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Two Days of Russian News Coverage: An Alternate Reality of War

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-10 01:02

        At a televised gathering with female pilots and crew members from Aeroflot, Russia’s flagship airline carrier, one participant asked President Vladimir V. Putin a question that was perfectly crafted to conform with new government rules for reporting on his invasion of Ukraine.        在普京总统与俄罗斯旗舰航空公司俄航的女飞行员和机组人员聚会的电视转播中,一位参与者向他提问,该问题经过精心设计,以符合政府新颁布的关于他入侵乌克兰的新闻规定。
        “We all support your actions, the special military operation that is proceeding there,” said one pilot, seated among some 20 women in Aeroflot uniforms at a long table, each with her own clear glass teapot. “We know that civilians do not suffer, but please reassure us what is at the end of this path.”        “我们都支持你的行动,支持在那里进行的特别军事行动,”一名飞行员说道,她与大约20名身穿俄航制服的女性坐在一张长桌旁,每个人面前都有自己的透明玻璃茶壶。“我们知道平民不会受苦,但请告诉我们这条路的尽头是怎样的。”
        Mr. Putin responded with a litany of his grievances against Ukraine, but neither his answer nor any of the questions mentioned the reality of Ukraine — the violent destruction of cities and towns by the Russian military, the civilian deaths, the desperate exodus by millions of refugees. With virtually all media now under state control, that has all disappeared from domestic television screens and newspaper headlines.        普京以一连串对乌克兰的不满作为回应,但他的回答和所有提问都没有提到乌克兰的现实——俄罗斯军队对城镇进行暴力破坏,平民丧生,数百万难民绝望地逃亡。现在几乎所有媒体都在国家控制之下,这一切都从国内电视屏幕和报纸头条上消失了。
        To spend several days watching news broadcasts on the main state channels, as well as surveying state-controlled newspapers, is to witness the extent of the Kremlin’s efforts to sanitize its war with the Orwellian term “special military operation” — and to make all news coverage align with that message.        花几天时间观看主要国家频道的新闻广播,再阅读国家控制的报纸,等于见证了克里姆林宫用奥威尔式用词“特别军事行动”来净化其战争的努力程度,并让所有新闻报道与该基调一致。
        Words like “war” or “invasion” to describe the actions of the Russian military are forbidden under a new law that President Putin signed on Friday. The law mandates up to 15 years in prison for any coverage the state deems “false information” about the military campaign.        根据普京总统周五签署的一项新法律,用“战争”或“入侵”等词来描述俄罗斯军队的行为都被禁止。法律规定,任何军事行动相关的报道如果被国家认定为“虚假信息”,报道者最高可判处15年监禁。
        “It is not a war on Russian TV,” said Stanislav Kucher, a veteran Russian television host and former member of the presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights. Mr. Kucher moved to the United States after his shows were repeatedly shuttered.        “在俄罗斯电视上,这不是一场战争,”俄罗斯资深电视主持人、公民社会和人权总统委员会前成员斯坦尼斯拉夫·库彻说。库彻在他的节目遭到屡次关闭后移居美国。
        “You will not see explosions, you will not see strikes on neighborhoods where civilians live, you will not see a lot in terms of troops, soldiers, heavy armored vehicles or anything like that,” he added.        他还说:“你不会看到爆炸,你不会看到对平民居住区的袭击,你不会看到很多部队、士兵、重型装甲车或类似的东西。”
        Mr. Putin, 69, has long sought to wrap his administration in the heroic actions and terrible sacrifices made by the Soviet Union to defeat Nazi Germany. His annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the destabilization of Ukraine by fueling a separatist war in the east that year was no exception.        现年69岁的普京长期以来一直试图用苏联击败纳粹德国的英勇行动和惨烈牺牲来包装他的政府。他在2014年吞并克里米亚以及当年通过助长东部分离主义战争破坏乌克兰的稳定时也是如此。
