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The world's favorite book genres revealed

来源:中国日报    2022-03-02 14:01

        Reading habits look different around the world. In India, the average person devotes 10 hours and 42 minutes to reading per week—which is five hours more than the average person spends in the US. What people choose to read also varies depending on their geographic location.        世界各地的人们拥有不同的阅读习惯。在印度,平均每人每周花10小时42分钟用于阅读,比美国人均阅读时间多5个小时。不同地方的民众对书籍的选择也各不相同。
        Studying in Switzerland looked at international Google search numbers to determine the most popular book genres in countries where data was available. According to search trends, American readers prefer the classics to other popular categories. Book lovers in New Zealand and Ireland are also searching for older books that tend to be taught in literature classes.        “留学瑞士”机构通过分析国际版谷歌的搜索量来获得数据,从而确定各国最受欢迎的书籍类型分别是什么。搜索趋势显示,相比其他流行图书,美国读者偏爱阅读经典书籍。新西兰和爱尔兰的阅读爱好者还喜欢搜寻用于文学课教学的古典书籍。
        In Latin America, horror and romance are the most popular genres. Scary books dominate in Mexico and Argentina, and love stories win over readers in Brazil. The two genres tie for the No.1 spot in Venezuela.        在拉丁美洲,恐怖小说和浪漫文学是最受欢迎的。墨西哥和阿根廷的民众最爱看恐怖小说,言情故事则在巴西很吃香。这两种书籍在委内瑞拉的受欢迎程度并列第一。
        Fantasy is another popular genre read round the world, coming out on top in Italy, Germany, and Poland. India, home to the world's most voracious readers, gravitates toward poetry over the other genres.        奇幻小说在世界各地也广受欢迎,这类书籍的搜索量在意大利、德国和波兰均排行第一。最爱阅读的印度人则对诗歌情有独钟。
        No matter what your genre of choice is, reading is a great way to feel well-traveled without leaving home.        话说回来,无论你选择的是哪种书,阅读都是一种让你足不出户就能丰富阅历的好方法。

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