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The mystery of US bio-labs in Ukraine

来源:中国日报    2022-03-11 08:00

        The United States supposedly depends on these laboratories to implement its biological warfare research. And these are only a handful, or less than 10 percent of the 336 biological laboratories the US reportedly controls in 30 countries around the world.据推测,美国依靠这些实验室开展生物战研究。据报道,美国在全世界30多个国家共设有336个生物实验室,而乌克兰的实验室占了近十分之一。
        It is the US that's ill, but it is forcing China to take the pill. And that's precisely why the US has failed to bring COVID-19 under control on its shores. Instead of acknowledging the problem it is busy blaming others.美国自己“生病”了,却逼迫中国接受“治疗”。这正是美国没能做好疫情防控的原因。美国不是承认问题,而是忙于指责他人。
        Latest reports say that the US embassy in Ukraine hurriedly deleted information related to the biological labs there. But they cannot wash away the fact about the existence of such laboratories around the world. It is time the US published information about these biological laboratories, including what kind of viruses are stored there, what "research" is going on and what harm they pose to people in these countries and around the world. The world should demand answers.最新报道称,美国驻乌克兰大使馆匆忙删除了乌克兰生物实验室的相关信息。但他们无法抹去世界各地存在此类实验室的事实。现在是时候公布这些生物实验室的有关信息了,那里储存了什么样的病毒、正在进行什么“研究”,以及它们对所在国家和世界各地的人们造成了什么伤害。世界应该要求答案。

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