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In Reversal, Paralympics Bars Athletes From Russia and Belarus

来源:纽约时报    2022-03-04 03:09

        BEIJING — On Wednesday night, the organizers of the Paralympic Winter Games were resolute that they had no option except to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete. On Thursday afternoon, they were equally resolute when they came to the opposite conclusion.        北京——周三晚上,冬残奥会的组织者曾坚决表示,他们别无选择,只能允许俄罗斯和白俄罗斯运动员参加比赛。周四下午,他们以同样坚决的态度得出了相反的结论。
        In a stunning reversal, the International Paralympic Committee bowed to heavy internal pressure and barred athletes from Russia and Belarus on the eve of the opening ceremony, extending the global sporting isolation of both countries in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine.        事态的逆转让人震惊,国际残奥委会迫于巨大的内部压力,在开幕式前夕禁止俄罗斯和白俄罗斯运动员参赛,这扩大了两国在乌克兰遭入侵后在国际体育界的孤立状态。
        Citing threats by several federations to boycott the Paralympic Games, mounting discontent in the athletes’ village and fears that a “deteriorating” situation there could lead to violence, the International Paralympic Committee said the situation had changed so dramatically overnight that the viability of the Games would be in jeopardy if organizers did not expel the Russian and Belarusian delegations.        国际残奥委员会表示,多个联合会威胁抵制残奥会,运动员村不满情绪日益高涨,加上担心那里的局势“恶化”可能导致暴力,情况在一夜之间发生了巨大变化,如果组织者不驱逐俄罗斯和白俄罗斯代表团,将危及冬残奥会的进行。
        “The environment in the village is deteriorating,” said Andrew Parsons, the president of the I.P.C. He said rising anger and threats by multiple national committee, some under pressure from their governments, to withdraw from the Games had made the situation “untenable.”        “奥运村里的环境正在恶化,”国际残奥委员会主席安德鲁·帕森斯说。他表示,多个国家委员会——其中一些受到其政府的压力——越来越愤怒,并威胁要退出奥运会,使事态“难以为继”。
        The announcement came less than a day after the committee had said it would allow athletes from both countries to compete as neutrals in Beijing, a response to the invasion that was widely criticized as inadequate. By Thursday morning, Paralympic officials met again and decided they had little choice but to throw out the two teams.        不到一天前,该委员会曾宣布允许两国运动员在北京以中立身份参加比赛,引发外界普遍批评,认为它对入侵的回应不够充分。到周四早上,残奥会官员再次开会并决定他们别无选择,只能将两个代表队排除在赛事之外。
        Parsons said that there had been no reports of confrontations or violence between athletes, but that tensions were rising. He said there was a “huge” concern for the safety of participants, including 71 Russians athletes.        帕森斯说,没有运动员之间发生冲突或暴力行为的报告,但紧张气氛正在加剧。他说,包括71名俄罗斯运动员在内的参与者的安全存在“巨大”担忧。
        “The village is not the place for fights,” Parsons said.        “奥运村不是打架的地方,”帕森斯说。
        The move made the Paralympics the latest international sporting organization to bar Russian and Belarusian athletes and teams in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which was staged with Belarusian support. Sports like soccer, tennis, auto racing and figure skating already have barred Russian and Belarusian athletes since the International Olympic Committee took the extraordinary step this week of suggesting global federations and event organizers put in place a global ban on athletes from the two countries as a result of their actions in Ukraine.        俄罗斯在白俄罗斯的支持下入侵乌克兰后,残奥委会的这一举动使其成为最新禁止这两个国家运动员和运动队的国际体育组织。本周,国际奥委会因两国在乌克兰的行动采取了非同寻常的措施,建议全球的联合会和赛事组织者对来自两国的运动员实施全球禁令。此后,足球、网球、赛车和花样滑冰等运动均已禁止俄罗斯和白俄罗斯运动员参赛。
        The Russian and Belarusian Paralympic delegations — whose athletes initially had been cleared to compete if they agreed to do so without their national names, flags or anthems — could appeal the decision in court. But the Games are set to hold their opening ceremony on Friday, and their first events on Saturday.        俄罗斯和白俄罗斯残奥会代表团的运动员最初曾获准在同意不使用国名、国旗或国歌的情况下参赛。两国代表团对于残奥委会的最新决定可以在法庭上提出上诉,但奥运会定于周五举行开幕式,周六举行首批比赛。
