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Florida Gov DeSantis berates students for wearing masks

来源:中国日报    2022-03-04 17:27

        A visibly annoyed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis admonished a group of high school students for wearing face masks at an indoor news conference Wednesday, saying it was time to stop what he called “this COVID theater.”佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯在3月2日的一场室内新闻发布会上斥责一群戴口罩的高中生,称是时候停止所谓的“新冠骗局”了。
        The Republican governor approached the students and asked them to remove their masks as they waited for him at the press event at the University of South Florida in Tampa. The college is located in an area where the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still recommends indoor masking due to high COVID-19 risk.在南佛罗里达大学坦帕分校的新闻发布会上,这位共和党州长走向学生们,要求他们摘掉口罩。该校位于新冠疫情高风险地区,美国疾病控制和预防中心仍建议在室内戴口罩。
        “You do not have to wear those masks. I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it’s not doing anything. We’ve got to stop with this COVID theater. So if you wanna wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous,” he said, letting out an audible sigh and shaking his head.“你们不必戴口罩,摘了吧。说实话这真的没什么用。我们必须停止这场'新冠骗局'。如果你们想戴口罩就戴着吧,但这太荒谬了”,德桑蒂斯说完深深叹息一声,并摇了摇头。
        One of the students, 14-year-old Kevin Brown Jr., a high school freshman, told The Associated Press he was caught off-guard by DeSantis and felt pressured to removed his mask.14岁的高中新生凯文·布朗是在场学生之一,他告诉美联社,德桑蒂斯的话让他不知所措,他感到有人逼他摘下口罩。
        “I was a little bit surprised at his tone,” Brown said of the governor, adding that he chose to leave his mask on because there were many unmasked people around and he was wary of getting COVID-19.布朗表示:“我对他的语气感到有点意外。”他还称选择不摘口罩,是因为周围有很多没戴口罩的人,而布朗很担心会感染新冠。
        Brown’s father, Kevin Brown Sr., told WFLA-TV that he would advise DeSantis to “stop bullying kids.”布朗的父亲老凯文·布朗告诉美国全国广播公司旗下媒体WFLA-TV,他将建议德桑蒂斯“停止霸凌孩子”。
        DeSantis, a fierce opponent of virus mask and vaccine mandates, is running for reelection and is considered to be a potential 2024 GOP presidential candidate. His opposition to coronavirus masking and vaccine mandates has drawn national attention, and his administration has banned mask mandates in schools.德桑蒂斯是口罩和疫苗强制令的强烈反对者,他正在竞选连任,被视为2024年共和党总统候选人。他对口罩和疫苗强制令的反对引起了全美关注。佛罗里达州政府也禁止学校实施“口罩令”。

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