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They Died by a Bridge in Ukraine. This Is Their Story.

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-11 02:14

        KYIV, Ukraine — They met in high school but became a couple years later, after meeting again on a dance floor at a Ukrainian nightclub. Married in 2001, they lived in a bedroom community outside Kyiv, in an apartment with their two children and their dogs, Benz and Cake. She was an accountant and he was a computer programmer.        乌克兰基辅——他们在高中时就相识,几年后在乌克兰一家夜总会的舞池中再次相遇。他们于2001年结婚,住在基辅近郊的一个住宅区,有两个孩子,养了两条狗,起名“奔驰”和“蛋糕”。她是会计,他是电脑程序员。
        Serhiy and Tetiana Perebyinis owned a Chevrolet minivan. They shared a country home with friends, and Ms. Perebyinis was a dedicated gardener and an avid skier. She had just returned from a ski trip to Georgia.        谢尔盖·佩雷贝尼斯和捷季扬娜拥有一辆雪佛兰休旅车,与朋友们共同拥有一座乡村别墅,佩雷贝尼斯女士热爱园艺和滑雪。她不久前刚从格鲁吉亚滑雪回来。
        And then, late last month, Russia invaded Ukraine, and the fighting quickly moved toward Kyiv. It wasn’t long before artillery shells were crashing into their neighborhood. One night, a shell hit their building, prompting Ms. Perebyinis and the children to move to the basement. Finally, with her husband away in eastern Ukraine tending to his ailing mother, Ms. Perebyinis decided it was time to take her children and run.        然后,上月末,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,战斗迅速向基辅转移。没过多久,炮弹就开始落到他们家附近。一天晚上,一颗炮弹击中了他们住的楼,佩雷贝尼斯女士和孩子们搬到了地下室。由于丈夫在乌克兰东部照顾生病的母亲,佩雷贝尼斯女士最后决定尽快带着孩子逃难。
        They didn’t make it. Ms. Perebyinis, 43, and her two children, Mykyta, 18, and Alisa, 9, along with a church volunteer who was helping them, Anatoly Berezhnyi, 26, were killed on Sunday as they dashed across the concrete remnants of a damaged bridge in their town of Irpin, trying to evacuate to Kyiv.        他们没能成功。43岁的佩雷贝尼斯女士和两个孩子——18岁的米基塔和九岁的艾丽莎以及帮助他们的教堂志愿者——26岁的阿纳托利·别列兹尼于周日在他们居住的伊尔平遇难,当时他们正要冲过一座受损残存的混凝土桥,试图疏散到基辅。
        Their luggage — a blue roller suitcase, a gray suitcase and some backpacks — was scattered near their bodies, along with a green carrying case for a small dog that was barking.        他们的行李——一个蓝色拉杆行李箱、一个灰色行李箱、几个背包——散落在尸体附近,还有一个绿色的手提箱,里面有一只小狗在吠叫。
        They were four people among the many who tried to cross that bridge last weekend, but their deaths resonated far beyond their Ukrainian suburb. A photograph of the family and Mr. Berezhnyi lying bloodied and motionless, taken by a New York Times photographer, Lynsey Addario, encapsulates the indiscriminate slaughter by an invading Russian army that has increasingly targeted heavily populated civilian areas.        上周末还有许多人试图通过这座桥,但他们的去世引发的反响远远超出了这个乌克兰郊区。《纽约时报》摄影师琳茜 ·阿达里奥拍下了这家人和别列兹尼一动不动躺在血泊里的照片,让世人看到俄罗斯军队的滥杀无辜,他们已经越来越多地把人口稠密的平民区作为目标。
        The family’s lives and their final hours were described in an interview by Mr. Perebyinis and a godmother, Polina Nedava. Mr. Perebyinis, also 43, said he learned of the death of his family on Twitter, from posts by Ukrainians.        佩雷贝尼斯先生和其中一个孩子的教母波利娜·内达瓦在接受采访时描述了这家人的生活,以及他们生命的最后时刻。同样43岁的佩雷贝尼斯先生说,他是通过乌克兰人的Twitter帖文得知家人遇难的。
        Breaking down in tears for the only time in the interview, Mr. Perebyinis said he told his wife the night before she died that he was sorry he wasn’t with her.        佩雷贝尼斯先生在采访中唯一一次失声痛哭是在说起妻子去世前一晚的时候,当时他告诉她,很抱歉没有和她在一起。
        “I told her, ‘Forgive me that I couldn’t defend you,’” he said. “I tried to care for one person, and it meant I cannot protect you.”        “我对她说,‘原谅我不能保护你,’”他说。“我得去照顾别人,没法保护你。”
        “She said, ‘Don’t worry, I will get out.’”        “她说,‘别担心,我能逃出去。’”
        After she didn’t, he said he felt it was important that their deaths had been recorded in photographs and video. “The whole world should know what is happening here,” he said.        在她没能逃出来之后,他说,他觉得他们的罹难通过照片和视频记录下来,是很重要的事情。“全世界都应该知道这里发生了什么,”他说。
