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Difficulty in finding official merchandise reflects commitment to stop counterfeits

来源:中国日报    2022-02-16 08:00

        Zhang Zhicheng, a spokesman for the National Intellectual Property Administration, said the difficulty buyers face in getting merchandise demonstrates the country's stronger and more comprehensive protection of Olympic symbols.国家知识产权局新闻发言人张志成表示,“一墩难求”的现象表明中国对奥林匹克标志的保护力度更大、更全面。
        Comprehensive intellectual property protection guarantees the rights and interests of IPR owners, and also promotes the dissemination of Olympic culture, he said.张志成表示,全方位的知识产权保护网有力保护了权利人的合法权益,也促进了奥林匹克文化的传播。
        Sun Lei, an IPR lawyer at Yuanhe Partners in Beijing, said that difficulty in buying a Bing Dwen Dwen doll reflects enhanced awareness of the importance of protecting Olympic symbols, adding that thanks should go to the country's early warnings on the issue and other measures.北京元合律师事务所知识产权律师孙磊(音译)称,“一墩难求”折射出公众对保护奥林匹克标志重要性的认识提升。孙磊还称,这多亏了中国在这个问题上的预警和其他举措。
        It stipulated that no individual or department could use the images or names of the mascots for private reasons, nor distort or tamper with them in any other fashion. It added that using the images in anything other than the official designs was also prohibited.公告规定,任何单位或个人不得私自使用北京冬奥吉祥物形象和名称,或对其进行歪曲、篡改,也不得在任何非官方设计上使用其形象。
        So far, 63 Olympic symbols, 14 patents and 315 trademarks submitted by the organizing committee have been placed under all-encompassing protection, according to the National Intellectual Property Administration.国家知识产权局的数据显示,到目前为止,组委会提交的63个奥林匹克标志、14项专利和315个商标已受到全面保护。
        In October, the administration launched a campaign on protecting Olympic symbols, increasing inspections of markets and e-commerce platforms. The campaign will continue until the end of June.去年10月,中国政府发起了一场保护奥林匹克标志的行动,加强了对市场和电子商务平台的检查。这场行动将持续到今年6月底。
        Reviews of trademark and patent applications involving the Beijing 2022 Winter Games have also been strengthened to prevent Olympic symbols and the names of athletes from being misused.中国还加强了对涉及北京2022年冬奥会的商标和专利申请的审查,以防止奥林匹克标志和运动员姓名被滥用。
        Kang Lixia, an IPR lawyer at the Beijing Xuanfa Law Firm, said that the timely campaign, harsh punishments and strict reviews have contributed to keeping the Games running smoothly. "The strong protection of Olympic symbols and countermeasures against IPR violators have also shown that China is on its way to being an IPR power, which will help us build a good global reputation and encourage innovators," she added.北京玄法律师事务所知识产权律师康丽霞(音译)表示,行动及时、惩罚严厉和审查严格有助于保证冬奥会的顺利举行。她还称:“对奥林匹克标志的有力保护和打击知识产权侵权行为的措施也表明,中国正在向知识产权大国迈进,这将有助于我国建立良好的全球声誉,并鼓励创新。”

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