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Selling Trump: A Profitable Post-Presidency Like No Other

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-15 10:26

        In early December, Donald Trump boarded the private jet of a scrap-metal magnate and crypto-miner for a short flight across Florida, touching down at an airport in Naples. There, a red carpet marked the pathway into a hangar filled with Trump supporters who had paid $10,000 to $30,000 to be there.        去年12月初,唐纳德·特朗普登上一架由废金属回收巨头和加密货币开采者提供的私人飞机,进行了一次横穿佛罗里达州的短途飞行。飞机在那不勒斯的一个机场降落,地面上的红地毯将乘客引向一个飞机库,飞机库里坐满了特朗普的支持者,他们为来这里花了1万到3万美元不等的入场费。
        The event had all the trappings of a typical high-end fundraiser: a giant American flag, a band and an open bar.        这次活动具有典型的高端筹款活动的所有特征:一面巨大的美国国旗、一支乐队,还有一个免费酒吧。
        But the money raised did not go to Trump’s political operation. Instead, Trump’s share of the evening’s proceeds went straight into his pocket, according to a person familiar with the arrangement.        但筹集到的资金并没有入账特朗普的政治活动。据知情人士透露,特朗普当晚的收入份额直接进了他的腰包。
        Multiple attendees said they bought their tickets from a private company, Whip Fundraising, whose founder, Brad Keltner, has asserted that “the lion’s share” went to charity. But the website advertising the event listed no charitable cause. And Keltner, reached by phone, declined to discuss how money was distributed.        多位参加活动的人说,他们是从一家名为Whip Fundraising的私人公司买的票,该公司创始人布拉德·凯尔特纳声称,“绝大部分收入”捐给慈善机构。但宣传该活动的网站没有列出任何慈善事业。记者通过电话联系到凯尔特纳后,他拒绝讨论活动的收入是如何分配的。
        In the year since Trump has left the White House, he has undertaken a wide-ranging set of moneymaking ventures, trading repeatedly on his political fame and fan base in pursuit of profit. Much as he did while in the White House, Trump has thoroughly blurred the lines between his political ambitions and his business interests.        在离开白宫后的一年里,特朗普进行了一系列赚钱活动,一再利用自己的政治名声和粉丝群逐利。就像他在白宫时那样,特朗普已经彻底模糊了他的政治目标与商业利益之间的界限。
        His wife, Melania, has gotten into the act, too, auctioning off online collectibles and scheduling her own big-ticket event in Naples this April, with VIP packages reaching $50,000 and an undisclosed portion going to charity.        他的妻子梅拉尼娅也已加入到行动中来,拍卖在线收藏品,并在佛罗里达州的那不勒斯安排了她本人今年4月的一次大型活动,VIP套票的售价高达5万美元,其中包括未披露的慈善捐款部分。
        For Trump, the monetization of his post-presidency represents a return to his roots. He expertly leveraged his celebrity as the host of “The Apprentice” and his image as a decisive businessman to build credibility when he first entered politics. Now, he is executing the same playbook, only in reverse: converting a political following that provided hundreds of millions of dollars in small campaign contributions into a base of consumers for all things branded Trump.        对特朗普来说,卸任后的赚钱机会代表着回归他的初衷。他首次进入政界时,曾巧妙地利用自己作为《学徒》(The Apprentice)节目主持人的名气和果断商人的形象以建立公信力。现在,他正在实施同样的战术手册,只不过是反过来用:把用小额捐款为他提供了高达数亿美元竞选资金的政治追随者转化为消费者群,向其出售所有特朗普品牌的物品。
        Other past presidents have cashed in financially after leaving the White House. But no former president has been more determined to meld business interests with a continuing political operation and capitalize on that for personal gain.        其他前任总统离开白宫后也获得过金钱上的利益。但在将商业利益与仍在继续的政治运作结合起来,并用之谋取个人利益方面,没有哪位前任总统比特朗普更坚定了。
        Taylor Budowich, a spokesperson for Trump, noted that Trump had been wealthy before seeking public office. “After sacrificing considerably to lead our nation, there continues to be unprecedented demand for President Trump, his thoughts and his products, unlike anything politics has ever seen,” Budowich said.        特朗普的发言人泰勒·布多维奇指出,特朗普在竞选公职之前就很富有。“在为领导我们的国家做出巨大牺牲后,仍存在对特朗普总统、他的思想,以及他的产品前所未有的需求,这在政治上从未有过,”布多维奇说。
        Blurred lines between profit and politics        模糊赢利与政治的界限
        Any division between Trump’s business and his political operation can be hard to discern.        很难区别特朗普的生意与他的政治活动之间的界限。
        At his first campaign-style rallies of 2022, giant television screens paid for by Trump’s PAC advertised his $75 picture book. His political operation has also promoted the book in emails to his supporters, as has his official post-presidential office, which also issued a recent statement promoting a Trump property in Miami.        在他2022年的第一次竞选式集会上,巨型电视屏幕上是特朗普的政治行动委员会花钱购买的广告,为他售价75美元的图画书做宣传。他的政治行动人员也已在发给支持者的电子邮件中推销这本书,他卸任总统后的官方办公室也在做推销,该办公室最近还发过一份声明,为特朗普在迈阿密的一处房产做宣传。
        Lawrence Noble, former general counsel at the Federal Election Commission, said that the combination of ways that Trump had monetized his life after the White House, while remaining intimately involved in Republican politics and a possible future candidate himself, had created ethical questions unlike any post-presidency in modern times.        联邦选举委员会前法律总顾问劳伦斯·诺布勒说,特朗普把他白宫后的生活变成赚钱机会,同时保持着对共和党政治的密切参与,以及他本人可能的未来候选人身份,这种结合制造了当代卸任总统中未曾有过的道德问题。
        “The thing that is different about Trump is the making-money part seems to have permeated everything,” Noble said. “There is this appearance, at least, that he is always thinking: How can I make a profit off of this?”        “特朗普的不同在于,赚钱的部分似乎已渗透到所有事情中,”诺布勒说。“至少从外表上看,他总是在想:我怎么能从这件事中获利?”
