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In an Uneven Fight With China, a Tiny Country’s Brand Becomes Toxic

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-22 06:08

        VILNIUS, Lithuania — A family-owned semiconductor company in Lithuania sold nothing to China, so it did not worry much last year when Beijing, furious at the Baltic nation for cozying up to Taiwan, began blocking imports of milk products, peat and anything else it could find with a “Made in Lithuania” label.        立陶宛维尔纽斯——去年,波罗的海国家立陶宛对台湾示好激怒了中国,中国开始禁止从立陶宛进口奶制品、泥炭和任何带有“立陶宛制造”标签的产品。立陶宛的一个半导体家族企业没有向中国销售产品,所以在那时它并没有太担心。
        Closing the door on Lithuanian exports, however, was just the start.        然而,对立陶宛关闭出口的大门仅仅是个开始。
        Today, said Kristijonas Vizbaras, a founder of the successful chip maker Brolis Group, anything with a “Lithuanian smell,” no matter how faint — say, a German car with a small Lithuanian-made component — risks getting blocked by China.        成功的芯片制造商Brolis集团创始人克里斯蒂霍纳斯·维兹巴拉斯说,任何带有“立陶宛痕迹”的东西,无论多么轻微——比如使用了立陶宛制造的小型部件的德国汽车——如今都有被中国禁止进口的风险。
        “Unfortunately, Lithuania has become a toxic label,” he said, lamenting that China’s economic power has given it irresistible leverage over global supply chains — and as a result, the ability to strike wherever these chains intersect with his tiny Baltic country or any other nation that causes offense to Beijing.        他说:“不幸的是,立陶宛已成为一个有毒的标签。”他感叹中国的经济实力赋予了它对全球供应链不可抗拒的影响力,中国也因此能够打击任何供应链上与他这个波罗的海小国或者任何冒犯了北京的国家有交集的地方。
        Mindful that foreign customers for laser sensor chips produced by Brolis Group want to avoid ending up on China’s blacklist, the company recently scrapped plans to build a $50 million factory at home and wants to set it up in Belgium instead.        考虑到使用其激光传感器芯片的外国客户想要避免被列入中国的黑名单,Brolis集团最近放弃了在国内建造一座5000万美元的工厂的计划,转而希望在比利时建厂。
        The lopsided fight between Lithuania, with a population of under three million, and China started last summer over a representative office that Taiwan, a thriving democracy that Beijing claims as Chinese territory, was opening in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital.        去年夏天,立陶宛允许台湾在维尔纽斯设立了一个代表处,北京一直认为这个蓬勃发展的民主政体是中国领土。从此,人口不足300万的立陶宛与中国之间开始了一场实力悬殊的斗争。
        That feud has now expanded. The German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce warned Lithuania in December that its members working in high-tech sectors had been hit by the “Chinese-Lithuanian trade blockage in an existential way.”        这场争执现在已经扩大。去年12月,德国-波罗的海商会警告立陶宛,其高科技领域企业受到了“中国与立陶宛贸易封锁的危及存亡的影响”。
        Beijing has taken aim at foreign economies before. In 2010, it halted salmon imports from Norway after the Oslo-based Nobel Peace Prize committee honored a Chinese dissident writer. And in 2020, it blocked agricultural products from Australia after it called for an investigation into the origins of the coronavirus, which was first detected in China.        北京之前就曾针对过国外经济体。2010年,在总部位于奥斯陆的诺贝尔和平奖委员会将奖项授予一位中国异见作家后,中国停止了从挪威进口鲑鱼。2020年,在澳大利亚呼吁对首次在中国发现的新冠病毒进行溯源调查时,中国禁止了从澳大利亚进口农产品。
        But the ferocity and scope of China’s drive to punish Lithuania is a new level of vindictiveness.        但中国惩罚立陶宛的严厉程度和范围将报复提升到了一个新高度。
        The European Union in January filed a complaint against China with the World Trade Organization, calling its actions against Lithuania “illegal and discriminatory,” but has otherwise largely left one of its smallest and weakest members to fend for itself. While publicly pledging solidarity with Lithuania, Josep Borrell, the bloc’s foreign policy chief, has privately urged it to appease Beijing by having the office represent “Taipei” instead of Taiwan.        今年1月,欧盟向世界贸易组织提出了针对中国的申诉,称其针对立陶宛的行动“非法且具有歧视性”,但除此之外,它在很大程度上让其最小和最弱的成员国之一自生自灭。欧盟外交政策负责人何塞普·博雷尔在公开承诺声援立陶宛同时,私下敦促立陶宛将代表处改为代表“台北”而不是台湾,以安抚北京。
        China has sent a blunt message not only to Lithuania but to the entire European bloc, at a time when recent elections tossed out reliably China-friendly governments and brought to power more China skeptics, like the German Greens, who now control the Foreign Ministry in Berlin, and the Czech Pirate Party, now in charge of foreign policy in Prague.        中国不仅向立陶宛,而且向整个欧洲集团发出了直白的信息,此时正值多个国家近期选举之后,这些选举换掉了一向对中国友好的政府,并让更多的中国怀疑论者上台,比如正在柏林控制外交部的德国绿党,以及现在负责布拉格的外交政策的捷克海盗党。
