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Nation more attractive to investors

来源:中国日报    2022-03-15 16:09

        Amid its pursuit of high-quality development and economic structural upgrades, China has become increasingly attractive to foreign investors due to long-term development prospects and a continuously improving business environment, analysts said on Monday.3月14日,分析人士指出,中国正在追求高质量发展和经济结构升级,长期的发展前景和持续改善的商业环境使得中国对外国投资者的吸引力越来越大。
        "Amid the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and other global uncertainties, China has achieved a stable and rising economic performance, while its business climate keeps improving, thanks to various policy measures the Chinese authorities have adopted to create a better growth environment for enterprises," said Bai Ming, deputy director of international market research at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation.商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院国际市场研究所副所长白明表示:“在新冠疫情和其他全球不确定因素的影响下,中国经济实现了稳定持续增长,中国政府采取的各种政策措施为企业创造了更好的发展环境,中国的营商环境不断改善。”
        Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the CAITEC, also said China's better-than-expected performance in attracting foreign direct investment over the period reflects foreign investors' confidence in the nation's development prospects, and the growing significance of the Chinese market for them.商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院高级研究员周密也表示,这一时期中国在吸引外商直接投资方面的表现好于预期,反映了外国投资者对中国发展前景的信心,中国市场对他们越来越重要。
        The MOC said actual use of foreign investment in the services sector during the January-February period totaled 175.7 billion yuan, up 24 percent year-on-year.商务部表示,今年1-2月服务业实际使用外资1757亿元,同比增长24%。
        The fast growth of foreign investment in the services sector and high-tech industries echoes China's rapid development in related areas, Zhou said.周密称,服务业和高科技产业的外国投资快速增长与中国在相关领域的快速发展相呼应。
        "More importantly, with growing emphasis on high technology-powered development, China has been creating more favorable conditions to encourage foreign investment in high-tech sectors."“更重要的是,中国越来越重视高科技驱动的发展,一直在创造更有利的条件,鼓励对高科技行业的外国投资。”
        He also said China's continuous efforts to attract foreign investment, including pruning of negative lists for foreign investment, implementation of the new Foreign Investment Law, trials in pilot free trade zones and Hainan Free Trade Port, have all created a better business climate for foreign investment.他还表示,中国持续努力吸引外资,不断缩减外资准入负面清单、实施新的外商投资法、在自由贸易试验区和海南自由贸易港进行试点,为外国投资创造了更好的商业环境。
        The economic rise of the central regions, thanks to the accelerated establishment of China's unified domestic market, also makes them more attractive to foreign investors, he added.中国加速建立国内统一市场,中部地区经济崛起,对外国投资者的吸引力增加。

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