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One Week After Russia’s Invasion, Here’s How the War Is Evolving

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-04 10:39

        LVIV, Ukraine — One week into their invasion of Ukraine, Russian forces are ramping up assaults on civilian areas, making strategic advances in the coastal south and beginning to lay siege to major cities.        乌克兰利沃夫——入侵乌克兰一周后,俄罗斯军队正在加强对平民区的攻击,在乌克兰南部沿海地区取得战略进展,并开始围攻主要城市。
        The invasion by President Vladimir V. Putin’s troops, which began on Feb. 24, kicked off Europe’s largest ground war since World War II.        俄罗斯总统普京的军队于2月24日开始入侵乌克兰,发动了自第二次世界大战以来欧洲规模最大的地面战争。
        In the days since, parts of towns and cities along Ukraine’s eastern border with Russia have been reduced to rubble by Russian forces, according video evidence verified by The New York Times and interviews with residents who fled. Major cities, including the capital, Kyiv, have faced significant onslaughts, with Ukrainian officials saying Russian forces had taken control of the first major city in the war, the strategic southern port of Kherson.        经《纽约时报》核实的视频证据以及对逃离居民的采访显示,入侵后的几天里,乌克兰与俄罗斯接壤的东部边境部分城镇已被俄军夷为平地。包括首都基辅在内的主要城市受到猛烈攻击。乌克兰官员说,俄军已控制了这场战争中的第一个主要城市——具有战略意义的南部港口赫尔松。
        As the war moves to an increasingly brutal phase, Russian artillery and rocket fire have cut off electricity, water and heat to many communities. Reports are also multiplying of Russian strikes against hospitals, schools, apartment complexes and critical civilian infrastructure. And a humanitarian crisis looms: More than a million people have already fled the country, according to the head of the United Nations refugee agency.        随着战争进入越来越残酷的阶段,俄罗斯的炮火和火箭袭击已切断了许多居民区的水电和暖气供应。有关俄军袭击医院、学校、公寓楼和重要民用基础设施的报道也越来越多。一场人道主义危机已迫在眉睫:据联合国难民署负责人称,已有100多万人逃离乌克兰。
        Even as Russian forces continue their onslaught, soldiers and civilian warriors from Ukraine, a country of 44 million, are fiercely resisting the attack of its much larger and more heavily armed neighbor.        即使面临俄军的继续猛攻,作为一个人口4400万的国家,乌克兰的军队和平民战士正在激烈抵抗来自一个比自己大得多、装备更为精良的邻国的进攻。
        Russia has been making huge gains across the country, especially in the south, but it has yet to gain air superiority over Ukraine, a strategic setback for Mr. Putin that analysts attribute to Ukraine’s fighter jets and surprisingly resilient air defenses. Officials from Ukraine and the United States also say that a number of Russian units — which reportedly include many young, poorly trained conscripts — have been hampered a bit by delays, poor morale and shortages of food and fuel.        俄军已在乌克兰各地取得了巨大进展,尤其是在南部地区,但尚未获得对乌克兰的空中优势,这对普京来说是个战略挫折,分析人士把原因归于乌克兰的战斗机以及该国空中防御出人意料的适应力。来自乌克兰和美国的官员还说,几支据报道由许多年轻、缺乏训练的应征入伍者组成的俄罗斯部队由于耽搁、士气低落以及食物和燃料短缺而受到了一些阻碍。
        President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine vowed on Thursday to regain control of parts of the country where Russian forces had made gains.        乌克兰总统泽连斯基周四誓言要重新夺回那些已被俄罗斯军队控制的地区。
        “I am sure of this: if they entered somewhere, it is only temporarily,” he said in an address to the nation. “We’ll drive them out. With shame.”        “我敢肯定:如果他们占领了某个地方,那也只是暂时的,”他在向全国发表讲话时说。“我们会将把他们赶出去。让他们无地自容。”
        Here’s how the war is evolving:        下面是目前的战况:
        Bombarding the capital        轰炸首都
