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Athletes are all smiling and praising quality of Beijing 2022, says IOC official

来源:中国日报    2022-02-15 08:00

        ALWAYS A SATISFACTION各国运动员都满意        Dubi introduced that the IOC president Thomas Bach used to have a very important meeting every morning to go through Games coordination, but he called it off just a few days ago, which, as Dubi explained, is "very rare."杜比介绍说,国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫过去每天早上都要开一个非常重要的赛事协调会议,但就在几天前,他取消了这个会议。杜比称,这是“非常罕见的”。
        "This says a lot about the quality of the organization, the attention to the details," said Dubi. "But in particular, the organizers are doing everything to support the athletes."杜比说:“这说明了赛事的组织质量,以及对细节的重视,尤其是组织者正在全力支持运动员。”        "No athletes have said anything critical. On the contrary, they are all smiling and praising the quality of the venues, the quality of the organization, the quality of the accommodation and the food. When the athletes are satisfied, you cannot expect anything more," he said.杜比称:“没有运动员提出过任何批评。相反,他们的脸上洋溢着笑容,都在称赞场馆、赛事组织、住宿和餐饮的质量。当运动员都心满意足时,我们还有什么不满意的呢。”
        "You have the most advanced weather forecasting system, great operators teaming up with the International Federations and the media, whatever the weather throws at us, we're going to meet the challenge."“北京冬奥组委拥有最先进的天气预报系统,与国际单项体育组织、奥林匹克转播服务公司等也密切配合,因此无论遭遇什么样的坏天气,我们都可以克服。”        在北京申办冬奥期间,杜比曾跟随国际奥委会评估委员会来华考察。他回忆说,当时听到将有三个赛区举办冬奥会,北京赛区大部分使用2008年奥运会场馆,张家口赛区也使用一些现有场馆,只有延庆赛区需要新建场馆时,就已经感觉这是令人难以置信的规划。
        "I never expected that you would go over and above," he said.他表示:“我没有想到,你们会做得更好。”        Dubi went on with the natural CO2 refrigeration systems being used at four Beijing 2022 ice venues as it is "far better than anything we had previously," as well as methods used in the Yanqing competition zone, which "will set up the new standard for the future, including in more traditional winter countries."杜比称,北京冬奥会四个冰上场馆使用的二氧化碳制冷剂,“比以前使用的制冷剂都要好”。他还表示延庆赛区的做法为未来、为许多传统冬季运动国家树立了新标准。
                 NEVER A DOUBT从未担心北京冬奥会因疫情而延期
        When being asked if there was a moment of concern about the rescheduling of Beijing 2022, Dubi said "no" without any hesitation.当被问及在过去,有没有一刻担忧过北京冬奥会因疫情而延期?杜比的回答很干脆:“从来没有。”        "When we took the decision to postpone Tokyo, life was suspended. Everybody was confined at home, everything stopped including sports.“当我们决定推迟东京奥运会的时候,全世界都按下了暂停键,大家只能待在家里,包括体育赛事在内的一切活动都停止了。”
        Then throughout the summer of 2020, sports resumed, a number of competitions were organized under different circumstances. And we started to see it's possible to host an event on a smaller scale. And then we learned a lot from Tokyo."“但从2020年夏天开始,体育赛事逐渐恢复,在不同的情况下组织了一些比赛。我们看到了举办相对较小规模体赛事的可能。东京奥运会的成功举办也提供了许多经验。”        "But without the concern of any postponement or big impact, we've never ever had any doubt that it (Beijing 2022) would be delivered," Dubi said.杜比说:“但是我们从来没有担心过北京冬奥会推迟或受到重大影响,我们从来没有怀疑过北京冬奥会会如期举行。”
        Dubi also admitted that the degree of sophistication to deliver the Games amid COVID-19 from an operational standpoint as it would already require hundreds of policies and procedures under normal circumstances, not to mention the pandemic.杜比还坦言,从操作上来看,在新冠疫情期间举办奥运会很复杂。在没有疫情的情况下,举办一届奥运会原本就有成百上千条政策与程序,更不用提疫情带来的问题。        As some have claimed that it is impossible to experience Beijing and China in a closed-loop, Dubi shared a different point of view.对于有声音称在闭环内无法体验北京和中国的生活,杜比持有不同观点。
        "The number one objective was to hold the Games in a safe way, and the closed-loop is delivering exactly that," he said. "And we are interacting with the citizen of Beijing through the volunteers, the organizing committee and the technical officials. It's an experience of the Olympic Games in times of COVID-19. But number one, everybody is safe."他说:“我们的首要目标是以安全的方式举办冬奥会,而闭环实现了这一点。与此同时,我们可以在闭环内与北京本地的志愿者、组委会、技术官员等进行交流。这是在疫情下的一届奥运会,所有人的安全是第一位。”        在北京获得2008年奥运会举办权之后,杜比曾多次来到中国。
        "What amazed me at the time and continue to amaze me today is the dynamism, the incredible will of China and Beijing as a city to develop itself to constantly strive for improvement," Dubi noted.杜比称:“无论过去还是现在,我一直感叹于中国的活力,中国和北京总是不断追求发展与进步。”        "I can imagine that after the success of 2008 and 2022 [Olympic Games], China will continue to be incredibly successful."“可以预见,在成功举办2008年北京奥运会和2022年北京冬奥会后,中国将继续取得了不起的成功。”

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