        Russia’s Paralympic committee criticized the reversal as “completely unfounded,” and said it unfairly portrayed the Russian committee and its Paralympic athletes “as the perpetrators of the current political conflicts.”        俄罗斯残奥委员会批评这一逆转“完全没有依据”,并表示此举将俄罗斯残奥委员会及其残奥运动员描绘成“当前政治冲突的实施者”是不公平的。
        “In this regard, the R.P.C. considers the I.P.C.’s decision illegal and reserves the right to defend the rights and interests of Russian para athletes” in court, it said in a statement.        它在一份声明中说:“对此,俄罗斯残奥委员会认为国际残奥委员会的决定违规,并保留在法庭上捍卫俄罗斯残疾人运动员的权利和权益。”
        Athletes from both Ukraine and Russia practiced on Thursday, sometimes side by side, but Parsons said the I.P.C. now would work with the Russian and Belarusian delegations to get their teams home from China.        来自乌克兰和俄罗斯的运动员在周四都进行了训练,有时是在一起训练的。但帕森斯说,国际残奥委会现在将与俄罗斯和白俄罗斯代表团合作,帮助他们的队伍回国。
        On Wednesday, Parsons had said the I.P.C. could not remove the athletes from Russia and Belarus because there was no specific mechanism to do so in the organization’s constitution; at the time, he said it was the I.P.C.’s “duty” to allow the Russians to participate.        周三,帕森斯曾表示,国际残奥委会无法将俄罗斯和白俄罗斯运动员排除出赛事,因为该组织的章程中没有关于这方面的具体机制;当时,他说允许俄罗斯运动员参与是残奥委会的“职责”。
        On Thursday, he acknowledged that the legal situation had not changed, but that the situation on the ground had. The executive board, he argued, was equally bound to protect the viability of the Paralympic Games in the face of growing discontent. By Thursday, for example, teams in wheelchair curling and sled hockey had informed Paralympic officials that they would refuse to play against Russian opponents.        周四,他承认法律情况没有改变,但实地形势已经改变。他认为,面对日益增长的不满情绪,执行委员会同样有责任保护残奥会正常进行。例如,到周四,参加轮椅冰壶和冰橇冰球比赛的有些代表团已经通知残奥会官员,他们将拒绝与俄罗斯对手比赛。
        “The I.P.C. is a membership-based organization,” he said, “and we are receptive to the views of our member organizations.”        “残奥委会是一个会员制组织,”他说,“我们愿接受成员组织的意见。”
        By then, Parsons said, a large number of members had reached out and urged the I.P.C. to reconsider its decision. Ukraine’s athletes released a statement voicing their disapproval, saying the claims of “political neutrality” from sports administrators were “a convenient lie used to deflect calls to stand up for human rights and peace.”        帕森斯说,当时,已经有大量成员联系并敦促国际残奥委会重新考虑其决定。乌克兰运动员发表声明,表达了对委员会此前决定的反对,称体育管理者声称的“政治中立”是“一个方便的谎言,用来转移捍卫人权与和平的呼声”。
        On Thursday, their team’s leader left no doubt about the country’s position. “Russia and Belarus must leave the Paralympic Games as soon as possible,” said Valerii Sushkevich, a member of Ukraine’s parliament and the president of the nation’s Paralympic committee.        周四,他们团队的领导人表达了与该国一致的立场。“俄罗斯和白俄罗斯必须尽快退出残奥会,”乌克兰议会议员、国家残奥委员会主席瓦列里·苏什克维奇说。
        Parsons, who had declared on Wednesday that the Russian and Belarussian athletes had a right to compete because they were not responsible for the invasion, expressed regret on Thursday that their dreams of competing at the Games would not be fulfilled.        帕森斯在周三宣布,由于俄罗斯和白俄罗斯运动员对入侵并不负有责任,他们有权参加比赛,而在周四,他表示为他们无法实现在奥运会竞技的梦想感到遗憾。
        “To the para athletes from the impacted countries, we are very sorry that you are affected by the decisions that your government took last week in breeching the Olympic truce,” he said. “You are victims of your government’s actions.”        “对于来自受影响国家的残疾人运动员,我们非常抱歉,你们被你们政府上周违反奥林匹克休战协议的决定所波及,”他说。“你们是你们政府行为的受害者。”
        The Games, though, will go ahead. The opening ceremony will take place in Beijing on Friday night, and competition begins Saturday in Alpine skiing, sled hockey, cross-country skiing and wheelchair curling.        而奥运会将继续进行。开幕式将于周五晚上在北京举行,周六将开始高山滑雪、冰橇冰球、越野滑雪和轮椅冰壶比赛。
        Said Parsons: “We can at least preserve the experience for the around 600 athletes that are still competing here.”        帕森斯说:“我们至少可以确保仍在这里比赛的约600名运动员能正常参赛。”

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