that is next to Shenzhen, imposed a similar lockdown on Monday.        毗邻深圳的另一个大型工厂城市东莞周一也实施了类似的封锁措施。
        Particularly in southern China, many have reacted to the Omicron outbreak by blaming nearby Hong Kong, where a large epidemic has overwhelmed hospitals and morgues, largely because the vaccination of older residents has lagged.        特别是在中国南方,许多人对奥密克戎疫情的反应是指责附近的香港,那里因为老年人的疫苗接种滞后导致的大规模疫情已经使医院和太平间不堪重负。
        Hu Xijin, a nationalistic columnist, complained in a post on his social media account on Sunday: “Hong Kong brought down Shenzhen.”        民族主义专栏作家胡锡进周日在他的社交媒体账户上发帖抱怨:“香港牵连了深圳。”

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