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Client Charged in Fatal Stabbing of Lawyer, a Tiananmen Activist

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-16 05:58

        A Queens lawyer held a meeting with a young client last week that ended in chaos.        上周,皇后区一名律师与一位年轻客户的会面在混乱中结束。
        The client, Xiaoning Zhang, 25, grew furious after the lawyer, Jim Li, told her he would stop working with her, according to Mr. Li’s friends and colleagues. She threatened him, causing such a commotion that the police were called. But Mr. Li, 66, asked that they not arrest her.        律师李进进的朋友和同事说,在李进进告诉25岁的客户张晓宁(音)他将不再与其合作后,后者大发雷霆。她威胁他,引起了导致报警的混乱。但66岁的李进进要求警察不要逮捕她。
        Then, on Monday morning, Ms. Zhang returned to the law office armed with two knives. According to the police and witnesses, she stabbed Mr. Li in the chest and neck, killing a man best known as a key participant in the pro-democracy protests at Tiananmen Square in 1989.        然后在周一早上,张晓宁带着两把刀回到这家律师事务所。警方和目击者称,她用刀刺入李进进的胸部和颈部,致其死亡。李进进是1989年天安门广场民主抗议活动的关键参与者。
        Ms. Zhang has been arrested and charged by the police with murder. Neither she nor a lawyer representing her could be reached on Tuesday.        张晓宁已被警方逮捕并以谋杀罪起诉。周二无法联系到她和代表她的律师。
        Mr. Li, born Li Jinjin, was a doctoral student in constitutional law at Beijing University during the Tiananmen Square demonstrations and became a legal adviser to a Beijing union that played a key role in the protests.        天安门广场示威期间,李进进是北京大学宪法学博士生,并成为北京一个在抗议活动中发挥关键作用的联合会的法律顾问。
        After the Chinese government cracked down on the demonstrations, killing hundreds if not thousands of people, Mr. Li escaped to his home in Wuhan. But the authorities found him there, arresting him in the middle of the night in front of his family, including his young son, he later told a Newsday reporter.        在中国政府镇压示威活动、造成数百甚至数千人死亡后,李进进逃到了他位于武汉的家中。但他后来告诉《新闻日报》记者,当局在那里找到了他,半夜当着他的家人(包括他小儿子在内)的面将他逮捕。
        He was held for nearly two years at Qincheng Prison, along with many other political prisoners. After his 1991 release, he emigrated to the United States, studying at Columbia University for a year and then completing his doctorate at the University of Wisconsin Law School.        他与许多其他政治犯一起在秦城监狱被关押了近两年。1991年获释后,他移居美国,在哥伦比亚大学学习一年,然后在威斯康星大学法学院完成博士学位。
        He returned to New York, where he worked as an immigration lawyer. He remained a pro-democracy activist and dreamed of returning to China to help shape the country’s future, according to the interview with Newsday.        他回到纽约,在那里担任移民律师。根据《新闻日报》的采访,他仍然是一名支持民主的活动家,并梦想回到中国帮助塑造中国的未来。
        The lawyer’s friends and colleagues were stunned by the attack.        他的朋友和同事对这次袭击感到震惊。
        “He was a tireless fighter and advocate for democracy, and he was a great American,” said Aaron Lebenger, a colleague who had known Mr. Li for more than 20 years.        “他是一位不知疲倦的斗士和民主的倡导者,他是一位伟大的美国人,”结识李进进20多年的同事亚伦·勒本格说。
        Wayne Zhu, an immigration lawyer and a close friend, said that Mr. Li “always had a good heart.”        移民律师、李进进的密友朱伟说,他“一直有一颗善良的心”。
        Mr. Zhu said that Ms. Zhang had told his friend that she had been persecuted in Beijing, saying she had been detained and sexually assaulted by the police. Chris Li, who worked with Mr. Li, said that their law firm had been working with Ms. Zhang pro bono, and that she had visited the office Friday asking that Mr. Li try to get a picture of her protesting in front of the United Nations building removed from the internet.        朱伟说,张晓宁告诉他的朋友,她在北京遭到迫害,说她被警察拘留和性侵。与李进进共事的克里斯·李(音)说,他们的律师事务所一直在为张晓宁提供无偿法律援助,她周五曾到过办公室,要求李进进想办法将一张她在联合国大楼前抗议的照片从互联网上删除。
        When Mr. Li told her that he could not, she grew irate, Chris Li said. She then told Mr. Li that everything in her asylum declaration was fabricated. After that, Mr. Li told her he would no longer represent her. When she threatened him and attempted to choke him, he called the police.        克里斯·李说,当李进进告诉她他做不到时,她变得很愤怒。然后她告诉李进进,她的庇护声明中的一切都是捏造的。之后,李进进告诉她,他将不再代表她。当她威胁他并试图扼住他的喉咙时,他报了警。
