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Behind Sandbags, Ukraine’s Leader Meets the Media

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-04 04:37

        KYIV, Ukraine — Unshaven and wearing a military T-shirt, a haggard President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine on Thursday hosted his first news conference since the war began, inviting journalists into his office building, now fortified with sandbags.        乌克兰基辅——周四,胡子拉碴的乌克兰总统泽连斯基一脸憔悴,穿着军人T恤主持了自开战以来的首次新闻发布会,邀请记者进入他的办公楼,该办公楼现在已用沙袋加固。
        In an animated briefing, Mr. Zelensky, whose defiance has made him a symbol of Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion, laid out the state of negotiations with Russia, voiced pride in his people, pleaded for a no-fly zone and spoke frankly about fear of dying.        泽连斯基的不屈从使他成为乌克兰抵抗俄罗斯入侵的象征。在生动的简报中,他阐述了与俄罗斯的谈判状态,表达了对他的人民的自豪,恳求设立禁飞区并坦率地谈到死亡恐惧。
        Beyond the answers Mr. Zelensky provided to questions, pulling a chair close to attending journalists, the news conference seemed intended to signal that his battered government is at least still functioning a week into the war, despite increasingly dire conditions in Kyiv.        泽连斯基回答了问题,拉近了与出席记者的距离,除此之外,这次新闻发布会似乎是为了表明在开战一周后,尽管基辅的情况越来越糟糕,其饱受打击的政府至少仍在运作。
        Mr. Zelensky said he was particularly proud of ordinary Ukrainians’ resistance to the Russian attack, a seething, angry uprising by much of society even as Russian tanks bore down on major cities and the capital.        泽连斯基说,他为普通乌克兰人对俄罗斯袭击的抵抗感到特别自豪,这是一场由沸腾的社会大部分人发起的愤怒起义,即使俄罗斯坦克正在向主要城市和首都发起进攻。
        “That is why I am so strong and so decisive,” he said. “We have a special people, an extraordinary people.” He said that no senior officials had fled the country, and several top aides turned up at the news conference.        “这就是为什么我如此坚强和决断,”他说。“我们有一群特殊的人民,一群非凡的人民。”他说,没有高官出逃,并且几名高级助手都出现在新闻发布会上。
        Mr. Zelensky said he had appealed to Western leaders for additional military support, including asking President Emmanuel Macron of France and Chancellor Olaf Schulz of Germany to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine, an unlikely proposition, while also pursuing negotiations with the Russian leadership. The second of two rounds of talks with Russia in recent days took place on Thursday.        泽伦斯基表示,他已呼吁西方领导人提供更多军事支持,包括要求法国总统马克龙和德国总理舒尔茨在乌克兰上空设立禁飞区——这一提议不太可能实现,同时还寻求与俄罗斯领导人进行谈判。近期与俄罗斯举行的两轮会谈中的第二轮于周四举行。
        “We are ready to speak on all topics,” he said. Mr. Zelensky’s negotiator at the talks, Mykhailo Podolyak, said later Thursday negotiations wrapped up with an agreement on cease-fire corridors for civilians to escape heavy combat, but no progress on a settlement.        “我们准备好就所有话题发表意见,”他说。泽连斯基在会谈中的谈判代表米哈伊洛·波多利亚克周四晚些时候表示,谈判最终达成了停火走廊协议,让平民逃离激烈的战场,但在解决争端上没有取得任何进展。
        “The Russian side has long ago formed the answers to their questions,” Mr. Zelensky said. “What is the point of posing questions if you long ago have the answers? For now, this is the difficulty of this dialogue.”        “俄罗斯方面早就写好了他们问题的答案,”泽连斯基说。“如果你早就有了答案,那么提出问题又有什么意义呢?就目前而言,这就是这次对话的难点。”
        He said he was ready to compromise on some points, but he did not specify which, and said he would not bend on conditions threatening Ukrainian sovereignty.        他说他准备在某些问题上妥协,但他没有具体说明是哪些问题,并表示他不会屈服于威胁乌克兰主权的条件。
        “There are issues where it’s needed to find compromise, so people don’t die, and there are issues where there can be no compromise,” he said. “Well, we cannot just say, ‘here it is, it’s your country now, Ukraine is part of Russia.’ This is just impossible. So why suggest it?”        “有些问题需要找到妥协,这样人们就不会丧命,而有些问题不能妥协,”他说。“好吧,我们不能只是说,‘给,这个国家是你的了,乌克兰是俄罗斯的一部分。’这是不可能的。那为什么还要提出这一点呢?”
