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French Tinder hooks up with NGO to turn out young voters

来源:中国日报    2022-02-23 08:00

        Just a few days after Valentine’s Day, Tinder and the French NGO A voté made their liaison official, “to match Generation Z with voting”. The partnership kicked off on Thursday and will run through April 8 – two days before the first round of France’s presidential elections – and has one goal: to get more French youths to cast their votes. The slogan is catchy too: “If you can date down your street … You can vote down your street.” 情人节刚过没多久,Tinder就和法国非政府组织A voté正式联手,"将Z世代与投票匹配"。这一合作于2月17日开始,将持续到4月8日——法国总统大选第一轮投票结束的前两天,旨在呼吁更多法国年轻人为大选投票。活动口号也很吸引人:“如果你能出门约会......你也能出门投票”。
        In practice this means that, from now on, French Tinder users will see election ads pop up as they swipe the app while on the lookout for potential love interests. 这意味着从现在开始,法国的Tinder用户在滑动应用程序寻找潜在的交友对象时,将看到选举广告弹出。
        Although the alliance might seem like a fun, new way to reach out to younger age groups, the campaign is a response to a serious issue in France: soaring abstention rates among the young. 这是一次有趣、新颖的接近年轻人的合作,但该活动也是在应对法国面临的难题:年轻人的大选投票弃权率飙升。
        A recent survey showed that 59 percent of French 18- to 30-year-olds who are already registered to vote plan to abstain in the first round of the elections.最近的一项调查显示,在18岁至30岁的法国登记选民中,59%的人计划在第一轮选举中弃权。
        Seeing that 50 percent of Tinder’s users belong to this very age group, “this partnership represents a great opportunity to raise awareness as much as possible,” co-president of A voté Flore Blondel-Goupil said.鉴于Tinder半数用户属于该年龄段,A voté组织联合主席弗洛尔·布朗德-葛布称:“这种合作关系是一个尽可能提高投票意识的大好机会。
        And it may be working. In the past 12 months, Tinder has noted a 52 percent rise in the use of the term “politics” among its user profiles.此举可能是有用的。在过去12个月里,Tinder注意到其用户档案中“政治”一词的使用量增加了52%。
        One of the main reasons for France’s high youth abstention rates, however, is not a lack of interest but rather outdated or incorrect paperwork.然而,法国年轻人投票弃权率居高不下的一个主要原因不是对大选缺乏兴趣,而是过时或错误的文书工作。
        A registration is invalid when a voter's polling station does not correspondent with their actual place of residence. This is a particularly common problem for young people, who often leave their parents’ homes to pursue studies elsewhere.如果选民的实际居住地与投票站不一致,则投票登记无效。对于年轻人来说,这是一个特别常见的问题,他们通常离开父母家去别处学习。
        Studies show that having an incorrect voting registration address triples the risk of abstention. In 2017, 7.6 million French people were incorrectly registered, with 25- to 29-year-olds accounting for 51 percent of them. Adding to that, between 3 and 4 million French people were not registered to vote at all.研究表明,投票登记地址不正确会使弃权概率增加两倍。2017年,760万法国人登记错误,其中25至29岁的人占51%。此外,有300万至400万法国人根本没有登记投票。
        This is not the first time Tinder has helped countries fight voter abstention: It did so in Brazil in 2018, the United Kingdom in 2019, the United States in 2020 and Germany in 2021.这不是Tinder第一次鼓励选民参与大选。2018年在巴西,2019年在英国,2020年在美国,2021年在德国Tinder都有过类似活动。

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