        Out of office, Trump faces few formal limits on his business dealings, though if he were to run again in 2024, some of his financial activity would be revealed on future disclosures. His political action committees have even fewer constraints than his reelection campaign account did.        卸任后,特朗普在商业交易上几乎不受到任何正规的限制,但如果他2024年再次参选的话,他的一些金融活动将需要在未来的披露中公开。他的政治行动委员会资金受到的限制,比他连任竞选时的账目限制少得多。
        In 2021, Trump’s political committees spent more than $600,000 on Trump properties for rent, meals, meeting expenses and hotel stays, records show. His PAC continued to make monthly $37,541.67 rent payments to Trump Tower Commercial LLC.        记录显示,2021年,特朗普的政治行动委员会在特朗普房产上的花费超过60万美元,用于租金、餐饮、会议费用和酒店住宿。他的政治行动委员会继续每月向特朗普大厦商业有限责任公司支付37541.67美元的租金。
        The roughly $375,000 the PAC paid in Trump Tower rent was more than the total of $350,000 that Trump’s group donated to the scores of federal and state-level political candidates he endorsed in 2021.        政治行动委员会向特朗普大厦支付的约37.5万美元租金超过了特朗普团队在2021年向他支持的数十名联邦和州级政治候选人提供的总共35万美元的捐款。
        Many of those candidates, in turn, redirected funds back to Trump, holding lavish events at his properties. Herschel Walker, the former football player whom Trump recruited to run for Senate in Georgia, spent more than $135,000 at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s private Florida club.        这些候选人中有许多人通过在他的地产举办奢华活动的方式,把得到的捐款再重新返回给特朗普。前橄榄球运动员赫歇尔·沃克在特朗普佛罗里达州的私人俱乐部马阿拉歌花了13.5万美元,他在特朗普动员下出来竞选佐治亚州参议员。
        Marketing MAGA to the masses        向大众营销“让美国再次伟大”
        After years of slapping his name, for a price, on everything from steaks to water bottles to golf courses, Trump has found a big new market for lower-priced goods like hats, T-shirts and books.        多年来,只要别人付钱,特朗普就用自己的名字给从牛排到瓶装水,再到高尔夫球场等所有东西做招牌。现在,他为在帽子、T恤和书等低价商品上找到了一个巨大的新市场。
        The new push to capitalize on Trump’s name and brand echoes what he has done for decades with his real estate company, whose holdings now include six hotels in the United States and more than a dozen golf clubs.        用特朗普的名字和品牌牟利的新努力与他几十年来用自己的房地产公司做的事如出一辙,特朗普的房地产公司目前在美国拥有六家酒店,还有十几家高尔夫俱乐部。
        The real estate business has, for the most part, been shrinking, with the Trump family selling off, terminating or being pushed out of hotel contracts in Washington, Toronto, New York City, Vancouver and Panama in recent years.        公司的房地产业务在很大程度上一直在萎缩,近年来,特朗普家族出售、终止、或被迫退出了在华盛顿、多伦多、纽约市、温哥华和巴拿马的酒店合同。
        But the golf business has benefited from a surge in play during the pandemic, with revenues even at the Trump golf course near Los Angeles, a Democratic stronghold, jumping by 50% since 2019, according to tax records.        但公司的高尔夫业务受益于疫情期间打球人数的激增,据税务记录,就连位于民主党大本营洛杉矶附近的特朗普高尔夫球场的收入也比2019年以来增长了50%。
        On a far bigger scale, the Trump Media & Technology Group, which is behind the new social media company, has raised more than $1 billion. Bankers for the company dangled an unusual perk: Invest at least $100 million, get a phone call from the former president. Later, the price of such a call came down to $50 million.        从一个更大的规模来看,一家新社交媒体公司背后的特朗普媒体科技集团已筹集到了逾10亿美元的资金。为公司集资的银行家用了一个不同寻常的好处来吸引投资者:投资一亿美元或更多,可与前总统通电话。后来,通电话的标价降到了5000万美元。
        But for the most part, since Trump left office, his business has focused on appealing to Middle America.        但自从特朗普卸任以来,他的生意主要把注意力集中在吸引美国中产阶级上。