        Reporters arrived at the presidential office in minivans that wove through concrete barriers and steel I-beams welded into crosses and placed on the streets to slow tanks. In the government district of Kyiv, usually a quiet, leafy neighborhood of offices and elegant, 19th century apartment blocks, armored cars blocked crossroads.        记者们乘坐小型货车抵达总统办公室,这些面包车穿梭于街道上的混凝土护栏和焊接成十字的工字钢梁之间,放置这些设施是为了减慢坦克的速度。基辅绿树成荫的政府区由办公楼和优雅的19世纪公寓楼组成,平日十分安静,现在装甲车堵住了十字路口。
        The vans sped through a warren of courtyards and into a back entrance to the presidential office building. Inside the building, security officials escorted journalists by flashlight through darkened corridors filled with soldiers.        面包车飞驰过一大片庭院,进入总统办公大楼的后门。在大楼内,安全官员用手电筒护送记者穿过站满士兵的黑暗走廊。
        Sandbags had been stacked along the windowsills. At doorways, firing positions were in place to shoot from inside Mr. Zelensky’s office compound onto the street outside, suggesting a readiness to hold out even if street fighting reaches the site.        窗台上堆着沙袋。在门口,射击阵位已就绪,可以从泽连斯基的办公大楼内向外面的街道射击,这表明即使巷战打到门口,他们也已准备好坚持到底。
        Mr. Zelensky thanked the reporters for turning up.        泽连斯基感谢记者们的出席。
        “It’s best to see it with your own eyes,” he said of the city’s preparations for defense. Still, he said, he was doing all he could to negotiate.        “最好亲眼看看,”他谈到这座城市的防御准备时说。不过,他说,他正在尽他所能进行谈判。
        Mr. Zelensky said he was getting about three hours of sleep a night. His cheeks sagged with weariness. He was, though, animated and gestured energetically to drive home points.        泽连斯基说他每晚睡三个小时左右。他的脸颊因疲倦而下垂。但他精神抖擞并活跃地打着手势表达自己的观点。
        Though the briefing was held in a conference room to suggest some modicum of normality, soldiers with assault rifles stood in the room and the windows were blocked by piles of white sandbags.        简报会在会议室举行,至少恢复了一点正常的感觉,但手持突击步枪的士兵站在房间里,窗户被成堆的白色沙袋挡住了。
        He reiterated his request for direct talks with President Vladimir V. Putin, something the Russian leader has rebuffed both before and after the start of hostilities.        他重申了与总统普京进行直接会谈的请求,这位俄罗斯领导人在敌对行动开始前后均予以拒绝。
        “It’s not that I want to talk to Putin,” he said. “I need to talk to Putin. The world needs to talk to Putin. There is no other way to stop this war.”        “不是我想和普京对话,”他说。“但我需要和普京对话。世界需要与普京对话。没有其他办法可以阻止这场战争。”
        Of the conflict and what he described as reports the Russian army did not intend to repatriate its war dead to avoid stirring antiwar sentiment at home, he said, “this is a nightmare. I cannot even imagine the type of man who would plan such acts.”        对于冲突和他所描述的报道,俄罗斯军队不打算遣返其战死者以避免在国内激起反战情绪,他说,“这是一场噩梦。我甚至无法想象什么样的人会策划这种行为。”
        Many of the Russian soldiers were 18- and 19-year-olds, said Mr. Zelensky, who is 45. He noted that the soldiers are about the age of his own daughter and “could be my children.” He added: “They will die in uniforms because of decisions made by men in suits.”        45岁的泽连斯基说,许多俄罗斯士兵都只有十八九岁。他指出,这些士兵大约和他女儿同龄,“上战场的可能是我的孩子”。他还说:“穿军装的他们会因西装革履的大人物做出的决定而死去。”
        Mr. Zelensky said he had asked Mr. Schulz and Mr. Macron to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine. The idea has been largely rebuffed by Western governments as all but impossible, for risking direct conflict between NATO and Russian forces.        泽连斯基说,他曾要求舒尔茨和马克龙在乌克兰上空设立禁飞区。这个想法基本上已被西方政府拒绝,因为几乎是不可能的,设立禁飞区意味着西方政府面临北约和俄罗斯军队之间爆发直接冲突的风险。