        The Perebyinis family had already been displaced once by war, in 2014, when they were living in Donetsk in the east and Russia fomented a separatist uprising. They moved to Kyiv to escape the fighting and started rebuilding their lives. When Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine last month, they could hardly believe it was happening again, Mr. Perebyinis said.        佩雷贝尼斯一家在2014年就曾因战争而被迫离开家园,当时他们住在东部的顿涅茨克,俄罗斯在那里煽动了一场分离主义暴动。为躲避战火,他们搬到基辅,开始重建生活。佩雷贝尼斯先生说,当俄罗斯坦克上个月开进乌克兰时,他们简直不敢相信这种事又发生了。
        Ms. Perebyinis’ employer, SE Ranking, a software company with offices in California and London, had encouraged employees to leave Ukraine immediately once the fighting started. It had even rented rooms for them in Poland, Mr. Perebyinis said. But his wife delayed her departure because of uncertainty over how to evacuate her mother, who has Alzheimer’s disease.        佩雷贝尼斯女士的雇主SE Ranking是一家在加州和伦敦设有办公室的软件公司,战争刚开始时该公司就建议员工立即离开乌克兰。佩雷贝尼斯先生说,公司甚至在波兰为他们租了房。但妻子推迟了离开的时间,因为她不确定如何带走患有阿兹海默症的母亲。
        Last Saturday, after two days in the basement, they made a first attempt at evacuating. But as they were packing up their minivan, a tank rolled by on the street outside. They decided to wait.        上周六,在地下室待了两天之后,他们第一次尝试撤离。但当他们正在往休旅车上装东西时,一辆坦克穿过外面的街道。他们决定再等等看。
        The next day they were up and moving by about 7 a.m. Tetiana Perebyinis had discussed the plan in minute detail with her husband. She and her two children and her mother and father, who lived nearby, would join a church group and try to evacuate toward Kyiv, and then get somewhere safe from there.        第二天早上7点左右,他们就起床开始行动了。捷季扬娜·佩雷贝尼斯和丈夫详细讨论了这个计划。她和两个孩子以及住在附近的父母跟随一个教会组织逃往基辅,然后从那里前往安全的地方。
        They drove as far as they could in Irpin, but then Ms. Perebyinis was forced to abandon the minivan. They set out on foot toward a damaged bridge over the Irpin River.        他们在伊尔平尽量开车前进,但后来佩雷贝尼斯女士被迫弃车。他们步行向伊尔平河上一座遭毁坏的桥走去。
        To escape, they were forced to cross a hundred yards or so of exposed street on one side of the bridge. As Russian forces fired into the area, many tried to seek cover behind a brick wall.        为了逃难,在桥的一侧,他们被迫穿过一条不到百米、毫无遮掩的街道。当俄罗斯军队向该地区开火时,许多人躲到了一堵砖墙的后面。
        Mr. Berezhnyis, the church volunteer, who had earlier evacuated his own family but had returned to help others, was with Ms. Perebyinis and her children when they began to dash toward the other side.        教堂志愿者别列兹尼早些时候已经疏散了家人,但回来帮助其他人。当人们开始冲向桥的另一边时,他和佩雷贝尼斯以及孩子们在一起。
        Through the night, Mr. Perebyinis had tried to monitor his wife’s location using a locator app on their phones. But it showed nothing: the family was in a basement, without cell reception.        整晚,佩雷贝尼斯先生都在用他们手机上的定位应用程序查看妻子的位置。但没有任何显示:他们在地下室,没有手机信号。
        Around dawn, he said, he saw one ping, showing them at their home address. But nothing showed them moving. Cellphone coverage had become too spotty in the town.        他说,在黎明时分,他看到了一个定位,显示一家人位于他们家的位置。但没有移动的迹象。城里的手机信号已经变得非常不稳定。
        The next ping of a location on Mr. Perebyinis’ phone came around 10 Sunday morning. It was at Clinical Hospital No. 7 in Kyiv. Something had gone wrong.        周日上午10点左右,佩雷贝尼斯先生的手机上出现了下一个位置的定位信号。那是在基辅的第七临床医院。出事了。
        He called his wife’s number. It was ringing, but nobody answered. He called his children’s phone numbers, with the same result.        他打了妻子的电话。电话通了,但没有人接。他又打孩子们的电话,结果也是一样。
        A half-hour or so later, he saw a post on Twitter saying a family had been killed in a mortar strike on the evacuation route out of Irpin. A short time later, another Twitter post appeared, with a picture. “I recognized the luggage and that is how I knew,” he said.        大约半小时后,他在Twitter上看到一个帖子,说有一家人在撤离伊尔平的路上遭迫击炮击中身亡。不久之后,又出现了另一条推文,还附了一张照片。他说:“我认出了那件行李,我就是这么知道的。”
        When asked to describe his wife, Mr. Perebyinis slumped in his chair. Ms. Nedava offered that she had a “light” spirit, was often joking and cheered up a room.
