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The mystery of US bio-labs in Ukraine

来源:中国日报    2022-03-11 08:00

        The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has led to some unexpected discoveries. Russian media outlets recently reported that the Pentagon had commissioned more than 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine, where large quantities of dangerous viruses were stored.正在进行的俄乌冲突带来了一些意外发现。俄罗斯媒体近日报道,美国在乌克兰资助了30多个生物实验室,那里储存着大量危险病毒。
        No wonder the US was desperately pushing for "origin-tracing" studies for the COVID-19 outbreak at Chinese laboratories. Maybe because they have laboratories spread around the world, they are aware of the high risks of viruses leaking and triggering pandemics. They assumed similar risks from Chinese laboratories, but that is stretching it too far.难怪美国极力推动"新冠病毒溯源"调查中国实验室泄漏病毒的可能。也许是因为美国的实验室分布在世界各地,他们清楚病毒泄漏和引发大流行病的风险极高。于是美国假设中国实验室也有类似的风险,但这种假设过于牵强。
        It is now also clear why the US has, for four decades, tried to prevent the Biological Weapons Convention from establishing a checking mechanism. Of the 182 signatories to the convention, the US is the only one that pulled out of negotiations for such a mechanism in 2001. It is clear that by doing so the US wants to protect the secrets of its 336 biological labs worldwide.为什么40年来美国一直试图阻止《禁止生物武器公约》建立核查机制,现在答案显而易见。在182个公约签署国中,美国是唯一一个在2001年退出核查机制谈判的国家。很明显,美国这样做是为了保护其全球336个生物实验室的秘密。

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