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Trucker Protests in Canada: What You Need to Know

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-11 01:54

        Truck drivers protesting vaccine mandates are parking their rigs in the middle of intersections in Canadian cities, blocking traffic and, in some places, bringing daily life and business to a standstill.        抗议强制接种疫苗规定的加拿大卡车司机将车停在多座城市的十字路口,造成交通堵塞,在一些地方,日常生活和商业陷入停顿。
        Mayor Jim Watson of Ottawa said, “We’re in the midst of a serious emergency, the most serious emergency our city has ever faced.” The protests quickly inspired similar convoys in Australia and New Zealand.        渥太华市长吉姆·沃森说,“我们正处于严重的紧急情况之中,这是我们城市有史以来面临的最严重的紧急情况。”抗议活动迅速带动了澳大利亚和新西兰的类似车队行动。
        Here is what you need to know about how a handful of people turned Canada, whose constitution calls for “peace, order and good government,” into an unlikely springboard for a budding global movement.        加拿大宪法倡导“和平、秩序和良好的政府”,少数人如何将加拿大变成一个出人意料的全球运动跳板,以下是你需要知道的。
        Why are truckers striking?        卡车司机为何罢工?
        On Jan. 22, convoys of truck drivers departed from British Columbia en route to Ottawa, Canada’s capital, to protest a vaccine mandate — imposed by the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — for truckers entering the country from America.        1月22日,卡车司机车队从不列颠哥伦比亚省出发,前往加拿大首都渥太华,抗议加拿大总理特鲁多的政府对从美国来的卡车司机实施的强制接种疫苗措施。
        Mr. Trudeau initially dismissed the protesters as a “small fringe minority” — a majority of Canadians say they support public health measures intended to slow the spread of the coronavirus — but the protesters are having an outsize impact for their small numbers.        特鲁多最初将抗议者视为“少数边缘群体”——大多数加拿大人表示,他们支持减缓新冠病毒传播的公共卫生措施——但抗议者人数虽少,却产生了巨大影响。
        After first blocking traffic in Ottawa, the truck drivers later staged similar protests in other cities including Toronto, Quebec City and Calgary, as well as on the Ambassador Bridge to Detroit, a vital link for the automobile industry.        卡车司机先是在渥太华阻塞了交通,随后在多伦多、魁北克市和卡尔加里等其他城市以及通往汽车工业重镇底特律的命脉——大使桥,举行了类似的抗议活动。
        In Ottawa, the protesters are hunkering down. There are now tent encampments, tables with hot coffee and mittens.        在渥太华,抗议者们停留在原地。现在那里有帐篷营地,桌子上放着热咖啡和手套。
        Even some allies of Mr. Trudeau say the overall target of the protesters — pandemic restrictions — are worth examining.        就连特鲁多的一些盟友也表示,抗议者的总体目标——疫情限制措施——是值得研究的。
        Joël Lightbound, a Liberal member of Parliament from Quebec, said that people worried about the government’s policies had “legitimate concerns” and that Mr. Trudeau should not “demonize” people worried about the restrictions.        来自魁北克省的自由党议员乔伊·莱特邦德说,担心政府政策的人有“合理的担忧”, 特鲁多不应该把担心限制的人“妖魔化”。
        What’s the impact of these protests?        抗议活动有什么影响?
        The goal is to disrupt daily activities for residents and slow down the economy in order to force federal officials to roll back pandemic restrictions.        其目标是扰乱居民的日常活动,减缓经济发展,迫使联邦官员收回防疫措施。
        Mayor Watson has described the protests as unbearable and has declared a state of emergency. During the first 11 days of the protest, truck horns blasted up to 16 hours a day.        沃森市长称抗议活动令人难以忍受,并宣布进入紧急状态。在抗议的前11天里,卡车的喇叭声每天长达16个小时。
        Crowds of protesters are roaming the streets of Ottawa, many wearing Canadian flags as capes or carrying them on hockey sticks.        大批抗议者在渥太华街道上游行,许多人身披加拿大国旗当做斗篷,或者把国旗挂在冰球棍上。
        Some residents say they have been harassed on the street, and recount being frightened or even chased. The police were investigating a possible arson attempt in the lobby of an apartment building downtown.        一些居民说,他们在街上受到骚扰,还说受到惊吓,甚至被追赶。警方正在调查市中心一栋公寓楼大厅里可能发生的纵火事件。
        Some automakers ran plants at reduced capacity and canceled shifts because of delays created by blockades.        由于封锁造成的延误,一些汽车制造商减少了工厂的产能,并取消了轮班。
        Protest organizers raised about 10 million Canadian dollars, about $7.8 million, through GoFundMe for the “Freedom Convoy” cause, though only a small fraction of that has been disbursed. After consulting the police, the company shut down the campaign and said it would refund the rest of the money to donors, citing “violence and other unlawful activity” during the demonstrations.        抗议组织者通过GoFundMe平台为他们的“自由车队”事业筹集了大约1000万加元(约合5000万人民币),但其中只有一小部分得到了支付。在咨询警方后,该公司停止了这项活动,并表示将把剩下的钱退还给捐赠者,理由是示威期间存在“暴力和其他非法活动”。