        Over their long marriage, Mr. Perebyinis added, “We refurbished three apartments and never argued once.”        佩雷贝尼斯还说,在他们漫长的婚姻生活中,“我们装修过三套公寓,从来没吵过架。”
        Mr. Berezhnyi had moved his wife to western Ukraine but had returned to Irpin to help with the evacuation organized by his church, the Irpin Bible Church, the pastor, Mykola Romaniuk, said in a telephone interview.        牧师尼古拉·罗曼纽克在接受采访时说,别列兹尼已经把妻子撤到了乌克兰西部,但后来又回到了伊尔平,协助他所在的教会伊尔平圣经教堂组织的撤离行动。
        When the mortar strike began, with shells landing first a few hundred yards away, Mr. Romaniuk said other church volunteers saw Mr. Berezhnyi run to help Ms. Perebyinis. “He took her suitcase and they started running,” he said.        当迫击炮袭击开始时,炮弹首先落在几百码外,罗曼纽克说,其他教会志愿者看到别列兹尼跑去帮助佩雷贝尼斯女士。“他拿着她的手提箱,然后他们就开始跑,”他说。
        Mr. Berezhnyi, Pastor Romaniuk said, was quiet and generous. “He was the kind of friend who is ready to help with no words needed,” he said. “I do not know how God can forgive such crimes.”        罗曼纽克牧师说,别列兹尼乐善好施,平时话不多。 “他是那种无需多话就随时准备帮忙的朋友,”他说。“我不知道上帝怎么能原谅这样的罪行。”
        In mid-February, before the war started, Mr. Perebyinis had traveled to his hometown, Donetsk, in rebel-held eastern Ukraine, to care for his mother, who was sick with Covid-19. After hostilities began, the crossing point closed and Mr. Perebyinis was trapped in the East.        2月中旬,在战争开始前,佩雷贝尼斯先生前往家乡顿涅茨克照顾感染新冠的母亲,那里位于叛军控制的乌克兰东部。敌对行动开始后,过境点关闭,佩雷贝尼斯先生被困在了那里。
        To return to Kyiv from separatist-controlled eastern Ukraine after the death of his family, Mr. Perebyinis traveled into Russia and flew to the city of Kaliningrad, to cross a land border into Poland. At the Russia-Poland border, he said, Russian guards questioned him, took his fingerprints and seemed ready to arrest him for unclear reasons, though he was eventually allowed to travel on.        家人去世后,为了从分离分子控制的乌克兰东部返回基辅,佩雷贝尼斯先生前往俄罗斯,然后飞往加里宁格勒,穿过陆地边界进入波兰。他说,在俄罗斯和波兰边境,俄罗斯警卫盘问了他,取了他的指纹,似乎准备以不明确的理由逮捕他,但最终放行。
        He said he told them: “My whole family died in what you call a special operation and we call a war. You can do what you want with me. I have nothing left to lose.’’        他说,当时自己告诉他们:“我们全家都死在你们所谓的特殊行动中,我们把这叫做战争。你想怎么处置我都行。我已经没有什么可以失去了。”

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