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In the Kamila Valieva Story, Echoes of a Dark Era of Doping

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-14 02:47

        The announcement that Kamila Valieva, the 15-year-old Russian figure skating star, had tested positive for a banned substance echoed another dark Olympic era. And it sent a chilling reminder that female athletes in certain sports have long been considered disposable in countries that support state-sponsored doping.        15岁的俄罗斯花样滑冰明星卡米拉·瓦列耶娃的违禁物质检测呈阳性,这个消息是对另一个黑暗奥运时代的呼应。它发出了一个令人生寒的提醒,在支持政府主导兴奋剂使用的国家,某些运动中的女运动员长期以来一直被认为是可以牺牲的。
        From the late 1960s until the late 1980s, East Germany, a country of fewer than 17 million people, kept pace in the Olympic medal chase with the United States and the Soviet Union with systematic doping known by the bland euphemism “Supporting Means.”        从1960年代末到1980年代末,人口不足1700万的东德通过系统性地使用“辅助手段”——兴奋剂的委婉说法——在奥运会奖牌争夺战中与美国和苏联并驾齐驱。
        The steroid Oral-Turinabol was often given to young female athletes without their knowledge or consent under the guise of “vitamins.” Some have reported long-term health problems, believed to be linked to steroids, and birth defects like clubfoot in their children.        口服特力补这种类固醇经常被伪装成“维生素”,让年轻女运动员在不知情或不同意的情况下服用。有些人报告了据信与类固醇有关的长期健康问题,以及她们孩子的马蹄足等先天缺陷。
        When a rival swimming coach noted at the 1976 Montreal Olympics that the voices of East Germany’s dominant women seemed uncommonly low — a sign of steroid use — an East German coach responded, “We came here to swim, not sing.”        在1976年蒙特利尔奥运会上,一位别队的教练注意到东德最具优势的游泳女选手的声音似乎异常低沉——这是使用类固醇的迹象,这时一位东德教练回答说:“我们来这里是为了游泳,不是为了唱歌。”
        A similar attitude appears to persist in Russia three decades after the collapse of the Eastern bloc and less than a decade after its own state-sponsored doping system was revealed at the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. The drug in Valieva’s case is different and less severe but, seemingly, not the continued vulnerability of female athletes in sports like figure skating.        东欧集团解体30年后,距离在2014年索契奥运会上由政府主导的兴奋剂体制被曝光后不到10年,类似的态度似乎在俄罗斯持续存在。在瓦列耶娃的案例中使用的药物不同,而且没有那么严重,然而女性运动员在花样滑冰这样的项目中的受害境况却没有变。
        “Let’s also be clear that doped athletes in Russia are, in many ways, victims, too,” Grigory Rodchenkov, a chemist who helped devise, and blew the whistle on, the elaborate doping system used at the Sochi Games, wrote in The New York Times in 2017. “In the Russian system, they do not have much choice but to cheat, even if some did so enthusiastically. Many, even most, would prefer to compete without doping, without the constant fear of getting caught.”        化学家格里戈里·罗德琴科夫帮助设计了复杂的索契奥运会兴奋剂使用系统,也揭发了这一丑闻。“我们还要明确一点,俄罗斯的兴奋剂运动员在很多方面也是受害者,”2017年,他在《纽约时报》发表文章写道。“在俄罗斯体制下,他们没有什么选择,只能舞弊,即使个别人热衷于舞弊。许多人,甚至是大多数人,更愿意在不使用兴奋剂的情况下参加比赛,而不是一直担心被抓到。”
        We don’t yet know the circumstances of Valieva’s use of trimetazidine, known as TMZ, a heart medication banned in sports out of concern that it can illicitly enhance endurance and stamina through increased blood flow. Did Valieva take the drug unintentionally in over-the-counter medication? Was it contained in an improperly labeled supplement? Or, as seems most likely to antidoping experts, was she given TMZ purposely by an official, coach or physician in her factory-like training group in Moscow, where a handful of skaters were available to take Valieva’s place if she faltered?        我们还不知道瓦列耶娃是在何种境况下使用曲美他嗪的,由于担心它会通过增加血流量不正当地增强耐力和体力,这种心脏药物是被禁止在体育竞技中使用的。瓦列耶娃是否在无意中通过非处方药物摄入了该药?它是否包含在未能规范标注的补剂中?或者——在反兴奋剂专家看来似乎最有可能的情况——莫斯科的工厂式训练团队中的官员、教练或医生故意给她曲美他嗪?如果瓦列耶娃对此有抵触,这个团队里仍有不少选手可以代替她的位置。
        Katarina Witt, the Olympic skating champion in 1984 and 1988 for East Germany who has long denied any involvement in the country’s doping scheme, wrote on her Facebook page that Valieva appeared blameless. Young skaters follow the advice of their coaches and medical team and “trust they know what’s right and wrong,” Witt wrote. Any adults found to be responsible in the Valieva case, Witt wrote, should be barred from sports “forever.”        卡特琳娜·维特是1984年和1988年东德奥运会花样滑冰冠军,长期以来一直否认参与过该国的兴奋剂计划,她在她的Facebook页面上写道,瓦列耶娃似乎无可指责。维特写道,年轻的花样滑冰选手会听从教练和医疗团队的建议,“相信他们知道什么是对什么是错,”维特写道,任何被发现对瓦列耶娃案负有责任的成年人都应该被“永远”禁止参与体育赛事。