        Adding to China’s alarm is a recent decision by Slovenia to let Taiwan open a representative office. China responded by saying it was “deeply shocked” and warned Slovenia that it was taking a “dangerous” road. Slovenia’s Foreign Ministry quickly clarified that the office would use the name “Taipei,” not “Taiwan.”        令中国更加警觉的是斯洛文尼亚允许台湾开设代表处的决定。中国回应称“深感震惊”,并警告斯洛文尼亚,它正在走一条“危险”的道路。斯洛文尼亚外交部很快澄清,该代表处的名字将使用“台北”,而不是“台湾”。
        “To use a Chinese phrase, they are killing the chicken to scare the monkey, particularly the big German monkey,” said Theresa Fallon, the director of the Center for Russia Europe Asia Studies in Brussels. “Many European leaders look at Lithuania and say, ‘My God, we are not going to do anything to upset China.’”        “用中国的话来讲,他们在杀鸡儆猴,尤其是德国这只大猴,”布鲁塞尔俄罗斯欧亚研究中心主任特蕾莎·法伦说。“许多欧洲领导人看着立陶宛说,‘天哪,我们不要做任何让中国不高兴的事情。’”
        Gabrielius Landsbergis, Lithuania’s foreign minister and the driving force behind its closer ties with Taiwan, traveled to France in January for a meeting of E.U. foreign ministers, but secured little support beyond vague promises of solidarity. There was no discernible movement on long-stalled European proposals for a so-called anti-coercion instrument against foreign bullying.        立陶宛外交部长加布里埃柳斯·兰茨贝尔吉斯是立陶宛与台湾更紧密关系背后的推动者,他于1月前往法国参加欧盟外长会议,但除了模糊的团结承诺外,几乎没有获得任何支持。欧洲关于所谓的针对外国欺凌的反胁迫工具议程长期停滞不前,这次也没有明显的进展。
        Making a concerted response is difficult because while China regularly berates and belittles Lithuania through Communist Party-controlled media outlets — The Global Times, a belligerent party mouthpiece, mocked the country as “just a mouse, or even a flea, under the feet of a fighting elephant” — it has not formally declared any sanctions or other punitive measures against the Baltic country or its economic partners.        做出协调一致的反应是困难的,因为虽然中国经常通过共产党控制的媒体机构谴责和贬低立陶宛——好斗的政党喉舌《环球时报》嘲笑该国是“打架的大象脚底下的一只老鼠,甚至跳蚤”——它没有正式宣布对该波罗的海国家或其经济伙伴采取任何制裁或其他惩罚措施。
        “Global Times is their main tool of communication with us,” said Jovita Neliupsiene, Lithuania’s deputy economy minister. Lithuania’s trade with China, she added, vanished almost overnight, but “nothing has been declared.”        “《环球时报》是他们与我们沟通的主要工具,”立陶宛副经济部长乔维塔·内利乌普西内说。她还说,立陶宛与中国的贸易几乎在一夜之间消失了,但“没有任何声明”。
        It came as no real surprise when China demonstrated its anger over the Taiwan office, and an earlier Lithuanian decision to spurn a Chinese-led diplomatic forum, by halting imports from Lithuania, which amounted to just 1 percent of the Baltic country’s total exports.        中国对立陶宛台湾办事处一事表示愤怒,加上早些时候立陶宛拒绝参加由中国主导的外交论坛,中国此时禁止仅占立陶宛出口总额1%的进口产品并不令人意外。
        Unexpected, however, was that China would also halt its own exports to Lithuania, depriving manufacturers of the components and materials they need.        然而,出乎意料的是,中国也将停止对立陶宛的出口,从而剥夺制造商所需的零部件和材料。
        “Rationally, it is very unusual that a country bans its own exports,” Mr. Neliupsiene said.        “按常理来说,一个国家禁止自己的出口是非常不寻常的,”内利乌普西内说。
        Sigitas Besagirskas, the head of the Vilnius Industry and Business Association and owner of a small glider manufacturer, gets most of his materials from Germany but also needs a few small but vital Chinese parts. When his Chinese supplier refused to sell to him, he said, he turned to a company in Estonia to order the parts. But the supplier quickly figured out that the end buyer was in Lithuania and stopped sales.        西吉塔斯·贝萨吉尔斯卡斯是维尔纽斯工业和商业协会的负责人,也是一家小型滑翔机制造商的所有者,他的大部分材料来自德国,但也需要一些小而重要的中国零件。他说,当他的中国供应商拒绝向他出售时,他转向爱沙尼亚的一家公司订购这些零件。但供应商很快发现终端买家在立陶宛后停止了销售。
        “Anybody connected to Lithuania can’t export to or import from China,” Mr. Besagirskas said.        “任何与立陶宛有联系的人都不能向中国出口或从中国进口,”贝萨吉尔斯卡斯说。
        The constant blows from China have led even Lithuania’s president, Gitanas Nauseda, to question his country’s policy toward Taiwan. The president said in a radio interview in January that it was a “mistake” to let the office use the Taiwan name.        来自中国的持续打击甚至导致立陶宛总统吉塔纳斯·瑙塞达质疑该国的对台政策。总统在1月接受电台采访时表示,让代表处使用台湾这个名字是一个“错误”。
