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A timeline of the tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-25 10:57

        Two founding members of the Soviet Union — Russia and Ukraine — are once again at a flash point. Here are some pivotal moments leading to a Russian invasion that some fear could become the largest military action in Europe since World War II.        前苏联的两个创始国俄罗斯和乌克兰再次处于爆发点。以下是促成俄罗斯入侵的一些关键时刻,有些人担心这可能成为“二战”以来欧洲最大的军事行动。
        February 2014 — Protesters in Ukraine overthrow President Viktor Yanukovych, who was friendly to Russia’s interests. During the revolution, more than 100 people are killed in protests that centered on the main square in the capital Kyiv, often called the Maidan.        2014年2月——乌克兰的抗议者推翻了对俄罗斯利益友好的总统维克托·亚努科维奇。在革命期间,以首都基辅的主要广场——独立广场为中心的抗议活动导致100多人丧生。
        The interim government that followed this pro-Western revolution eventually signs a trade agreement with the European Union that is seen as a first step toward membership of the bloc.        在这场亲西方革命之后,临时政府最终与欧盟签署了一项贸易协议,被视为成为欧盟成员国的第一步。
        April 2014 — Russia invades and then annexes the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. Two secessionist regions, the Donetsk People’s Republic and the neighboring Luhansk People’s Republic, break off from Ukraine.        2014年4月——俄罗斯入侵并吞并了乌克兰的克里米亚半岛。两个分离主义地区顿涅茨克人民共和国和邻近的卢甘斯克人民共和国从乌克兰脱离。
        The war continues in the eastern Ukrainian region known as Donbas. It then spreads west. Roughly 13,000 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians eventually die in the conflict. The front lines have barely shifted for years.        战争在乌克兰东部地区顿巴斯继续进行,然后向西推进。大约1.3万名乌克兰士兵和平民最终在冲突中丧生。多年来,前线几乎没有移动。
        2014 and 2015 — Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany sign a series of cease-fire agreements known as the Minsk Accords. Many view these accords as ambiguous.        2014年和2015年——俄罗斯、乌克兰、法国和德国签署了一系列名为《明斯克协议》的停火协议。许多人认为这些协议内容含糊其辞。
        April 2019 — A former comedian, Volodymyr Zelensky, is elected by a large majority as president of Ukraine on a promise to restore Donbas to the country.        2019年4月——前喜剧演员弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基以压倒性的多数票当选乌克兰总统,并承诺将夺回顿巴斯地区。
        2021-2022 — President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia seeks to prevent Ukraine’s drift toward the United States and its allies. Mr. Putin demands “security guarantees,” including an assurance by NATO that Ukraine will never join the group and that the alliance pulls back troops stationed in countries that joined after 1997.        2021-2022年——俄罗斯总统普京试图阻止乌克兰转向美国及其盟友。普京要求“安全保证”,包括要求北约保证乌克兰永远不会加入该组织,以及北约把驻扎在1997年以后加入的成员国的军队撤走。
        Many Russians view the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, as the birthplace of their nation and cite the numerous cultural ties between the two countries.        许多俄罗斯人将乌克兰首都基辅视为他们国家的发源地,并列举了两国之间众多的文化联系。
        Here is a brief recap of their relations in the 20th century:        以下是他们在20世纪的关系的简要回顾:
        1922 — Russia and Ukraine became two of the founding members of the Soviet Union.        1922年——俄罗斯和乌克兰成为前苏联的两个创始国。
        1932 and 1933 — A famine caused by Stalin’s policy of collectivization kills millions of people, mainly ethnic Ukrainians in a country that is known as the bread basket of the Soviet Union. The disaster is known as the Holodomor.        1932年和1933年——斯大林的农业集体化政策造成的饥荒使数百万人丧生,其中以乌克兰族人为主。乌克兰被称为苏联粮仓,这场灾难被称为“大饥荒”。
        1941-1944 — Nazi Germany and the Axis powers occupy the country during World War II.        1941-1944年——“二战”期间,纳粹德国和轴心国占领了该国。
        1991 — The Soviet Union is terminated via a treaty. Ukraine becomes independent and begins a transition to a market economy. It also comes into possession of a significant stockpile of nuclear weapons that had belonged to the Soviet Union.        1991——苏联通过条约终结。乌克兰成为独立国家,并开始向市场经济过渡。它还拥有大量曾属于苏联的核武器库存。

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