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Why Chinese Americans Are Talking About Eileen Gu

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-22 05:45

        When it comes to Eileen Gu, the 18-year-old Olympic gold medalist freestyle skier who was born in San Francisco but competed for China, Chinese Americans have lots of opinions.        对于谷爱凌这位生于旧金山、但却代表中国参赛的18岁冬奥会自由式滑雪金牌选手,华裔美国人社区可谓众说纷纭。
        There are those who love her, moved by her ability to soar over treacherous slopes with ease. Others are inspired by her efforts to navigate the uneasy political tension between two countries and cultures. Some believe she chose to represent China simply to cash in on the lucrative opportunities it has afforded her.        有些人喜欢她,被她轻松飞跃高难度斜坡的能力所打动。另一些人钦佩她在中美两国和两种文化之间不安的政治紧张局势中游刃有余。还有一些人认为,她选择代表中国,只是为了利用中国为她带来的机会赚大钱。
        But like her or not, many Chinese Americans interviewed in the New York region this week agreed on one thing: When Ms. Gu says, as she often does, “When I’m in the U.S., I’m American, but when I’m in China, I’m Chinese,” it resonates with them.        但无论喜欢与否,本周在纽约地区接受采访的许多华人都能认同这一点:当谷爱凌说出她经常挂在嘴边的那句话,“当我在美国,我是我美国人,但当我在中国,我就是中国人,”他们也感同身受。
        “I think what I’m seeing is somebody who isn’t afraid to love her identities and share that with people,” said Sarah Belle Lin, 28, a Harlem resident. “I think it’s so brave, actually, for her to speak about that on a public platform.”        “我觉得我看到的是一个敢于热爱自己的身份、并愿把这种热爱与公众分享的人,”28岁的哈莱姆区居民莎拉·贝尔·林说道。“事实上,我认为她在公共平台上谈论这个话题是非常勇敢的。”
        To Ms. Lin and more than two dozen other Chinese Americans interviewed in the New York metro area, home to the country’s largest Chinese American population as of 2019, Ms. Gu’s statement expresses a duality that resembles their lived experiences. And they find that duality comfortable, they said, not counterintuitive.        截至2019年,纽约都会区都是美国华裔人口最多的地区,对于林女士和其他20多位在这里接受采访的华人来说,谷爱凌的宣言表达出了一种与他们生活经历相仿的二元性。他们也都说,自己觉得这种二元性很舒适,并不违背直觉。
        For that reason, many expressed dismay about social media users and conservative pundits calling Ms. Gu a “traitor” and “ungrateful,” painting her as somehow not quite an American because she had chosen to compete for China, and suggesting that her identity must fall into a binary — Chinese or American, but not both.        正因为此,对于社交媒体用户和保守派权威称谷爱凌为“叛徒”和“忘恩负义”,就因为她选择为中国出征而将她定性为不像美国人,并暗示她的身份只能在中国人或美国人之间二选一,许多受访者都表达了失望。
        Ms. Gu has repeatedly stated that she made her choice because she wanted to serve as a role model for female athletes in China, and raise the profile of skiing in a country where it is still largely a nascent sport.        谷爱凌多次表示,她之所以做出这样的选择,是因为她想成为中国女性运动员的榜样,并提高滑雪运动在中国的知名度,在那里,滑雪很大程度上仍是个新兴项目。
        Some of those interviewed said they viewed the questioning of her loyalty as a troubling reminder of ongoing Orientalist stereotypes of Asian Americans as “perpetual foreigners” with the potential to undermine the United States, even though many of them call the country their home.        一些受访者表示,对谷爱凌忠诚的质疑让他们不安地想起了对亚裔美国人持续的东方主义刻板印象,即他们是“永远的外人”,哪怕许多人把美国称为自己的家,但他们还是有可能损害美国的利益。
        “I think, if political tensions continue to rise, we will find ourselves in situations, whether we’re in the States or in China, where people will push us to identify with one over the other,” said Easten Law, 38, of Princeton, N.J.        “我想,如果政治紧张局势继续加剧,我们就会发现,无论是在美国还是在中国,人们都会迫使我们只能认同其中一国,”来自新泽西州普林斯顿的38岁的伊斯顿·罗表示。
        “For us everyday Chinese Americans, we’re going to have to deal with the same issues of, you know, claiming versus disassociating, and parsing through what to identify with and what not to,” he said. “I think it’s inevitable.”        “我们这些普通华人也不得不面对同样的问题,那就是在认同和撇清之间做出选择,剖析自己什么该认同,什么不该认同,”他说。“我想这是必然的事。”
        For others, the criticism against Ms. Gu felt personal. Several described experiencing the weight of people’s narrow expectations of how Asian Americans should act, think and identify.        在其他人看来,谷爱凌遭遇的批评仿佛也在针对他们个人。一些人描述了人们对亚裔应该如何行事、思考以及认同的狭隘预期带给他们的压力。
