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French Tinder hooks up with NGO to turn out young voters

来源:中国日报    2022-02-23 08:00

        In practice this means that, from now on, French Tinder users will see election ads pop up as they swipe the app while on the lookout for potential love interests. 这意味着从现在开始,法国的Tinder用户在滑动应用程序寻找潜在的交友对象时,将看到选举广告弹出。
        A recent survey showed that 59 percent of French 18- to 30-year-olds who are already registered to vote plan to abstain in the first round of the elections.最近的一项调查显示,在18岁至30岁的法国登记选民中,59%的人计划在第一轮选举中弃权。
        And it may be working. In the past 12 months, Tinder has noted a 52 percent rise in the use of the term “politics” among its user profiles.此举可能是有用的。在过去12个月里,Tinder注意到其用户档案中“政治”一词的使用量增加了52%。
        A registration is invalid when a voter's polling station does not correspondent with their actual place of residence. This is a particularly common problem for young people, who often leave their parents’ homes to pursue studies elsewhere.如果选民的实际居住地与投票站不一致,则投票登记无效。对于年轻人来说,这是一个特别常见的问题,他们通常离开父母家去别处学习。
        This is not the first time Tinder has helped countries fight voter abstention: It did so in Brazil in 2018, the United Kingdom in 2019, the United States in 2020 and Germany in 2021.这不是Tinder第一次鼓励选民参与大选。2018年在巴西,2019年在英国,2020年在美国,2021年在德国Tinder都有过类似活动。

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