        The police confirmed that they came to the office shortly before 5 p.m. on Friday to respond to an “emotionally disturbed person,” that there was a dispute in the office and that no arrests had been made.        警方证实,他们因一名在办公室发生争执的“情绪失常人士”出警,在周五下午5点前不久来到了办公室,没有逮捕任何人。
        On Monday morning, Ms. Zhang returned to the law office shortly after Mr. Li arrived, bringing a cake to the front desk and telling employees there that she was grateful to them, Chris Li said.        克里斯·李说,周一早上,李进进到达办公室后不久,张晓宁回到律师事务所,给前台带来了一个蛋糕,并告诉那里的员工,她很感激他们。
        She accompanied Mr. Li into his office, and employees soon heard screaming. Chris Li said that when he entered the office, Mr. Li was bleeding from the neck and the abdomen and Ms. Zhang was standing behind him.        她陪着李进进走进他的办公室,员工们很快就听到了尖叫声。克里斯·李说,当他进入办公室时,李进进的脖子和腹部都在流血,而张晓宁则站在他身后。
        Mr. Li was born on Sept. 7, 1955, in Wuhan and joined the Chinese Army at the age of 15, said his friend Mr. Zhu. He then worked as a policeman and studied at a university in Wuhan, where he focused on law. He majored in constitutional law at Beijing University, graduating in 1985. After working as a professor in Wuhan, he returned to Beijing for his doctorate, where he had a high place in the student government.        朱伟说,李进进1955年9月7日出生于武汉,15岁时入伍。之后,他成为一名警察,并在武汉的一所大学主修法律。1985年,他毕业于北京大学宪法学专业。在武汉担任教授后,他回到北京攻读博士学位,在学生会中任要职。
        “Usually people at that level means they have a very bright future with the government and with the party,” said Jianzhong Gu, a longtime friend of Mr. Li’s. “But Jim Li was not working in that way. He had his own ideas.”        “通常到了这个级别意味着他们在政府和党内有着非常光明的未来,”李进进的老朋友顾建中(音)说。“但李进进并没有走那条路。他有自己的想法。”
        Mr. Li was a doctoral student in 1989 when the Tiananmen Square protests began with thousands demonstrating against the Chinese Communist Party, criticizing corruption and calling for democratic freedoms. He served as a legal adviser to the Beijing Workers Autonomous Federation, the key organization of workers that aligned itself with the students seeking freedom.        1989年,成千上万人抗议中国共产党、批评腐败、呼吁民主自由的示威活动开始时,李进进是一名博士生。他曾担任北京工人自治联合会的法律顾问,这是一个与寻求自由的学生站在一起的重要工人组织。
        He was interrogated a number of times while detained at Qincheng Prison, but told friends and colleagues that he had never cooperated.        他被关押在秦城监狱,期间多次受审,但他告诉朋友和同事,他从未合作。
        In the United States, after his studies at Columbia, he initially struggled, telling a newspaper at the time that he was unable to find work in a law firm because of his shaky English. He considered working in a restaurant.        结束在哥伦比亚大学的访学后,他在美国一度过得很艰难,当时他告诉一家报纸,由于英语水平不高,他无法在律师事务所找到工作。他考虑过去餐馆工作。
        But soon afterward, he was able to attend the law school at the University of Wisconsin, where he became a fan of the Green Bay Packers.        但不久之后,他进入威斯康辛大学法学院就读,并成为了绿湾包装工队的球迷。
        In New York, he helped clients gain admission to the United States and devoted himself to pro-democracy programs, his friends said. He was one of the lawyers who represented Zhou Yongjun, a student leader in the Tiananmen Square movement who was detained by the Chinese authorities in 2008 and charged with fraud. He fought against the Chinese government’s practice of using Interpol red notices to apprehend political opponents. And he worked with many clients, including Ms. Zhang, pro bono, Mr. Zhu and Mr. Lebenger said.        他的朋友说,在纽约,他帮助客户获得美国入境许可并致力于支持民主的项目。他是为周勇军辩护的律师之一,这位天安门广场运动的学生领袖2008年被中国当局拘留,并被指控欺诈。他反对中国政府利用国际刑警组织红色通缉令逮捕政治反对派的做法。朱伟和勒本格说,他还为包括张晓宁在内的许多客户提供无偿服务。
        “He helped a lot of Chinese people who had the experience of being persecuted by the Chinese government,” Mr. Gu said.        “他帮助了很多曾被中国政府迫害的中国人,”顾建中说。
        Mr. Lebenger said that Mr. Li had hoped to do less legal work so he could devote more time to his pro-democracy activities, to reading, writing and activism. “If I did anything worthwhile, it was freeing Jim up to do more of that work,” he said.        勒本格说,李进进曾希望少做些法律工作,把更多的时间用于他的民主活动,用于阅读、写作和行动主义。“如果我做了什么有价值的事,那就是把李进进解放出来,让他做更多的工作,”他说。

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