        Jessica Wu, a Queens resident, never felt this projection more clearly than in 2017, when she flew from Portugal to Philadelphia. While passing through immigration with others from her flight, Ms. Wu said, a Transportation Security Administration agent laughed when he saw her United States passport and asked if she was actually an American citizen.        2017年从葡萄牙飞到费城时,皇后区居民杰西卡·吴对这种预期的感受比以往任何时候都要强烈。吴女士说,当她与其他同机乘客一起过关的时候,美国运输安全管理局的一名工作人员看到她的美国护照就笑了,并问她到底是不是美国公民。
        “Even though I never felt like I have to choose or even think about my identity, I think other people make that assumption for me, or they put their own racist assumptions on me,” said Ms. Wu.        “哪怕我从未觉得必须选择身份,或是放心思在我的身份上,我也觉得其他人会对我做出这样的假设,或是把自己的种族主义预设强加在我身上,”吴女士说。
        Though Ms. Gu, who was born to a Chinese mother and an American father, has described herself as a typical Asian American teen, she had an unusually privileged childhood. She was raised in an affluent neighborhood of San Francisco, attended an elite private school and spent most summers in Beijing.        谷爱凌的母亲是中国人,父亲是美国人,虽然她自称是典型的亚裔美国青少年,但她从小在并不典型的优渥环境中长大。她成长于旧金山富人区,就读于一所精英私立学校,暑假大部分时间在北京度过。
        Her experience since then has been similarly uncommon. She has been allowed to compete with an ambiguous citizenship status: China does not allow dual citizenship, but there is no record of Ms. Gu having renounced her American citizenship.        长大后,她的经历也同样不一般。她被允许在国籍状态模糊的情况下参赛:中国不允许持双重国籍,但没有记录显示谷爱凌放弃了她的美国公民身份。
        And then there’s the fact that she has been able to tap into a vast pool of sponsorships, in part because competitive skiing is still a growing field in China.        此外,她还收获了大量赞助,部分原因是竞技滑雪在中国仍是一个不断增长的运动项目。
        She has contracts with more than 30 international brands, according to The Wall Street Journal, including Tiffany & Company and Louis Vuitton, and her rising modeling career has put her on the covers of the Chinese editions of Vogue and Marie Claire.         据《华尔街日报》报道,她与包括蒂芙尼和路易威登在内的30多个国际品牌签订了合约,她的模特事业也蒸蒸日上,登上了中国版《VOGUE》和《嘉人》的封面。
        Lai Ling Li, 38, who said she was a fan of Ms. Gu, said she thought China’s audience of 1.4 billion people likely drove the athlete’s decision.        38岁的李籁玲(音)自称是谷爱凌的粉丝,她说她认为是中国的14亿观众推动这位选手做出了这样的决定。
        “It really comes down to opportunity,” said Ms. Li, noting Ms. Gu’s impressive sponsorship roster.        “归根结底还是要看机会,”李籁玲提到谷爱凌的豪华赞助列表时说。
        “I don’t know any other athlete who’s able to do that, especially at 18 years old,” she added.        “我不知道还有哪位运动员能够做到,尤其是在只有18岁的时候,”她还说。
        Whether or not Ms. Gu was motivated by identity or national preference, her story is one that is now inextricably tangled up in both.        无论谷爱凌的动机是身份认同还是对某个国家的偏好,如今她的故事都不可避免地与这两者纠缠到了一起。
        The relationship between China and the United States has reached a new low in recent years as China’s economic and military global power has grown. The tension was compounded by former President Donald J. Trump’s punitive trade policies and explicit anti-Chinese statements at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. As assaults against Asian Americans spiked across the country over the last two years, many attackers parroted the former president’s rhetoric.        近年来,随着中国全球经济和军事实力的增强,中美关系跌至新的低点。前总统特朗普的惩罚性贸易政策和他在疫情最严重时期的露骨反华言论都加剧了这种紧张。过去两年,全美针对亚裔的袭击事件激增,许多袭击者都在效仿这位前总统的言辞。
        Under the shadow of today’s antagonism, Ms. Gu has had to field countless questions about everything from whether she intends to renounce her American citizenship to her thoughts on China’s censorship policies and the sexual assault allegations made by Peng Shuai, one of the country’s star tennis players, against a senior government official.        在当今两国对立的阴影下,从她是否打算放弃美国国籍,到她对中国审查政策以及中国网球名将彭帅指控政府高官性侵的看法,谷爱凌不得不面对无数问题。
        Ms. Gu has stressed repeatedly that she wants to avoid discussing politics when it comes to China, telling The New York Times in a previous interview that she did not want to be “divisive” and that her mission is “all about inclusivity.”        谷爱凌一再强调希望在中国问题上避谈政治,她在此前的一次采访中告诉《纽约时报》,她不想制造“分歧”,她的使命是“一切为了包容”。