        The Kremlin portrayed that grinding war as a continuation of the World War II fight by the Soviet army against invading Nazis and their local sympathizers. With his latest invasion of Ukraine, on Feb. 24, Mr. Putin doubled down, repeatedly describing it as an attempt to de-Nazify and demilitarize Ukraine.        克里姆林宫将这场激烈的战争描述为二战的延续——苏联军队抗击入侵的纳粹分子及其当地同情者。2月24日,随着他最近一次入侵乌克兰,普京加倍努力,一再将其描述为一次使乌克兰去纳粹化和去军事化的尝试。
        So that is the refrain on state media, the main source of news for most Russians, especially the older generation. Mr. Putin himself referred to the government in Kyiv as Nazis about 10 times during his meeting with the female flight staff last Saturday, and the word is repeated endlessly on every broadcast. To reinforce the idea, news channels frequently show black and white footage of actual Nazis.        这就是官方媒体反复播出的主题,官方媒体是大多数俄罗斯人,尤其是老一代人的主要新闻来源。上周六,在与女性机组人员的会面中,普京本人将基辅政府称为纳粹分子大约有10次,而且所有节目都在无休止地重复这个词。为了强化这个想法,新闻频道经常播放真的纳粹分子的黑白影片资料。
        News bulletins are fairly uniform from one television channel to the next. The “operations” in Ukraine are basically described as a peacekeeping mission by the military to rescue the Russian-speaking residents of the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk from the terrible war crimes perpetuated on them by the Ukrainian government. The West is described as completely unsympathetic to their plight.        每个频道的新闻公告都相当统一。在乌克兰的“行动”基本上被描述为军方的维和任务,目的是从乌克兰政府长期犯下的可怕战争罪行中拯救分离地区——顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克——讲俄语的居民。西方被描述为对他们的困境完全不予同情。
        The vast destruction visited on the city of Kharkiv and many smaller towns in the northeast usually merits at best a passing reference, or is blamed on Ukrainian forces.        哈尔科夫市和东北部许多小城镇遭受巨大破坏,而媒体报道常常对此充其量一带而过,或者归咎于乌克兰军队。
        On Sunday, “Vesti Nedeli,” a widely watched program on Rossiya-1, seemed to use one report to prepare Russians for the brewing battle for Kyiv. It noted that Russian forces had cut off the Ukrainian capital from the north and the west, with battles continuing in the suburbs. Then it accused the Ukrainian military of preventing civilians from leaving so they could be used as human shields. The tens of thousands of refugees fleeing west away from the Russian forces in caravans of fear and misery were not shown.        周日,俄罗斯-1频道上广受关注的节目《本周新闻》似乎用一篇报道来向俄罗斯人播报酝酿中的在基辅的战斗。它指出,俄罗斯军队已经从北部和西部切断了乌克兰首都与外界的联系,郊区的战斗仍在继续。然后它指责乌克兰军方阻止平民离开,以便将他们用作人体盾牌。数以万计的难民车队在恐惧和痛苦中向西逃离俄罗斯军队的画面没有被播放。
        The 2 p.m. News on Saturday on Channel One, one of the two most popular channels along with Rossiya-1, was typical in this tale of two wars.        俄罗斯第一频道在周六下午2点的新闻节目是对这场战争的另一种现实的典型报道。该频道与俄罗斯-1频道是两个人气最高的频道。
        It started with the anchor quoting Mr. Putin, saying that the “special operation’’ was proceeding as planned. The destruction of the military infrastructure will be completed soon, he added.        在报道开始时,主播引用普京的话,称“特别行动”正在按计划进行。他还说,军事基础设施的破坏将很快完成。
        It blamed extremist Ukrainian forces for dynamiting a building in the port city of Mariupol on top of 200 people sheltering in the basement, but there was no footage.        报道指责乌克兰极端主义军队炸毁了港口城市马里乌波尔的一座建筑物,当时有200人在地下室避难,但没有画面。