        Many ordinary Lithuanians, while intensely proud of their country’s central role in the collapse of the Soviet Union, think it foolish to take on China, another big communist power. An opinion poll commissioned by the Foreign Ministry found that only 13 percent of those surveyed supported the government’s Taiwan policy.        许多普通立陶宛人虽然为自己的国家在苏联解体中的核心作用感到无比自豪,但认为与另一个共产主义大国中国对抗是愚蠢的。外交部委托进行的一项民意调查发现,只有13%的受访者支持政府的台湾政策。
        Mr. Besagirskas, the glider maker, derided the outreach to Taiwan as well intentioned but doomed. “Of course, we would all like China to be different. It is totally undemocratic. But we are a small country, and changing China is mission impossible for us.”        滑翔机制造商贝萨吉尔斯卡斯嘲笑与台湾的接触虽然善意但却注定失败。“当然,我们都希望中国不是这样的。它完全是不民主的。但我们是一个小国,改变中国对我们来说是不可能的任务。”
        A poll done by his business association found that nearly three-quarters of all member companies were suffering from China’s undeclared economic blockade.        他的商业协会所做的一项民意调查发现,近四分之三的会员企业正遭受中国未公开宣布的经济封锁。
        “They are trying to cut Lithuania from the economic map of the world,” said Laurynas Kasciunas, the chairman of Parliament’s national security and defense committee.        “他们正试图将立陶宛从世界经济版图上剔除,”议会国家安全和国防委员会主席劳里纳斯·卡休纳斯说。
        Even Chinese goods that Lithuanian companies have already paid for and whose shipping had been arranged are now stuck at Chinese ports, caught up in red tape, sudden spot inspections and other obstacles.        即使是立陶宛公司已经支付货款并安排运输的中国商品,现在也被困在中国港口,遭遇繁琐手续、突如其来的抽查以及其他阻碍。
        “It is all very sophisticated and targeted very precisely,” said Vidmantas Janulevicius, the president of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, who has had dozens of containers of materials for his solar panel making company blocked for months in Chinese ports.        立陶宛工业者联合会主席维德曼塔斯·亚努莱维丘斯说:“这一切都非常复杂,目标也非常精确。”他的太阳能电池板制造公司的数十个集装箱在中国港口被封锁了数月之久。
        The Federation of German Industries complained in a statement late last year: “China’s recent measures against Lithuania are having the effect of a trade boycott with repercussions throughout the E.U. Imports from China that are needed in German production facilities in Lithuania and exports from Germany to China that contain Lithuanian components are also affected.”        德国工业联合会去年年底在一份声明中抱怨说:“中国最近对立陶宛采取的措施正在产生贸易抵制的效果,并在整个欧盟产生影响。德国在立陶宛的生产设施所需的从中国进口的产品,以及从德国向中国出口的含有立陶宛部件的产品也受到了影响。”
        The European Union, however, is deeply divided between countries like Hungary, which routinely blocks statements against Beijing, and those that favor a tougher line. France has pledged to get legislation for the “anti-coercion instrument” moving, but few expect it to become a reality anytime soon.        然而,在欧盟里,匈牙利等支持中国的国家和支持对华强硬路线的国家之间存在严重分歧,匈牙利经常禁止发表针对北京的言论。而法国已承诺推动“反胁迫工具”的立法,但很少有人认为它会在近期成为现实。
        The United States has also pledged to stand with Lithuania against Beijing but offered little in the way of concrete support.        美国还承诺与立陶宛站在一起对抗北京,但几乎没有提供具体的支持。
        The only place offering anything solid so far is Taiwan, which in January announced that it was setting up a $200 million fund to invest in Lithuania and other needy countries in the region and a separate $1 billion program to finance joint projects, including in high-end semiconductors. Taiwan has also started importing large quantities of Lithuanian goods, mostly food products and rum.        到目前为止,唯一能提供确切支持的地方是台湾,它在1月份宣布将设立2亿美元的基金,用于投资立陶宛和该地区其他有需要的国家,另外还有一个10亿美元的计划来资助联合项目,包括高结束半导体。台湾也开始进口大量立陶宛商品,主要是食品和朗姆酒。
        Eric Huang, the head of Taiwan’s newly opened office in Vilnius, located on the top floor of a high-rise office tower, said his government wants to help blunt the pain of China’s strikes against Lithuania.        台湾新开设的维尔纽斯办事处位于一栋高层办公大楼的顶层,其负责人黄钧耀表示,他的政府希望帮助立陶宛减轻被中国打击的痛苦。
        “Democratic countries should work together, otherwise we will set a precedent,” he said. “If China is not happy today with a certain country over a certain issue, it will be the same story all over again on a different issue tomorrow.”        “民主国家应该共同努力,否则我们就成了先例,”他说。“如果中国今天在某个问题上对某个国家不满意,那么明天在不同的问题上也会发生同样的事。”

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