        Can the government clear the protesters out?        政府能否将抗议者清除出去?
        That’s tough. There have been thousands of demonstrators, and Mr. Trudeau has ruled out using the military to disband the protests.        这很难。示威者已经数以千计,特鲁多已经排除了动用军队解散抗议活动的可能性。
        All the towing companies contracted by the city of Ottawa have refused to tow the vehicles, Steve Kanellakos, the city’s manager, told reporters.        渥太华城市经理史蒂夫·卡内拉科斯告诉记者,该市所有签约拖车公司都拒绝拖走这些车辆。
        More than 400 trucks and other vehicles were illegally parked throughout downtown, including right across from the Parliament building. The police seized canisters of fuel that was being delivered to the protest encampments.        400多辆卡车和其他车辆非法停在市中心,包括国会大厦正对面。警方没收了正在运往抗议营地的燃料罐。
        Steve Bell, Ottawa’s deputy police chief, described the protesters as “highly determined and volatile.” Police officials there have asked for 1,800 more officers, which would more than double the current size of the force.        渥太华警察局副局长史蒂夫·贝尔形容抗议者“非常坚定,暴躁易怒”。当地警方要求增加1800名警察,这是目前警力规模的两倍多。
        Who is leading these protests?        谁在领导这些抗议活动?
        The protests, which were once narrowly focused, have mushroomed into a sprawling campaign supporting, in some case, far-right, anti-government grievances.        抗议活动的焦点曾经很集中,但现在已经迅速发展成一场规模庞大的运动,在某些情况下,支持极右翼和反政府诉求。
        Tamara Lich is a key organizer of the “Freedom Convoy” that arrived in Ottawa. She previously worked as the secretary of the relatively new Maverick Party, a right-of-center group that was started to promote the separation of Canada’s three western Prairie Provinces from the rest of the country. She is also a former fitness instructor who has sung and played guitar in an Alberta band called Blind Monday.        塔玛拉·利希是抵达渥太华的“自由车队”的主要组织者。此前,她曾担任相对较新的“特立独行党”(Maverick Party)的秘书。这是一个中间偏右团体,成立之初的目的是推动加拿大西部草原三省与该国其他地区分离。她还当过健身教练,曾在阿尔伯塔省一个名为“盲周一”(Blind Monday)的乐队唱歌和弹吉他。
        Maxime Bernier is leader of the far-right People’s Party of Canada, whose members are well represented among the protesters in Ottawa. The party has no seats in the federal Parliament.        马克西姆·伯尼耶是极右翼的加拿大人民党的领导人,该党成员在渥太华的抗议者中占有很大比例。该党在联邦议会中没有席位。
        James and Sandra Bauder are leaders of a group calling itself Canada Unity, another main organizer of the truck convoy. According to Sky News, Mr. Bauder “is a supporter of the QAnon conspiracy theory and has openly called for Mr. Trudeau to be put on trial for treason over his Covid policies.”        詹姆斯·鲍德和桑德拉·鲍德是一个自称“加拿大团结”的组织的领导人,他们是车队的另一个主要组织者。据天空新闻报道,詹姆斯·鲍德“是匿名者Q阴谋论的支持者,并公开呼吁以叛国罪名对特鲁多的新冠政策进行审判”。
        What did protest leaders say they want?        抗议领导人说他们想要什么?
        Speaking at a news conference in Ottawa, Ms. Lich said, “Our departure will be based on the prime minister doing what is right, ending all mandates and restrictions on our freedoms.”        利希在渥太华的新闻发布会上说,“我们的离开将基于总理做正确的事,结束所有强制接种和对我们自由的限制。”
        Mr. Bernier has denounced vaccine mandates and has previously railed against immigration and multiculturalism.        伯尼耶曾谴责疫苗强制接种,此前还曾抨击移民和多元文化主义。
        The Bauders have said, among other things, that they support “the Constitution and democratic process” and “remain committed to following lawful process and upholding freedom of choice.”        詹姆斯·鲍德和桑德拉·鲍德表示,他们支持“宪法和民主程序”,并“继续致力于遵循合法程序和维护选择自由”。
        What happens now?        现在还将发生什么?
        Brace for more protests. Prominent far-right figures in several countries, including the United States, Australia and Germany, have praised the protests. And copycat convoys have already appeared in Australia and New Zealand.        准备迎接更多的抗议活动。包括美国、澳大利亚和德国在内的几个国家的极右翼知名人物都对抗议活动表示赞扬。澳大利亚和新西兰已经出现了类似车队。
        Brian Brase, a trucker, said he was organizing a similar effort in the United States. According to messages posted on social media, the convoy may start in Sacramento and head to Washington, D.C.        卡车司机布莱恩·布莱斯表示,他正在美国组织类似的行动。根据社交媒体上发布的信息,车队可能从萨克拉门托出发,前往华盛顿特区。
        Organizers and participants appear to be organizing via private message groups, including on Facebook and Telegram.        组织者和参与者似乎是通过Facebook和Telegram上的私人信息群进行组织的。

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