        His four-stop tour with former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly sought to fill arenas at $100 a ticket. On sale at the events was Trump’s coffee-table book, which the former president has said is nearing 250,000 copies sold. His multimillion-dollar advance from the publishing company, first reported by The Washington Post, was confirmed by a person familiar with the arrangement.        特朗普与福克斯新闻前主持人比尔·奥莱利一起进行了四站巡回活动,曾寻求以100美元的票价出售活动场所席位。在这些活动上出售的是特朗普的画册,这位前总统表示,这本书已售出了近25万册。特朗普从出版公司拿到数百万美元预付款的消息最先是《华盛顿邮报》报道的,后已得到知情人士的证实。
        The book’s sales are scarcely spectacular: The tell-all from his niece, Mary Trump, had sold 950,000 copies by the day it went on sale. But Trump’s book is priced far higher. Signed copies went for $229.99 and quickly sold out.        这本书的销量远非令人惊叹:他的侄女玛丽·特朗普把家丑和盘托出的书在发售的当天就卖出了95万本。但特朗普的书定价高得多。签名本售价229.99美元,并很快售罄。
        Collectibles and ‘high tea’        收藏品和“傍晚茶”
        Melania Trump, too, has found ways to monetize her ties to her husband, including through a series of online sales. In January, she put up for auction a digital portrait of her by a French artist, a print of the portrait and a white hat she once wore at the White House while meeting the president of France.        梅拉尼娅·特朗普也找到了利用她与丈夫的关系赚钱的方法,包括通过一系列的在线销售。今年1月,她将一名法国艺术家制作的她的数码肖像、这幅肖像的印刷版,以及她在白宫与法国总统见面时戴的一顶白色帽子交付拍卖。
        On Wednesday, Parler announced a deal with Melania Trump whose financial terms were not disclosed. In a statement, she said she would provide the site exclusive content “to inspire others” and promote a series of future online auctions of “collectibles.”        周三,Parler宣布与梅拉尼娅·特朗普签了一项协议,但没有披露协议的金融条款。梅拉尼娅在一份声明中说,她将为该网站提供独家内容,以“激励他人”,并将在该网站上推出一系列今后在线拍卖的“收藏品”。
        She is now selling tickets to the April “high tea,” with organizers saying that some of the profits will benefit an initiative of her “Be Best” endeavor called “Fostering the Future,” meant to provide computer-science scholarships to young people who have been in foster care.        梅拉尼娅现在正在出售今年4月的“傍晚茶”门票,组织者称,部分收益将用于她“成为最好”努力倡议中的“培育未来”活动,该活动旨在为被寄养的年轻人提供学习计算机科学的奖学金。
        There was no indication of how much of the proceeds Melania Trump herself intended to pocket. Florida requires any organization that raises charitable contributions in the state to register. No charity with the name “Fostering the Future” or “Be Best” is registered in Florida.        梅拉尼娅·特朗普本人打算从这次活动中赚多少钱,目前还无从所知。佛罗里达州要求在该州筹集慈善捐款的任何组织进行注册。佛罗里达州还没有一个以“培育未来”或“成为最好”为名注册的慈善机构。
        Asked about the solicitation, officials at the Florida agency that oversees charitable fundraising said they also could not find evidence of the required state registration and had opened an inquiry as a result.        当被问及这次慈善筹款活动时,佛罗里达州负责监督慈善筹款机构的官员说,他们也找不到所需的在该州注册的证据,并表示已对此事展开调查。
        The company behind the “high tea” event, Whip Fundraising, also organized Donald Trump’s holiday party in Naples, Florida, in December.        该“傍晚茶”活动的幕后公司Whip Fundraising也组织了去年12月佛罗里达州那不勒斯的唐纳德·特朗普的节日集会。
        Keltner said that events like the one in Naples raised large sums for charity but declined to discuss the specifics of any events with Trump.        凯尔特纳说,与那不勒斯那次活动类似的活动已为慈善事业筹集了大量金钱,但他拒绝讨论任何与特朗普有关的活动的细节。
        It was Keltner who arranged the flight for Trump to Naples, on the plane of Adam Weitsman, a crypto-mining investor who also owns a scrap-metal company in New York. Weitsman said he flew Trump and the former first lady as a “favor” to Keltner.        正是凯尔特纳安排了特朗普去那不勒斯的那架私人飞机,飞机的拥有者是亚当·魏茨曼,他是一名开采加密货币的投资者,还在纽约拥有一家废金属回收公司。魏茨曼说,他让特朗普和前第一夫人坐他的飞机是给凯尔特纳“帮个忙”。
        He said he did not have to pay for the privilege.        他说,他无需为这一荣幸付费。

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