        Doriane Lambelet Coleman, a Duke law professor who was an elite 800-meter runner in the 1980s and competed during a time of rampant East European doping, has watched the Beijing Olympics from afar. It appears to her that the Russians are attempting to maximize Valieva’s power and strength at the “magic moment” before puberty brings the development of breasts and hips, which can make it more difficult to complete the four-rotation jumps at which the teenager is revolutionary.        杜克大学法学教授多丽安·兰贝莱特·科尔曼在1980年代曾是顶尖的800米赛跑运动员,曾在东欧兴奋剂最猖獗的时期参加比赛。她观看了北京冬奥会的转播。在她看来,俄罗斯人正试图赶在瓦列耶娃青春期到来之前的“神奇时刻”最大限度地发挥她的爆发力和力量,因为青春期会带来乳房和臀部的发育,这可能会使青少年瓦列耶娃革命性的四周跳变得更加困难。
        “You’ve got this window and there is an expiration date,” Lambelet Coleman, an expert on sex and gender in sports, said Saturday. “There is this point around 16 or 17 when it’s over. And at that point they are disposable.”        “有这样的窗口期,并且有一个截止日期,”体育领域的性和性别专家兰贝莱特·科尔曼周六说。“它大约在16岁或17岁左右结束。到那时她们就可以被抛弃了。”
        Steven Ungerleider, a sports psychologist in Eugene, Ore., and the author of a book about East Germany’s doping machine called “Faust’s Gold,” said Saturday of the Russians, “There’s a high probability they stole a page from the East German training book and because of her age, she had no idea what was going on. It may have been sold to her at this young, vulnerable age as a ‘vitamin.’”        俄勒冈州尤金市的运动心理学家史蒂文·昂格莱德是关于东德兴奋剂机器的《浮士德的黄金》(Faust’s Gold)一书的作者。周六,他在谈到俄罗斯时说,“他们很有可能从东德的训练手册中偷学了一招,而且由于她年纪尚轻,她不知道发生了什么。在她易受骗的小小年纪,它可能被说成‘维生素’让她服下。”
        Given Valieva’s age, she may ultimately receive only a warning, not a ban, from skating. It is possible she will keep the gold medal that she helped Russia win in the skating team competition and remain eligible as the heavy favorite to win the women’s singles competition that begins Tuesday. But her young career has fallen into a dizzying spin.        鉴于瓦利耶娃的年纪太小,她可能最终只会受到警告,而不是禁赛。她很可能得以保留帮助俄罗斯赢下的花滑团体赛金牌,并有望继续成为周二开始的女子单人花滑项目的夺金热门。(周一,国际体育仲裁法庭裁定瓦利耶娃可以参加北京冬奥会女子单人滑比赛。——编注)但她才刚开始的运动生涯已经陷入了极其复杂的漩涡。
        Valieva’s positive drug screen, which occurred on Christmas Day, was only brought to light six weeks later, after the Olympic team skating event. This was a “catastrophic failure” of the antidoping system, deliberately or because of incompetence, Travis Tygart, the chief executive of the United States Anti-Doping Agency, has said repeatedly.        瓦利耶娃在圣诞节当天药检呈阳性,但这件事一直到六周之后冬奥会花滑团体赛结束之后才被曝光。美国反禁药组织首席执行官特拉维斯·迪加尔特反复强调称,无论是明知故犯还是出于无能,这都是反兴奋剂体系的“灾难性失败”。
        Now, the World Anti-Doping Agency, the International Olympic Committee and skating’s world governing body are seeking to have Valieva provisionally suspended. A ruling is expected Monday by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.        如今,世界反兴奋剂机构、国际奥委会和滑冰赛事的世界管理机构正在寻求对瓦利耶娃进行暂时禁赛。国际体育仲裁法庭预计将于周一做出裁决。
        “I think we should have a lot of sympathy for these young athletes who are really victims of a state-sponsored system,” Tygart said.        “我认为,我们应该对这些年轻运动员抱有极大同情,他们是一种政府主导体制的真正受害者,”迪加尔特说。
        Whatever the outcome, Valieva seems to have been betrayed by everyone who was supposed to keep her safe. The Russian skating apparatus. Antidoping officials. The International Olympic Committee, which continues to be criticized because it never made Russia pay meaningful consequences for state-sponsored doping — and “likely incentivized it,” Tygart said — just as the I.O.C. looked the other way with East Germany.        无论裁决结果如何,瓦利耶娃似乎都被每一个应该保护她的人背叛了。这包括俄罗斯冰协。反兴奋剂官员。还有一直备受批评的国际奥委会,因为它从未让俄罗斯为其政府支持的兴奋剂计划付出真正的代价——而且“还可能姑息纵容”,迪加尔特说——正如国际奥委会曾忽视东德的所作所为一样。
        “It feels abusive, the whole thing,” said Lambelet Coleman, the law professor. “Fifteen-year- olds don’t go out and find this stuff. There’s probably a system behind this. She probably didn’t know what she was doing. The fact that her doping sample from Dec. 25 wasn’t tested until Feb. 8, the day after they won gold, it’s just all wrong. It feels like she is a victim in this rather than a perpetrator.”        “感觉整件事都有虐待的性质,”法学教授兰贝莱特·科尔曼表示。“15岁的孩子不会去寻找这些东西。这背后可能有一个系统。她大概都不知道自己在做什么。她在12月25日的药检样本直到2月8日——俄罗斯获得团体金牌次日才进行检测,这样的事实就说明一切都有问题。感觉她是个受害者,而不是同谋。”

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