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After a reply on Instagram, Eileen Gu faces criticism over ‘special treatment.’

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-14 10:47

        With one gold medal under her belt, Eileen Gu, the 18-year-old American-born Chinese skier, has become a superstar almost overnight in China, charming the country with her superior athletic skills, model looks and standout intellect.        美国出生的18岁中国滑雪运动员谷爱凌夺金后几乎一夜之间成了中国的超级明星,中国民众被她出众的运动技能、模特般的外貌和出众的才智所吸引。
        In recent days, however, the outpouring of adulation for Gu on the Chinese internet has been tempered somewhat by a small current of discontent. Some social media users are criticizing her for being unaware of her privileged status after comments she made about internet freedom in China.        然而,最近几天,中国互联网上对谷爱凌的吹捧已经被一股小小的不满情绪冲淡。在她对中国的互联网自由作出评论后,一些社交媒体用户批评她没有意识到自己的特权地位。
        It began when a user commented on one of Gu’s Instagram posts before she won the gold medal in the women’s freeski big air event last week.        事件发生在谷爱凌上周获得女子自由滑雪大跳台项目金牌之前,一名用户评论了她的一条Instagram帖子。
        “Why can you use Instagram and millions of Chinese people from mainland cannot,” the commenter wrote, according to a screenshot of the since-deleted exchange. The user went on to question why Gu received “special treatment” compared with other Chinese citizens.        根据已删除的评论与回复截图,该评论者写道:“为什么你可以使用Instagram而数百万来自大陆的中国人却不能。”该用户继续质疑,相比其他中国公民,为什么谷爱凌可以享受“特殊待遇”。
        “That’s not fair, can you speak up for those millions of Chinese who don’t have internet freedom,” the user added.        该用户还说:“这不公平,你能为那些没有互联网自由的数百万中国人发声吗?”
        “Anyone can download a VPN,” Gu replied, according to the screenshot. “It’s literally free on the App Store.”        “任何人都可以下载VPN,”根据截图,谷爱凌回答说。“实际上它在App Store上是免费的。”
        Most major Western news sites and social media apps like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are blocked outright in China. Some Chinese, including several Olympic athletes like Gu, can tunnel through the digital border using a VPN, or virtual private network. But VPNs are increasingly difficult to gain access to in the mainland, and the Chinese authorities have punished citizens who have used the technology to scale the system of state-controlled internet filters known as the Great Firewall.        大多数主要的西方新闻网站和社交媒体应用程序,如Twitter、Facebook和Instagram,在中国都被完全屏蔽。一些中国人,包括几位像谷爱凌这样的奥运选手,可以使用VPN——即虚拟专用网络——绕过网络边界。但在中国大陆,VPN越来越难以获得,中国当局已经惩罚了使用该技术翻越“防火墙”的公民,防火墙是国家控制的互联网过滤系统。
        Within days, a screenshot of the Instagram exchange was circulating on Chinese social media. While some people praised Gu for her combativeness, others lashed out at her for being out of touch with the struggle of ordinary Chinese citizens.        这张Instagram评论截图几天之内就在中国社交媒体上流传开来。有人称赞谷爱凌的斗志,也有人抨击她与普通中国公民的困难脱节。
        “Literally, I’m not ‘anyone,’” one user wrote. “Literally, it is illegal for me to use a VPN.”        “实际上,我不是‘任何人’,”一位用户写道。“实际上,我使用VPN是违法的。”
        The fervent discussion of Gu’s personal life in recent days has also spurred broader discussions about persistent social inequality in China. Several articles suggesting that the Chinese government granted an exception to its prohibition on dual nationality, allowing Gu to keep her U.S. passport, have been censored in recent days. (Gu has declined to answer repeated questions about her nationality.)        最近几天里,对谷爱凌个人生活的热烈讨论也引发了关于中国持续存在社会不平等的更广泛讨论。最近几天,有几篇文章暗示中国政府在双重国籍禁令上对谷爱凌予以例外处理,允许她保留美国护照。(谷爱凌拒绝回答人们反复询问有关其国籍的问题。)
        Her mother, Yan Gu, is the daughter of a former Chinese government official and worked for investment banks in the United States and as a venture capitalist between California and China. Eileen Gu also benefited from elite education in both the United States and China, something that is out of reach for most Chinese families.        她的母亲谷燕是一位前中国政府官员的女儿,曾在美国的投资银行工作,并且是一名在加州和中国之间投资的风险投资家。谷爱凌同时受益于美国和中国的精英教育,这对大多数中国家庭来说是遥不可及的。
        In one viral article, a writer drew a comparison between Gu and a woman in southern China who appeared in a recent widely circulated video chained by the neck inside a shed. Since it emerged last month, the video has sparked public anger toward the Chinese authorities for their failure to protect vulnerable women.        在一篇被人们疯狂传播的文章中,一位作家将谷爱凌和中国南方的一名女性进行了比较,该女性出现在最近广泛传播的一段视频中。她的脖子被铁链拴住,锁在棚子里。该视频自上个月出现以来,引发了公众对中国当局未能保护弱势女性的愤怒。
        “The systemic challenges and structural shackles that Chinese women face have not changed,” the author’s article wrote. “The reality is that the vast majority of women have no chance to become Eileen Gu.”        “中国女性面对的体系性困境和结构性桎梏,并没有什么改变,”作者在文章中写道。“现实是,绝大多数女性没有机会成为谷爱凌。”
        In recent days, Chinese censors stepped in to block that article, too.        最近几天,中国审查人员也出手删除了那篇文章。

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