        In New York, many of those interviewed said her decision to compete for China should not be conflated with a political preference, arguing that it was unfair to expect someone’s identity to represent a country or its political climate. (Others noted that she was just 15 when she made the choice.)        在纽约,许多受访者表示,她为中国出赛的决定不应与政治倾向混为一谈,他们认为,让一个人的身份代表一个国家或该国的政治环境是不公平的。(也有人指出,她做出这个选择时才15岁。)
        “To be Chinese doesn’t mean that you are always in support of China’s government,” said Lucy Yu, 27, who recently opened Yu and Me Books, a bookstore in Manhattan’s Chinatown. “I can respect that and also understand the difficulties that come with expressing that.”        “华人并不意味着永远要支持中国政府,”27岁的余梦说道,前不久她在曼哈顿唐人街开了一家名叫“Yu and Me Books”的书店。“我尊重这样的立场,也能理解表达这种立场的困难。”
        Some said they were confused as to why Ms. Gu had chosen to compete for a country facing widespread allegations of human rights abuses, such as accusations of carrying out a genocide against Uyghurs and other Muslim residents, and a history of suppressing those who have attempted to sound the alarm over social unrest or government wrongdoing.        一些人表示,他们不明白为什么谷爱凌选择为一个面临大量人权侵犯指控的国家出战,这些指控包括对维吾尔人和其他穆斯林居民实施种族灭绝,以及对试图对社会动荡或政府不当行为发出警报的人进行压制的历史。
        Others said that although they did not believe Ms. Gu was obligated to speak up on issues affecting Chinese people, they did not understand why she had chosen to stay tight-lipped on matters in China while making her position clear on issues relevant to Americans, such as the rise in anti-Asian attacks and the Black Lives Matter movement.        也有人表示,虽然他们不认为谷爱凌有义务就影响中国人的问题发声,但他们不理解她为何在中国问题上守口如瓶,同时又在与美国人相关的问题上亮明态度,比如对反亚裔袭击的激增和“黑人的命也是命”运动。
        Ricky Yeh, 37, said as a Taiwanese American, he was troubled by Ms. Gu’s choice. Beijing considers the island part of China and has long demanded unification, but an increasing number of Taiwanese people have distanced themselves from mainland culture.        37岁的瑞奇·叶说,作为台裔美国人,他对谷爱凌的选择感到不安。北京认为该岛是中国的一部分,并长期要求与其统一,但越来越多的台湾人已经与大陆文化保持距离。
        “If you are a supporter of human rights, according to her public speech, then why do you support that kind of country?” Mr. Yeh said. “Maybe that’s not her priority. But in recent days, every country has recognized that China has been harming human rights in every way they can.”        “如果根据她的公开言论,她是人权的支持者,那么她为什么要支持那种国家?”瑞奇·叶说。“也许这不是她的重点。但是最近以来,所有国家都认识到,中国一直在以各种方式损害人权。”
        And some, such as Ming Xia, a professor of political science at the City University of New York’s Graduate Center, feared that the longer Ms. Gu competes for China, the more vulnerable she may become to any of the country’s attempts to exploit her image for political propaganda.        而一些人,如纽约市立大学研究生中心的政治学教授夏明,担心谷爱凌为中国参赛的时间越长,她的形象就越容易被中国利用,从而进行政治宣传。
        “She was recruited to compete on behalf of China, but she was not recruited to become the spokesperson for China’s toxic patriotism,” said Dr. Xia.        “她被招募代表中国参赛,但她没有被招募成为中国有毒爱国主义的代言人,”夏明说。
        Perhaps at the heart of the controversy is the question of what it means to be Asian American, and how that evolving description stretches and bends for each person.        争议的核心也许是身为亚裔美国人的含义,以及这种不断变化的描述在每个人身上是如何变化和变通的。
        Ms. Lin, the Harlem resident, plans to live in Hong Kong or Shanghai for a few years. She said that wherever she ends up moving, she would be just as American there as she is Asian while living in the United States.        哈林区居民莎拉·贝尔·林计划在香港或上海生活几年。她说,无论她最终搬到哪里,她在那里都是美国人,就像她住在美国时是亚裔一样。
        The idea that someone would feel justified in questioning her identity or even her political loyalty over this choice, she said, angered her. And although members of the public may have already made up their minds about who Ms. Gu is and what she stands for, she said, only the athlete herself will know the answer.        她说,有人会觉得有理由质疑她的身份,甚至质疑她做出选择时在政治上的忠诚,这种想法让她感到愤怒。她说,尽管公众可能已经认定了谷爱凌的身份以及她所代表的东西,但只有那位运动员本人才知道真正的答案。
        “I’m Asian American, now and forever,” Ms. Lin said. “And I feel like the same goes for anybody who wants to say the same.”        “我是亚裔美国人,现在和将来都是,”莎拉·贝尔·林说。“我觉得任何想说同样的话的人也是这样的。”

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