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What’s black and white, weighs half a pound and is popular in China?

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-14 11:48

        Nobody expected a shortage of stuffed pandas when China won the rights to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. But a week into the Games, the Chinese public now appears interested in little else.        当中国赢得2022年冬奥会主办权时,没有人预料到熊猫毛绒玩具会成为紧俏商品。但在奥运会开幕一周后,中国公众如今似乎只对它感兴趣。
        In the final days before the Beijing Olympics began, it seemed as though the Chinese public might barely even notice the competitions. Streets were decorated with red Lunar New Year lanterns, not the five rings of the Olympics. And coronavirus precautions made it hard to organize Olympics viewing parties.        在北京奥运会开幕前的最后几天,中国公众似乎没怎么注意到赛事。街头挂满红色的春节灯笼,而不是奥运五环。而新冠防疫措施使人们很难组织奥运观赛聚会。
        Now though, websites are flooded with discussions about the competitions and the athletes, and an unexpected buying frenzy has emerged for Olympics memorabilia. Souvenir coins are selling well. So are nonfungible token Olympics pins. (NFTs are digital files created using blockchain computer code, much like the code that makes Bitcoin possible.)        然而现在,网站上充斥着关于比赛和运动员的讨论,并且出乎意料地出现了购买奥运纪念品狂潮。纪念币很畅销。NFT奥运纪念徽章也是如此。(NFT是使用区块链计算机代码创建的数字文件,很像比特币使用的代码。)
        And most popular of all is an 8-inch-tall plush stuffed animal version of the Beijing Olympics mascot — Bing Dwen Dwen, a rotund panda in a suit of ice. The main version of the stuffed animal weighs seven ounces and sells for $30 at 162 official Olympics memorabilia stores nationwide. Long lines form every morning to buy limited stocks.        最受欢迎的是20厘米高的北京奥运会吉祥物“冰墩墩”的毛绒玩具版——一个身穿冰装、圆滚滚的熊猫。这个毛绒玩具的常见版本重200克,在全国162家官方奥运纪念品商店中售价为192元。每天早上都有人排起长队购买有限的库存。
        Online scalping of the toys has also been rife, despite efforts by the authorities to stop it, with prices said to run into the hundreds of dollars. The Beijing police said on Tuesday that they were imposing unspecified administrative penalties on three people who they said had “violated normal market operations” by trading Bing Dwen Dwen stuffed animals.        尽管当局采取了制止措施,但网上倒卖玩具的行为还是很普遍,据说价格高达千元以上。北京警方上周二表示,他们将对三名交易“冰墩墩”毛绒玩具的人实施行政处罚,但未说明具体处罚内容,他们说这些人交易“冰墩墩”毛绒玩具“扰乱正常购买秩序”。
        “There are some people who have ‘crooked ideas’ and resell at high prices,” the police said in an online statement. They tried to reassure a nervous public that “active measures have been coordinated to promote production,” and that there would “be a steady supply of Bing Dwen Dwen to the market.”        “有个别人打起了‘歪主意’,在指定销售网点等地高价倒卖,非法牟利,”警方在网上声明中表示。他们试图安抚紧张的公众,称“目前已协调采取积极措施推进生产,会有源源不断的‘冰墩墩’供应到市场”。
        The frenzy over the stuffed animal is unusual, because it is not even a limited edition. China is the center of the world’s toy manufacturing industry and makes vast numbers of stuffed animals. Stuffed pandas have long been ubiquitous in souvenir shops and toy stores.        人们对这种毛绒玩具的狂热非同寻常,因为它甚至不是限量版。中国是世界玩具制造业的中心,生产大量的毛绒玩具。长期以来,毛绒熊猫在纪念品商店和玩具店随处可见。
        In east-central China’s Jiangsu Province, a big manufacturing area, the Consumer Council warned bootleg panda producers against copying Bing Dwen Dwen. The council cautioned the public to steer clear of pirated pandas.        在制造大省江苏,消费者委员会警告盗版熊猫生产者不要抄袭“冰墩墩”。该委员会警告公众不要购买盗版大熊猫。
        Xianyu, a popular Chinese website for secondhand trading, has halted all transactions involving Bing Dwen Dwen products. That includes Bing Dwen Dwen key rings, which sell for $9 in authorized stores but were reported to have reached $33 in online transactions before the trading halt.        受欢迎的中国二手交易网站“闲鱼”已经停止了所有涉及“冰墩墩”产品的交易。其中包括“冰墩墩”钥匙圈,该产品在授权商店的售价为58元,但据报道,在交易暂停前,该产品的网上交易价格已达到200元。
        On Friday afternoon, a nearly hourlong line of shoppers waited outside the flagship Olympics memorabilia store in downtown Beijing. Nobody in the line was willing to admit buying souvenirs to speculate on the price — not even the numerous middle-aged men in black jackets.        周五下午,北京市中心的奥运纪念品旗舰店外,购物者排了近一个小时的队。队伍里没有人愿意承认购买纪念品是为了投机——即使是众多身穿黑夹克的中年男子也不愿意承认。
        The men insisted that they were not panda purveyors but had come to buy stuffed animals for their loved ones.        这些男子坚称,他们不做熊猫转卖生意,只是来给亲人买毛绒玩具的。
        Inside the store, some counters were empty of merchandise. There was a long line for the remaining key rings.        在店里,一些柜台已经空了。人们排起长队购买仅剩的钥匙圈。
        Jiang Chao, a 37-year-old Beijing resident in a green coat, said that the design of Bing Dwen Dwen appealed to adults as well as children. He also saw national pride in the panda’s popularity.        身穿绿色外套的37岁北京居民蒋超(音)说,冰墩墩的设计既吸引成年人,也吸引儿童。大熊猫的广受欢迎也令他感受到了民族自豪感。
        “A main reason is the rise of domestic brands,” he said. “We are proud of the opening of the Winter Olympics. We are also confident in our culture.”        “主要原因是国货崛起,”他说。“冬奥会开办,我们都有自豪感。我们对文化也比较自信。”
        When a guard announced that all of the day’s quota of stuffed animals had been sold, Zhao Tianyu, a Beijing teenager, was not deterred.        一名保安宣布当天的毛绒玩具已经售罄,北京的青少年赵天宇(音)不为所动。
        “No worries,” he said. “We will wait here all night long.”        “没事儿,”他说。“我们准备在这通宵。”

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