        But he said that Russian aggression would only spread if not stopped in Ukraine. The leadership in Moscow, he said, would at some point push on to other Eastern European countries and eventually build a new “Berlin Wall.”        但他说,俄罗斯的侵略如果不止于乌克兰,就会继续蔓延。他说,莫斯科的领导层将在某个时候向其他东欧国家推进,并最终建立新的“柏林墙”。
        He criticized German officials for working at cross-purposes with Western efforts to pressure Russia into a settlement in the long-simmering eastern Ukraine war by building a new natural gas pipeline, Nord Stream 2, to Russia. The pipeline was intended to provide cheap energy for Germany’s economy, though the project is now suspended.        他批评德国官员修建通往俄罗斯的新天然气管道“北溪2号”,称这与西方国家向俄罗斯施压、迫使其解决长期酝酿的乌克兰东部战争的努力背道而驰。这条管道旨在为德国经济提供廉价能源,但项目目前已暂停。
        Mr. Zelensky, a former comedian who has always had a keen sense of image and storytelling in politics, said he was aware that his repeated televised appeals for resistance, and continued presence in the beleaguered capital, had turned him into a symbol in many countries of bravery and defense of democracy. That was helping Ukraine, he said.        泽连斯基曾是喜剧演员,对政治中的形象和故事性一直有着敏锐的感觉。他说自己意识到,他反复在电视上呼吁抵抗,并继续出现在被围困的首都,已经使他在许多国家成为勇敢和捍卫民主的象征。他说这对乌克兰有帮助。
        “I’m very happy the world united” to support Ukraine, said Mr. Zelensky, who has refused to the flee the country, turning down a reported American evacuation offer. “I need ammunition, not a ride,” he said at the time.        泽连斯基说,“我很高兴全世界团结起来”支持乌克兰。据报道,泽连斯基拒绝了美国的撤离提议,拒绝逃到国外。“我需要的是弹药,不是顺风车,”他当时说。
        Mr. Zelensky did have caustic words for Prime Minister Naftali Bennett of Israel, who has balanced support for Ukraine with an effort to maintain ties with Russia and had blocked some transfers of weapons to Ukraine that include Israeli-manufactured parts. Mr. Zelensky, who is Jewish, noted that a Russian missile this week killed five civilians on the territory of a Holocaust memorial site in Kyiv, Babyn Yar. The missile had targeted a television broadcasting tower.        泽连斯基确实曾对以色列总理纳夫塔利·贝内特恶语相向。贝内特在支持乌克兰的同时,努力维持与俄罗斯的关系,并阻止了一些向乌克兰输送含有以色列制零部件武器的行动。身为犹太人的泽连斯基指出,俄罗斯的一枚导弹本周在基辅的巴宾亚一处大屠杀纪念地区域内杀死了五名平民。该导弹的目标是一座电视广播塔。
        Mr. Zelensky said he was inspired to see images of people praying at the Western Wall in Jerusalem wrapped in blue and yellow Ukrainian flags. He suggested it was time for the Israeli government to take a moral stand. “Everything is tested by this moment,” he said. “I don’t feel that he is wrapped in the flag of Ukraine,” he said of Mr. Bennett.        泽连斯基说,看到人们裹着蓝色和黄色的乌克兰国旗在耶路撒冷西墙祈祷的画面,他受到了鼓舞。他表示,以色列政府是时候采取道德立场了。“现在一切都面临考验,”他说。“我不觉得他身上包裹着乌克兰国旗,”他是指贝内特。
        Asked if he was afraid of dying in the war, he said everybody has such fears.        当被问及是否害怕在战争中死去时,他说每个人都有这样的恐惧。
        “I’m an alive person, like any human being,” he said. “And if a person is not afraid of losing his life, or the lives of his children, there is something unwell about that person.” He added, though, that as president, “I simply do not have the right” to be afraid.        “我是一个活生生的人,就像所有人一样,”他说。“如果一个人不害怕失去自己或孩子的生命,那么这个人就有问题。”不过,他补充说,作为总统,“我根本没有权利”感到害怕。
        If he were not president, he said, he probably would have joined the volunteers who accepted rifles when the military started handing them out last week, and so would be facing risks in any case. He said he might also have chosen to help by handing out food to soldiers instead. He quipped that, “I am probably not as good a shot as some other people.”        他说,如果他不是总统,他可能会加入志愿者队伍,接受上周军方开始发放的步枪,因此无论如何都会面临风险。他说,他也可能选择向士兵分发食物来帮忙。他打趣说:“我的枪法可能不算特别好。”

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