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What’s in a name? For Taiwan, a lot.

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-06 10:20

        A week ago, Taiwan said it would not participate in the opening ceremony of the Winter Games in Beijing. Then the island democracy reversed its decision, citing pressure from the International Olympic Committee.        一周前,台湾曾表示不会参加北京冬奥会开幕式。然后,这个民主岛屿以来自国际奥委会的压力为由,收回了此前的决定。
        In at first declining, Taiwanese officials had pointed to inconvenient flight schedules and pandemic restrictions. But they are also engaged in a political rivalry with Beijing over the Olympics, embodied in one persistent issue: the name of Taiwan’s delegation.        在一开始拒绝参加开幕式时,台湾官员的理由是航班时间不便,以及疫情限制措施。但围绕着奥运会,他们也身处一场与北京的政治较量,主要体现在一个挥之不去的问题上:台湾代表团的名称。
        Taiwan, a self-ruled island that China claims as its territory, has for decades been compelled to compete in international sports events as “Chinese Taipei” rather than as Taiwan or under its formal name, Republic of China. The International Olympic Committee’s rules prohibit delegations from Taiwan from using any symbols suggesting that the island is a sovereign nation.        台湾是一个自治岛屿,中国则宣称台湾是其领土。数十年来,台湾都被迫以“中华台北”的名称,而非“台湾”或是其正式名称“中华民国”参与国际体育赛事。国际奥委会的规定禁止台湾代表团使用任何暗示该岛为主权国家的标志。
        When Taiwan said on Monday that it had decided to take part in the opening ceremony, officials from the island urged China not to try to use the Games to suppress Taiwan. They did not go into specifics, but some Taiwanese officials worry that Beijing might use the Games to undermine the island’s status.        当台湾周一表示已决定参加开幕式时,岛内官员敦促中国不要试图借冬奥会打压台湾。他们没有作出详细说明,但一些台湾官员担忧北京可能利用冬奥会削弱这座岛屿的地位。
        The dispute centers on the Chinese rendering of the Taiwanese delegation’s name, “Chinese Taipei.” Officially, the delegation’s Chinese name is Zhonghua Taipei. But officials on the mainland often refer to the Taiwanese delegation as Zhongguo Taipei. Zhongguo is the Chinese name for China; referring to the Taiwanese delegation as such implies that the athletes and the island they represent are part of China.        争端的核心是台湾代表团名称的中文表述。该代表团的官方中文名为“中华台北”,但大陆官员往往将台湾代表团称为“中国台北”。以后者称呼台湾代表团意味着运动员和他们所代表的岛屿是中国的一部分。
        In 2008, when the Taiwan delegation marched into the National Stadium in Beijing for the Summer Olympics, the event’s Chinese announcer stuck to the official version of the delegation’s name. But relations between the two sides have since deteriorated, and concerns have grown that this time, China might use the ceremonies as an opportunity to assert its claim over Taiwan.        2008年,当台湾代表团行进入位于北京的国家体育场、参加夏季奥运会时,主持人遵循了代表团名称的官方版本。但自那之后,两岸关系迅速恶化,人们越来越担心这次中国可能会利用开幕式的机会宣称其对台湾的主权。
        On Friday, the delegation will not get to use the name Taiwan on their national team uniforms, sing their anthem or carry the island’s flag during the opening ceremony.        周五,在开幕式期间,台湾代表团没能在他们的国家队服上使用台湾的名称、唱出他们的国歌或是手举该岛旗帜。
        “I actually feel a bit disappointed that I can’t compete with the name of Taiwan,” Lin Sin-rong, a luger who is competing in Beijing, said in January. “When it comes to China, I do what I should and keep what I shouldn’t say in my heart.”        “我不能用台湾,其实还是会有点落寞,”在冬奥会出赛的雪橇运动员林欣蓉1月说。“遇到中国的时候,这是不该做的事,有些不该说的就自己放在心里。”
        Ho Ping-jui, a 23-year-old Alpine skier and a first-time Olympian, said he hoped to raise the international visibility of Taiwan, where he grew up.        在台湾长大的高山滑雪运动员何秉睿今年23岁,此次首度参加奥运会。他说希望能提升台湾在国际上的可见度。
        “I hope more friends from the world can know Taiwan by seeing me ski,” Ho, 23, said before heading to Beijing from Taipei last week. “I always tell people that I’m from Taiwan when I’m abroad.”        “我希望借由滑雪让更多世界的朋友认识台湾,”在上周从台北动身前往北京前,何秉睿说。“在出国的时候,我都是跟大家讲我来自台湾。”

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