        Denis Pushilin, the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, one of the rump states created by Moscow after the 2014 invasion, complained in an interview that civilians did not use the humanitarian corridor meant to reach the Russian-controlled east, but risked danger by heading west. Ukrainian officials said they could not use the corridor because Russian forces were shelling it.        顿涅茨克人民共和国是莫斯科在2014年入侵后建立的残存国家之一,其领导人丹尼斯·普希林在接受采访时抱怨说,平民没有使用人道主义走廊——用它可以到达由俄罗斯控制的东部地区,而是冒着危险西行。乌克兰官员表示,他们无法使用该走廊,因为那里正被俄罗斯军队炮击。
        “Vesti Nedeli” went into extra time on Sunday evening with extensive reporting from the war — though of course not using that term. It repeatedly described the conflict as almost won. It did profile one soldier who was killed, but he was conveniently from Dagestan, one of the Muslim Republics in the Caucasus, not from the Russian heartland.        《本周新闻》在周日晚上延长了节目时间,对战争进行了大量报道——不过当然没有使用战争一词。节目一再称行动即将取得胜利。它的确对一名被杀的士兵做了人物描述,但这个人来自高加索地区的穆斯林共和国之一达吉斯坦,而不是来自俄罗斯的心脏地带,贴合了报道的需要。
        Fallout from the sanctions that are dismantling the Russian economy, like the ending of international flights by Russian airlines, is often attributed to the current “circumstances” without further explanation.        制裁破坏俄罗斯经济的后果,例如俄罗斯航空公司停止国际航班,通常被归咎于当前的“情况”而没有进一步解释。
        Most television anchors and talk show hosts, even those who initially expressed vague reservations about the invasion, have quickly adjusted their comments. Some of the more prominent Kremlin cheerleaders have been targeted by Western sanctions. Italy, for example, seized the nearly $9 million dollar Lake Como mansion owned by Vladimir R. Soloviev, a prominent talk show host.        大多数电视主播和脱口秀主持人,即使是那些最初对入侵含糊其辞地表示保留意见的人,也迅速调整了他们的言论。一些比较有名的克里姆林宫支持者已经成为西方制裁的目标。例如,意大利没收了著名脱口秀主持人弗拉基米尔·索洛维耶夫拥有的价值近900万美元的科莫湖豪宅。
        Vyacheslav Nikonov, host of a current affairs program on Channel One called “The Great Game,” gave a belligerent speech in the Duma, or parliament, on the day after the invasion, which he echoed on his show.        维亚切斯拉夫·尼科诺夫是第一频道时事节目《伟大的游戏》的主持人,在入侵后的第二天,他在杜马发表了好战的演讲,并在他的节目中对此表示赞同。
        He described how much he loved Ukrainians and their wonderful country. “I think Russia is, of course, interested in it being a prosperous, friendly country,” Mr. Nikonov said. “Our cause is just. We shall be victorious.”        他谈到自己对乌克兰人民和他们瑰丽国度的热爱。“这个国家的繁荣与友好当然是俄罗斯想看到的,”尼科诺夫说。“我们师出有名。胜利属于我们。”
        The last lines echoed a radio address given by his grandfather and namesake, Vyacheslav Molotov, Stalin’s longtime foreign minister, on June 22, 1941, to announce that Nazi Germany had invaded, breaking a nonaggression treaty, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.        最后这句话取自他的祖父——也是他名字的由来———维亚切斯拉夫·莫洛托夫在1941年6月22日的一场电台讲话,在斯大林手下任职外交部长多年的莫洛托夫在那场讲话中宣布纳粹德国入侵,撕毁了双方的互不侵犯条约,也就是《莫洛托夫-里宾特洛甫条约》。
        This is all in sharp contrast to reports by Western and Ukrainian news media on the fighting in the northeast, with houses going up in flames and civilians lying dead in the streets. There was dramatic footage Saturday of a Russian MI-24 helicopter gunship erupting in a ball of flames after being struck by a surface-to-air missile.        这一切与西方和乌克兰新闻媒体对东北部战斗的报道大相径庭,在那些报道里,当地民宅被付之一炬,平民横尸街头。在周六出现的一段惊人视频中,俄军一架米-24武装直升机在被地对空导弹击中后变成了一团火球。