        After facing stiffer than expected resistance, Mr. Putin has escalated the bombardment of Kyiv as his forces seek to topple the government. As many as 15,000 people, mostly women and children, have taken up residence in the subway system, The Times’s Andrew Kramer reported from Kyiv.        普京的军队寻求推翻乌克兰政府,他在遇到比预期更强烈的抵抗后加强了对基辅的轰炸,据时报记者安德鲁·克莱默从基辅发来的报道,多达1.5万人目前在城市的地铁系统中避难,其中主要是妇女和儿童。
        This week, a missile hit a television tower in Kyiv, and airstrikes hit a residential area of Zhytomyr, a city less than 100 miles west of Kyiv. A video verified by The New York Times also showed what appeared to be two Russian warplanes flying at low altitude moments before an airstrike hit a residential apartment complex in Irpin, a city on Kyiv’s northwestern limits.        本周,一枚导弹击中了基辅的一座电视塔,空袭击中了基辅以西不到200公里的城市日托米尔的一个居民区。经时报证实的一段视频还显示,位于基辅西北边的小城伊尔平的一处住宅区遭空袭之前,有两架看似俄罗斯轰炸机的飞机在那里低空飞过。
        Such attacks, along with a convoy roughly 40 miles long of Russian military vehicles that has been moving toward Kyiv in recent days, have stirred fears that troops may encircle and bombard what just a week ago was a peaceful, modern European capital of about 2.8 million people. But on Thursday, there were indications that the convoy may be struggling with soggy ground and other logistical issues slowing its advance.        这些空袭,加上最近几天一直在向基辅进发的约60公里长的俄军车队已引起人们担心,俄军可能会对人口约280万的基辅进行围攻和轰炸,仅仅一周前,这里还是个和平、现代化的欧洲首都城市。但周四已有迹象表明,俄军车队可能受到了泥泞地面和其他后勤问题的困扰,前进速度有所放慢。
        Laying siege to cities        围攻城市
        Mr. Putin’s forces have already surrounded the northeastern city of Kharkiv, 20 miles from the Russian border, and have been pummeling it from the outside with missiles and artillery shells.        普京的部队已经包围了距离俄罗斯边境30公里的乌克兰东北部城市哈尔科夫,并一直从城外在用导弹和火炮对其进行轰炸。
        Taking Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, would be a major strategic prize and could allow Russia to consolidate its forces in other areas. But holding a city requires significant troop presence, and Russia is already facing a rebellion of the general public. It is unclear what Russian forces plan to do should they gain control of government buildings — or how they would deal with what would probably be an insurgent effort to oust them.        拿下乌克兰第二大城市哈尔科夫对俄罗斯来说将是个有重大战略意义的胜利,可让俄罗斯加强在其他乌克兰地区的军力。但占领一座城市需要大量驻军,而俄罗斯已经在国内面临公众的反对。目前还不清楚,一旦控制了乌克兰政府大楼,俄军打算干什么,也不清楚他们将如何应对可能出现的、以赶走他们为目的的游击战。
        What’s clear for now is that laying siege to Kharkiv will most likely inflict heavy collateral damage on civilians as the war grinds on. There are already reports of men, women and children in Kharkiv going days without food and water, huddled in freezing basement shelters as Russian forces continue to bombard a city that just a week ago had a population of 1.5 million.        目前清楚的是,随着战争的继续,对哈尔科夫的围攻有很大可能将对平民造成严重的附带伤害。随着俄军继续轰炸这个一周前还有150万人口的城市,已有报道称,哈尔科夫的男人、女人及儿童蜷缩在冰冷的地下掩体,已经数天没有食物和水。
        Russia is also mounting increasingly brazen attacks on Kharkiv’s downtown infrastructure, a strategy intended to make the civilian population flee as part of a precursor to a ground invasion. Missiles have been hitting administrative buildings, and there have been clashes with Russian forces as they probe and test the city’s defenses.        俄罗斯还对哈尔科夫市中心的基础设施发起了越来越肆无忌惮的袭击,这样做的目的是迫使平民逃离,为大举入侵城市铺平道路。导弹一直在袭击政府部门的大楼,随着俄罗斯军队刺探和测试哈尔科夫的防御能力,双方也有交锋。