        The Kremlin has waged an extended assault on independent media for the past decade, and some of the last redoubts shut down last week in the face of the new law. That included two stalwarts: Echo of Moscow, an independent radio station that was kind of a family living room for liberal Russians, and TV Rain, a television channel that had bravely broadcast segments like an interview with the father of a young soldier shown captured in Ukraine.        过去十年间,克里姆林宫对独立媒体进行了广泛的打压,最后仅存的几座堡垒恐怕会在新法律颁布后面临关闭。这其中包括两家明星媒体:一个是莫斯科“回声”电台,这家独立电台就像是俄罗斯自由主义人士的家庭起居室,另一个是一直在做勇敢报道的“雨”电视台,其节目包括采访一名在乌克兰被俘的年轻俄军士兵的父亲。
        For the younger generation that does not watch television news, Telegram has become the app of choice on both sides, said Kevin Rothrock, the managing editor for the English edition of Meduza, an independent news agency still operating from outside Russia.        《Meduza》英文版主编凯文·罗斯洛克说,对那些不看电视新闻的年轻一代来说,Telegram成了双方首选的应用,这家独立新闻社目前仍在俄罗斯之外的地方运营。
        Videos of President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine speaking in Kyiv, for example, are posted there first. Scenes of angry Ukrainians shouting “Occupiers!” at Russian soldiers in Kherson or elsewhere are readily available, but not mentioned in Russia.        例如乌克兰总统泽连斯基在基辅的讲话视频就是先在Telegram上发布的。愤怒的乌克兰人在赫尔松及其它地方冲俄军士兵大喊“侵略者”的视频也通过它广泛流传,但这些在俄罗斯没人提及。
        To try to reach the younger generation, both the Ministry of Enlightenment and the Ministry of Education in Russia have produced videos detailing the official explanation for the war; they were mandatory viewing in schools.        为了触及年轻一代,俄罗斯启蒙部和教育部制作了视频,详细解释这场战争的原因,并强制要求学生观摩。
        Novaya Gazeta, an independent newspaper whose editor, Dmitri Muratov, shared the Nobel Peace Prize last year, has tried to follow the new guidelines. In stories where people interviewed said “war,” for example, there are ellipses and the phrase “word prohibited by the Russian authorities.”        独立报纸《新报》已经试图去遵守这些新的规定,这家报纸的编辑迪米特里·穆拉托夫去年作为共同获奖者获得了诺贝尔和平奖。新规包括在采访中有人提到“战争”一词会被略去,显示“俄罗斯当局禁用词语”字样。
        Some news circulated outside the official filtering. Leonid Ragozin, a freelance journalist, said that a relative on a Moscow bus was talking to a frightened friend in Kharkiv, with sirens wailing in the background. She put the call on speaker phone and the whole bus went silent to listen. Nobody complained.        也有一些消息会绕过官方的过滤网。自由执业记者莱奥尼德·拉戈津说,有一个亲戚在莫斯科公交车上与哈尔科夫的一个陷入恐慌的朋友通话,背景可以听到警报声。她把手机设置成免提,整个车厢一片寂静。没人提出异议。
        Still, the onslaught of the official state version seems to be having the desired effect.        然而,官方版本的大肆宣传似乎还是起到了效果。
        Various Russian polls show considerable support for the war — about two-thirds of the Russian public — although experts say that pressure to parrot the official line must be taken into account.        多个俄罗斯民调显示战争得到了相当多的支持——俄罗斯民众约有三分之二支持战争——不过专家认为需要考虑到顺从于官方立场的压力。
        Mr. Kucher, the former independent TV host, said he was taken aback at how often the Kremlin talking points about fighting Nazis in Ukraine were echoed back to him in telephone conversations with former classmates.        前独立电视台主持人库彻说,在和老同学通电话时,他惊讶地发现,他们经常援用克里姆林宫关于打击乌克兰纳粹分子的那套说辞。
        “I was so stunned,” Mr. Kucher said. “I never would have thought that propaganda would have such an effect on people.”        “我被吓到了,”库彻说。“从来没想过宣传可以给人造成如此大的影响。”

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