        Gaining in strategic areas        在有战略意义的地区取得进展
        Russia has made important strategic gains in recent days across southern Ukraine’s Black Sea coast. Securing the south would cut off the Ukrainian government’s access to vital ports and could allow Russia to bring troops and supplies in by sea.        最近几天,俄军在乌克兰南部黑海沿岸取得了重要的战略进展。控制该国南部将切断乌克兰政府与重要港口的连接,并能让俄罗斯从海上将兵力和补给运往乌克兰。
        From the southern coast, Russian troops could move northward toward Kyiv and link up with fellow Russians who have been fighting in eastern Ukraine. That would expand Mr. Putin’s control east of the Dnieper River, which cuts through the center of Ukraine and divides its western and eastern regions.        俄军可以从南部海岸北上,向基辅挺进,与一直在乌克兰东部作战的俄军会合。这将扩大普京对第聂伯河以东地区的控制。第聂伯河从乌克兰中间穿过,是乌克兰东西分界线。
        Odessa, Ukraine’s biggest port city, is not as militarily significant as the nearby Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014. But seizing it would be essential if Russia wants to control southern Ukraine, The Times’s Michael Schwirtz reported from Odessa on Wednesday.        乌克兰最大的港口城市敖德萨在军事上不如附近的克里米亚半岛重要,俄罗斯已在2014年将这个半岛吞并。但如果俄罗斯想控制乌克兰南部的话,据时报记者迈克尔·施维尔茨周三从敖德萨发来的报道,拿下敖德萨将是至关重要的一步。
        Now that Russian forces have moved into the southern port of Kherson, they have a path to Odessa. They have also surrounded another key port city, Mariupol. If Mariupol falls, two flanks of Russian and Russian-backed fighters would be able to trap Ukraine’s forces in the southeast.        现在,俄军已进入了南部港口赫尔松,他们有了一条通往敖德萨的道路。俄军还包围了另一个重要港口城市马里乌波尔。如果马里乌波尔沦陷,俄军和俄罗斯支持的武装分子就能从南部和东部两翼将乌克兰在东南地区的军队围困起来。
        Russian naval ships have gathered just outside Ukraine’s territorial waters in the Black Sea. Ukraine has accused Russia of firing on civilian ships and using them as cover.        俄罗斯海军舰艇一直集结在黑海的乌克兰领海之外。乌克兰指责俄罗斯向民用船只开火,并利用它们作掩护。
        Rising anxiety        不断上升的焦虑
        In western Ukraine, people have sought refuge from the invasion in Lviv, a city of ornate buildings about 45 miles from the Polish border that has so far been spared heavy combat.        为躲避入侵,乌克兰人来到西部城市利沃夫寻求庇护。利沃夫是一座有着华丽建筑的城市,距离波兰边境约70公里,到目前为止尚未遭受激烈的战火。
        But since the first air raid siren wailed a week ago, there has been a growing sense of urgency and anxiety in Lviv.        但自从一周前首次响起空袭警报以来,利沃夫的紧迫感和焦虑感已在不断上升。
        A vast network of volunteers has emerged to help both those fleeing conflict and others heading off to the front. The roads into the city have also been lined with checkpoints and hastily erected defenses.        当地已出现了一个庞大的志愿者网络,为逃离冲突的人和奔赴前线的人提供帮助。所有通往城市的道路都设置了检查站和匆匆建起的防御工事。
        Heavily armed soldiers patrol the streets, stopping strangers and apprehending people they contend are Russian agents and saboteurs. In one incident that a New York Times reporter witnessed in Lviv on Tuesday, several men were pulled out of a red sedan in the heart of the old town and bundled away by security.        全副武装的士兵在街上巡逻,拦住陌生人,将他们认为是俄罗斯特工和破坏分子的人逮捕。《纽约时报》一名记者周二在利沃夫目睹了一个场面:在老城中心,几名男子被拉出一辆红色轿车然后被保安带走。
        In restaurants that remain open, bottled water is now served exclusively in plastic bottles. The glass ones are being used to make Molotov cocktails.        这里仍在营业的餐馆里出售的瓶装水现在都是塑料瓶的。玻璃瓶已被用去做燃烧弹。

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